Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Report On A Richard Rogers Architecture Essay
This study is written to admit an architectural design icon, Richard Rogers. I will be looking at this adult male ‘s life and his achievements. Richard Rogers is my design icon because his edifices are bold, make bolding, attention-getting and of class, inspirational. To acquire the information and research I need, I will be chiefly garnering it from the cyberspace, interviews and picture every bit good as any books I can come across. Hopefully, after reading this study you will understand why Richard Rogers is considered a design icon non to merely myself, but the remainder of the universe. Richard Rogers As a individual, Richard Rogers has lead an unbelievable life, born in Italy, he trained at the AA ( Architectural Association ) and Yale University go forthing with an impressive sum of makings. Richard Rogers, his spouse Norman Foster and their married womans Su Brumwell and Wendy Cheesman, set up an architectural pattern called Team 4, although this partnership merely lasted a 4 old ages, Richard continued to get married Su, and make a new partnership with Renzo Piano when they so designed the first of many inspirational edifices, the Pompidou Centre. Richard won assorted awards for many different edifices, even though he did hold some jobs with the populace about his edifices, he did travel on to plan another edifice, the Lloyd ‘s edifice in London, which is much more popular today than it was when it was being built. Richard has visited many different states go forthing his grade in many of them, including the United Kingdom, Spain, France, Germany, New York and Japan. He has inspired many people with his edifices and his finding. He has non being afraid of seting his thoughts frontward, and has been given both heartache and congratulations by the populace. He is committed to guaranting that his edifices should be â€Å" people ‘s topographic points †. The BBC invited Richard as the first designer to give the BBC Reith Lectures for a series called ‘Cities for a Small Planet ‘ . Richard even became the Chief Advisor on Architecture and Urbanism to the Mayor of London, he has besides been a president of the Tate Gallery and Honorary Trustee of the Museum of Modern Art in New York. If that was n't plenty, he even went on to be knighted and became Lord Rogers. Richard Rogers has many accomplishments and has done many, many things over his life-time, below is a short timeline of some of his most singular accomplishments. Richard Rogers was born in Florence, Italy in 1933. Richard moved to London to travel to the Architectural association. He so went on to derive a maestro ‘s grade from Yale University in 1962. Richard met up with former Yale pupil Norman Foster and began an architectural pattern called Team 4 with their married womans, although the partnership merely lasted a few old ages, Richard rapidly found a new spouse, Renzo Piano, who together won the Prizker Price their edifice the Pompidou Centre which was built in 1977. His following chief edifice was Lloyds edifice in London which was completed in 1986 which became merely every bit much of a memorial as large ben. The European Court of Human Rights ( 1995 ) is really popular in France, for its antic expressions. The Barajas airdrome in Madrid was besides a caput Turner. The Millennium Dome though truly was a antic construction, stand foring so much in such a alone manner, this was completed in 1999. Another large undertaking was London Heathrow Terminal 5, there was so much to this undertaking, but it was eventually completed in 2008. And eventually, a existent memorial, Three Word Trade Centre, it is said to be completed between 2011 and 2015, it is to stand following to two other towers built by other designers utilizing the same manner. Born in Italy 1933 Architectural Association, Yale University 1954 1959 Fullbright, Edward Stone and Yale Scholar 1961 1962 Team 4 1963 1967Pompidou Centre1977Richard Rogers Partnership 1977 RIBA Gold Medal 1985Lloyds edifice1986Knighted 1991 BBC 1995The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg1995Lord Rogerss 1996Barajas airdrome1997Tomas Jefferson Medal 1999Millennium dome1999Chief adviser on architecture 2001 2009 Stirling Prize 2006 Minerva Medal 2007 Pritzker Prize 2007London Heathrow terminal 52008Three World Trade CentreOn-goingBuildingsRichard Rogers has designed many edifices, most popular are the Pompidou Centre in Paris, in London he designed the Lloyd ‘s Building, the Millennium Dome and London Heathrow Terminal 5. The European Court of Human Rights edifice in Strasbourg, Barajas airport terminal 4 in Madrid and the National Assembly for Wales edifice were besides antic constructions.The Pompidou CentreThe Centre Pompidou was Richards first edifice created aboard Renzo Piano in 1977, the design of which won the Prizker Prize in 2007 by fundamentally making the edifice inside out. This meant that all the parts you would normally anticipate to see indoors, like the stepss, air canals, plumbing, overseas telegrams, etc. were all on the exterior of the edifice making monolithic indoor infinite, which is peculiarly utile as this peculiar edifice was used as an art museum, in fact, it is the largest museum for modern art in Europe. Not merely was this edifice functional, it besides complimented its usage for an art museum, affecting its visitants before they even entered the edifice. In theory, holding the internal care, such as the plumbing and air canals, should besides do the edifice easier to keep. Another congratulating facet of the edifice is how each external portion has being colour coded to do certain they stood out instead than intermix in. The Pompidou ‘s original programs were really much more excessive to get down, including traveling internal walls and adjustable floors, which unluckily, did non do it into the concluding design. Richard was at first loath to set this design frontward as he was confident that the Gallic authorities would turn it down, but as it has it, they did n't, and although it was criticized at first and claimed to be ‘ugly ‘ it is now complimented on being â€Å" one of the most singular edifices of the twentieth century. †The central office for Lloyd ‘s of LondonRichard used the Pompidou centre as an inspiration for his following edifice, the Lloyds edifice in London. This was a monolithic undertaking as the old edifice was created in steel where as this one of concrete. Once once more the edifice was designed with its internal parts, outdoors, this even included glass lifts which were the first of their sort in the UK, every bit good as the overseas telegrams, stepss, pipes and even the lavatories. This, of class, left big unfastened infinites on the interior. Once once more the Lloyds edifice was brilliantly coloured and brilliantly lit. The populace at first feared this would do this edifice an ‘alien ‘ is really â€Å" regarded as one of the finest edifices on London since the 1980 ‘s †The Millennium DomeThe millenary dome is another 1 of Richards ‘s creative activities. It is a really cagey design with 12 towers or ‘arms ‘ squeeze outing from the white canopy which support the roof of the construction. Stretching out a monolithic 365m diameter, the Dome is the biggest 1 in the universe. The design of the construction is besides cagey as you will detect 365m in diameter, one metre for each twenty-four hours of the twelvemonth, every bit good as one tower for each month of the twelvemonth. Although you would of ne'er of realized until person mentioned it, it ‘s still a singular thing to hold built in. On the interior there was a big unfastened infinite with a fanlight in the centre of it all to make full with whatever the users would wish, which for the millenary, was split into 13 different zones to educate the populace in an synergistic manner, unluckily, the ?43 million constructing merely brought in half the expected visitants and was eventually converted into the 02 Arena. The millenary dome was a singular construction built for the millenary and had been planned for since 1996, and was originally planned as a impermanent construction to last merely 1 twelvemonth, but as it happens, it ‘s lasted much longer.175 Greenwich Street175 Greenwich Street is the future site of the 3rd universe trade centre. The construction will stretch up to 1155 pess with 71 narratives, four of which will be below street degree. The edifice will busy 200x 198 pess. The edifice itself has been designed to the highest energy efficiency evaluations. It is to hold a cardinal concrete nucleus utilizing a steel frame on the exterior of the edifice. It is planned to be completed between 2011and 2015 depending when the site is available to developers. The edifice will besides be accompanied by two other towers built by separate designers but hired by the same company, Silverstein Properties. All three edifices are to hold the same manner.London Heathrow Terminal 5Terminal 5 was eventually approved in 2001 after a 46 month public enquiry, the longest public enquiry in British history. In 2002 work had eventually started and was non completed until 2008. The new terminus means that the airdrome can back up a much higher rider capacity, but it will non hold any more flights, although conservationists say it will take to more flights and pollution. For the terminus to be built, two rivers had to be diverted. Using unreal waterways to successfully deviate the rivers allowed the ?4.2 billion edifice to be built. Terminal 5 had to include a railroad station and several other edifices every bit good as a control tower ; this truly shows how large the undertaking really is.MannerRichard Rogers has been accused of holding several different manners, he himself is committed on his edifices being â€Å" people topographic points †, although this is non usually classed as a manner, he surely has made it into 1 with his constructions have extremely big indoor infinites. Bowellism is another manner related to his first edifice, the Pompidou Centre. Having the internal constituents such as the lifts, pipes, stepss and overseas telegrams externally, means that there is an unreal sum of floor infinite, which, for an art museum, is really utile. Post-modern is referred to another one of his constructions, the Lloyds edifice in London, holding all the constituents clearly seeable, and so brilliantly painted, and so brilliantly illume When Richard was younger, he dreamed of constructing a Zip-up house where his parents would populate, a zip-up house fundamentally means ready to piece or a level battalion house. Having walls, floors, panels and so on prebuilt and fabricated doing the edifice energy efficient, and easy to set.DecisionAs you can see, Richard Rogers has lead a singular life, constructing many inspirational edifices such as the Pompidou Centre, go forthing his grade in many states such as England, and many metropoliss such as Strasbourg, he has received many good merited awards for his edifices and has even been knighted by the queen. He has an unbelievable design oculus, and is non afraid to travel outside of the box, or in some instances, the edifice, and even though some of his edifices have been criticized severely, in the terminal, they ever came out positive. The fact that Richard is still planing, and his designs still make the public pant is astonishing, hopefully he will go on to construct and design for every bit long as possible, and I ‘m certain that many people will be inspired by his work and his life. All of these things, and many, many more, rebelliously make him a supreme pick of a design icon.RecommendationsTrying to urge anything for Richard Rogers is highly hard as he has done it all, he ‘s traveled, he ‘s married, he ‘s left his grade, he ‘s divine, he ‘s lived, if anything people should look at his life and do recommendations for themselves. Make what you love making, and do it until you die, do n't be afraid of seting your thoughts frontward, and battle for what you want.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Mediation Is a Form of Negotiation
A Learning Team Charter is a necessary element in managing a successful team. An effective team that aims to accomplish manageable results needs goals, communication, and conflict management. What the team will go through is a process in management and here is where the team charter will show its value. Without a team charter, the team process will at the end of the day falter and fail. The major components of the charter needed to ensure team success includes team goals, system of communication, and most important, a system of settling differences or conflict management. To handle disputes a clause called the â€Å"alternative dispute resolution†(ADR). ADR includes processes and techniques that act as a means for disagreeing parties to come to an agreement. Despite historic resistance to ADR, it has gained widespread acceptance among both the general public and the legal profession in recent years. The most common form of ADR is arbitration. Other forms of ADR are negotiation, mediation, conciliation, mini-trial, fact-finding, and using a judicial referee (Cheesman, 2010). The most effective method that will suit the needs of our learning team is the mediation method. If an agreement cannot be reached during the mediation process, then the arbitration method will be utilized. Mediation is a form of negotiation in which a neutral third party assists the disputing parties in reaching a settlement of their dispute. The neutral third party is called a mediator (Cheesman, 2010). Within a team environment the mediator would be the team members not involved in the dispute. If an agreement cannot be reached during the mediation process, then the arbitration method will be used. In arbitration, the parties choose an impartial third party to hear and decide the dispute. This neutral party is called the arbitrator. The arbitrator in a team charter environment would be the professor of our class. The arbitration process will only be used as a last resort and the professor’s decision cannot be disputed. In most cases there are no disputes that occur in a team environment because all members want to work together to accomplish a common goal which in a classroom situation means getting the best team grade possible. In the rare event that a dispute arises, the ADR process is fast becoming the process of choice in settling disputes.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Research and Account Essay
Report One: Old Deanery care home One staff member has been sacked and seven suspended from one of England’s largest care homes after an undercover probe by BBC Panorama found poor care. The filming at the Old Deanery in Essex showed some residents being taunted, roughly handled and one was slapped. The home said it was â€Å"shocked and saddened by the allegations†. Care minister Norman Lamb described the images as â€Å"absolutely disgusting†and said there â€Å"could be a role†for the use of CCTV in care homes. Care Quality Commission figures seen by the BBC show over a third of homes that received warning notices since 2011 still do not meet basic standards. Allegations of poor care and mistreatment at the 93-bed home in Braintree, where residents pay roughly  £700 per week, were first raised by 11 whistle-blowers in August 2012. see more:identify reports into serious failures Essex County Council put it on special measures for three months until concerns were addressed. But secret filming by Panorama’s undercover reporter over 36 shifts found many of the same sorts of issues reported a year earlier, including: a woman slapped by a care worker who had previously been complained about for her poor attitude towards residents the same woman, who has dementia and is partially paralysed after a stroke, was also repeatedly mocked and taunted by other care workers cries for assistance from a resident suffering a terminal illness ignored as she sought help for the toilet, and her call bell for assistance left unplugged on one occasion a resident bed-ridden with a chronic illness left lying in his own excrement after two care workers turned off his call bell without assisting him Report Two: Winterbourne view care home The 11 defendants – nine support workers and two nurses – admitted 38 charges of either neglect or ill-treatment of five people with severe learning difficulties after being secretly recorded by a reporter for the BBC’s Panorama programme They were filmed slapping extremely vulnerable residents, soaking them in water, trapping them under chairs, taunting and swearing at them, pulling their hair and poking their eyes. Whistle-blower Terry Bryan, a former nurse at the home, contacted the BBC after his warnings were ignored by Castlebeck Ltd, which owned the hospital, and care watchdogs. Hours of graphic footage recorded during a five-week, undercover BBC investigation in February and March last year, showed one support worker, Wayne Rogers, telling a resident: â€Å"Do you want me to get a cheese grater and grate your face off? Do you want me to turn you into a giant pepperoni?†Rogers slapped another resident across the cheek, saying: â€Å"Do you want a scrap? Do you want a fight? Go on and I will bite your bloody face off.†His colleague Alison Dove was recorded saying a resident â€Å"loved pain†, then saying to the resident: â€Å"Simone, come here and I’ll punch your face.†Dove threatened another resident when she broke a window in the lounge with a chair. She was recorded snarling: â€Å"Listen, in future I’m going to let you sit on the fucking floor, ‘cos you don’t deserve a chair.†On another occasion, Dove, Graham Doyle and Holly Draper restrained a female resident as a fourth member of staff, Sookalingum Appoo, forced a paracetamol tablet into her mouth. Later, during the same incident, Doyle put on a mock-German accent and, mimicking a Nazi guard, slapped the resident over the head with his gloves shouting: â€Å"Nein, nein, nein, nein.†The Panorama investigation, which was screened in May 2011, led to a serious case review two months later, which criticised Darlington-based Castlebeck Ltd for â€Å"putting profits before humanity†. These reports show that safeguarding of the individuals involved should have been enforced. The failings to do with this incident could have been due to the fact that the care home’s were: under staffed over worked language barriers not had up-to-date training trained in dementia a better approach to safeguarding across agencies a better system for flagging concerns and referrals better information sharing A most recent report from CQC on 1st April 2014 shows that overall, providing care, treatment and support that meets people’s needs and staffing, required improvement. The Old Deanery also had a CQC report from June 2012 which showed staffing problems and when residents pressed their bells in their rooms, they were waiting a long time until they were attended to. This shows that these issues were not addressed. Also the staff employed at The Old Deanery care home ignored or failed to recognise the individual’s rights and need for protection. There was poor communication, planning, coordination and thoughtlessness which left each individual in an abusive and dangerous situation. The government review found as well as reports from the police, the CQC and the local NHS drew the following conclusions, to Winterbourne View’s case: Patients stayed at winerbourne view for too long and were too far from home- the average length of stay was 19 months. Almost half of patients were more than 40 miles away from, where their family or primary careers lived. There was extremely high rate of ‘physical intervention’- well over 500 reported cases of restraint in a fifteen month period. Multiple agencies failed to pick up on key warning signs-nearly 150 separate incidents- including A&E visits by patients,police attendance at the hospital, and safeguarding concerns reported to the local council- which could and should have raised the alarm. There was clear management failure at the hospital- with no registered manager in place, substandard recruitment processes and limited staff training. A ‘closed and punitive’ culture had developed- families and other visitors were not allowed access to the top floor wards and patient bedrooms, offering little chance for outsiders to see daily routines at th e hospital.
Finish part B and C Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Finish part B and C - Essay Example As Ventura capitalists venture into CF ltd, CF ltd needs to function based on equity, and it ought to have a market large enough to validate the millions being invested in the company. Value refers to the combined elements that contribute towards creating the worthiness of a company. The venture capitalist measures the value of CF ltd through identifying certain attributes of the firm such as its assets, shares, liabilities and capital funds. That is an essential tool that aids in identifying the future expectation in company growth. In the proposed investment, Ventura ltd assesses how important and otherwise untapped value creation occurs through the use of anticipated technology and products, and also defining the revenue stream precisely. CF ltd aims at acquiring a new drug line. Most investors know that new drug targets have large barriers to entry due to regulatory processes. As a venture capitalist works on investing their money into the company, first it needs to monitor the company’s trends in the industry and how it conducts itself in terms of adhering to regulations. Knowledge about a crucial investment requires the investor to find established partners who are early adopters in validating a product and endorse it, allowing more sales. At what stage does the firm develop technology? Can the organisation identify and mitigate on its risks? Every business is vulnerable to risk in one way or the other; therefore, the management team needs to formulate strategies that counter the risks, which might damage the firm if it lacks mitigation policies. As CF ltd develops a new drug line, it renders itself to a number of risks; hence, it needs to employ technology that deals with any future uncertainties. As a venture capitalist, one needs to know whether the proposed products stand a chance in the market. As an investor, the competitive edge of a new
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Religion and fanaticism in The Kite Runner Essay
Religion and fanaticism in The Kite Runner - Essay Example n is like the biblical David in his childhood, but he takes on a martyr’s ending perhaps to preserve the sainthood the author assigns him (Hosseini 54). These characteristics then set a base for description of some of the celebrated aspects of the Islamic religion. One of the aspects is adherence to love, forgiveness, redemption, and sacrifice to achieve or show honor for the first three mentioned aspects. All these beliefs derive from Allah’s ability to forgive and love even those who out rightly and knowingly transgress against him. Instances where the actions of a character are as a result of religious grounding include Hassan forgiving Amir for the things he did to him. He later on sacrificed his life protecting Amir’s Property while he was hiding from the Taliban in America a clear sign of forgiveness. Courage is also a vital character â€Å"requirement†in the Islamic religion. Some analysts’ confer that, the Islamic religion places women who stay home to protect their families at the same level as men who do not war for the cause of the religion. Amir, the Main character and narrator, lacks courage , and this puts him in an awkward position even with his father (Hosseini 76). Amir’s lack of courage causes him to do awful things. He betrays Hassan’s honor by failing to help him and then cunningly getting rid of him to avoid the guilt. These circumstances lead to the emergence of yet another theme associated with the Islamic faith, redemption. Amir wallows in feelings of guilt from as early as twelve years. Amir, in addition to his cowardice, has not tried to seek redemption. The author explores this theme by relaying that the narrator attributes unfortunate events to punishment. Amir punishes himself in several ways during the course of this book. For instance, he marries a tainted woman because of his personal guilt for his past actions. When Sohrab attempts suicide Amir cries out to Allah let this not be fate! All the while, Amir subtly commits
Saturday, July 27, 2019
The Papua Conflict Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6750 words
The Papua Conflict - Research Paper Example In spite of the linkages between two New Guinea regions, the European colonialists formally separated the two in 1895 and 1910. Even though the Dutch seized the western part and Germany and Great Britain the eastern side, it did not matter much to the indigenous people. Nevertheless, this division was to have a large-scale impact on the population in the Dutch side after the 1949 Indonesian independence. In 1828, the Netherlands demanded ownership of the West New Guinea, primarily due to its geographical closeness to their territories in the East Indies. The intention appears to have been only to thwart other colonialists, especially the British, from setting up outposts there. As argued by Meinisma, a Dutch historian, the Dutch demands for possession was driven by Sultan of Tidore’s claims for territorial rights. Because the Sultan was the Dutch’s ‘vassal’ â€Å"that portion of the island was accounted to belong to the Dutch Indies.†In truth, the power of the Sultan was confined to a number of coastal communities on the Bird’s Head Peninsula, and as mentioned in the 1884 British correspondence : There is no evidence of the Sultan’s authority having ever been recognized by the natives on any part of the Mainland, or of his people having ever visited any part of it. This is generally admitted by the Dutch writers. It was only in 1898 that a minor government was established under the Dutch Resident at Moluccas’s Ternate.... rnate was initiated only due to the insignificant presence of the Dutch in New Guinea did not merit an independent government there.9 Yet, in 1902 a fierce deliberation occurred in the Dutch congress on whether there should be an independent budget for New Guinea from the East Indies based on the fact that it belongs to Polynesia whereas East Indies was a part of Asia.10 Eventually, for governmental reasons, the connection with Ternate was sustained. Yet this agreement directed Indonesia at self-government to assert that the region was a fundamental section of the Republic. After the Dutch rejected it, it became a root of intensifying conflict between the two nations all over the 1950s and 1960s.11 In the end, under pressure from the American government and possibility of an Indonesian assault, the Netherlands accepted withdrawal from the region and give it to a provisional United Nations organization. In the New York treaty ratified by the Indonesians and the Dutch on August 1962, i t was decided that the United Nations would later on move governance of West Guinea to Indonesia.12 A UN group was to go back to help Jakarta mobilize a movement for independence.13 Its function was to find out whether the Papuans wanted to become an Indonesian province, or prefer autonomy. Roots of the Papua Conflict The roots of the Papua conflict are diverse. They involve not just continuing disagreement over independence but also hostilities rooted in the olden times and persistence of state-supported military activities, violations of human right, and a value of freedom. Moreover there is unending ethnic dispossession in the welfare, education, and health sectors brought about by a mixture of state indifference and environmentally, ethnically, and socially disruptive major development
Friday, July 26, 2019
PDP (personal development plan) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
PDP (personal development plan) - Assignment Example I have always been a very independent person who prefers to work autonomously in nearly all aspects of academics and professional life. However, with the advent of internal business auditing and external auditing consultants that continuously monitor business function and adherence to accepted accounting standards, I realised that team-working was a very strong deficiency at the personal level. Auditing systems designed to measure compliance require collaboration between accounting professionals, management and a variety of external servicepersons which prevents autonomous working. Diagnostically, I discovered through secondary research literature that many companies do not rotate their auditing teams, which builds familiarity with business professionals throughout the organisation and familiarises auditing servicepersons sustaining years of tenure with business operations, accounting procedures relevant for the business, and social relationship development.1 This will require freque nt interaction, communication and collaboration with a variety of business professionals that will expect contribution to discussion and mutual respect. This tends to conflict with my traditional need to work in segregation from others in the organisation. Developing my cooperative abilities, therefore, was established as my SMART goal since it is going to be a realistic part of the accounting environment when entering the workplace. I determined that the most appropriate goal was to ensure that I gained experience working with others by purposely engaging myself with team activities both in-school and in terms of extracurricular activities. I decided that I would begin attending study sessions and attempt working collaboratively with individuals at the Student Union in order to prepare myself for partnered study and building a sense of inter-dependency with diverse individuals maintaining unique viewpoints. This was the most practical and viable methodology of learning teamwork,
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Incipient Elements of Genre Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Incipient Elements of Genre - Essay Example These movies features a number of styles ranging from the most recent ones CGI monster and deranged humans to the most earliest ones nosferatus classic. (Dirks, 2006) In this particular movie "End of Day", it main theme was to show how the end of time was coming to an end at the start of the year 2000. A girl by the name Christine had been born and sucked blood from a cobra immediately after bath. There two groups, those who belonged to the church and those who did not belong to the church in other words, they were satanic. Immediately after Christine was, she brought up in private area so that when the end of times near, she would save the world. Christine was always seeing strange things at night and even during the day. She would always ask her foster mother why she was different from others. At one time, as she taking an apple, she saw some creatures which were not visible to Arnold. His foster father had been seen by the satanic individual to collect Christine and when she failed to bring her to him, she was struck and caught fire mysterious. As Arnold and his friend were believed to be protecting the girl, they had different opinion altogether. His friend pretend to be protecting the girl against being taken by the satanic people but this was not the case. Arnold was confronted by one of the anti Christ individual mysteriously in his house and wondered where she entered the house from because all the doors were closed. He urged that he was very different from the anti Christ person but the person insisted that they were very much alike. Arnold was already possessed by the satanic spirit unknowingly. While one is watching the movie, the worst fear is how the world would be like when the time clocks year 2000. There are a lot fear when the day counts and yet the fate of the world was not known whether it was to be saved by the Godly people or the Satanic people. At one time, Christine was in the Church where she believed she had been taken by Arnold at very safe place only to recognize an anti Christ person among those in the church and she screamed. (Dirks, 2006) As Arnold was running away with Christine in a train, he though he had killed the anti Christ only to reappear again form nowhere. He was again knocked down by the train and as Arnold went behind to check on him, he had disappeared mysteriously. Some incipient elements of genre can also be seen when all the chairs in the church mysteriously by force that was not visible and wind blew breaking all the windows in the church. (Dirks, 2006) Toward the end the movie, Arnold save Christine from the anti Christ while at the same time he was happy to be left alone with her so that she could fulfill his promise of killing her. At that time some strange thing happened and Arnold threw himself to a sword killing him. The most shocking finale is whether this how the end of days will be in really life experience with such confusion for one can not really identify those who are good and those who are in the anti Christ. (Dirks, 2006) Reference Dirks, T (2006): Film Genre, Retrieved from On 16th May 2006.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Generic Strategies model in sucessful Management Essay
Generic Strategies model in sucessful Management - Essay Example For example, due to its information technology systems, the international logistics system always stays up-to-date as well as guides the entire procurement procedure from the brands as well as finding out information about the buying habits of its customers.Also, this helps the entire supply chain as well since the companies that supply Wal-Mart the merchandise always get the information at the right time due to the IT system of Wal-Mart. This translates into Wal-Mart acquiring the right products, at the right time which leads to it being able to offer the prices it does and thus, gets the powerful and attractive image it has acquired in the world. Sears, Roebuck and Co., popularly known as Sears, is an American chain of Department stores which offers a variety of items such as clothing, jewelry, home appliances, hardware, electronics etc. Today, the largest Sears Department Store is located at the Toronto Eaton Centre in Canada. Since its inception, the stores of Sears were known for carrying quality and reliable brands which attracted the consumer in the first place. Thus, Sears has been using this differentiation strategy, of stressing on quality products and carrying big names which has made the company popular and well recognized. The stores of Sears carry very popular names like Levi, Sony, Craftsman, Kenmore etc. which are big reliable names and thus the consumers can be sure they are getting their money’s worth since they are shopping at Sears. Sears ran into trouble w few years back when the company lost control and authority in the market due to losing sight of what made the company truly successful – t he power of the brands that it carried, and it started offering â€Å"everybody’s brands†or simply trying to phase out the fact that brands are important for consumers. This proved as a bad strategy for the firm since it was known for its reliability and its ability to
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Business Ethic - Flag of convenience Coursework
Business Ethic - Flag of convenience - Coursework Example matters over ships flying its flag.†Prevented by the odium linked with flags of convenience, several new shipping registries have placed themselves up as tax havens, more suitably pertained to asquasi-flag of convenience registries that is provided with firm maritime laws and the administrative machinery to enforce and implement them. There are three foundations when it comes to. The first one is that the ship registration conveys nationality to a ship and carries it within the command of the national law of the country of registration. Article 6 of the Convention of the High Seas (1958) particularly indicates that ships shall sail under the flag o one country solely and shall be subject to that flags special jurisdiction. Another is that a ship should also comply with international laws embodied in conventions that have been approved by the flag state and that is enforced. Apart from this, a ship could also be subject to the laws imposed by a country in whose territorial waters or port it is at present functioning. However the "law of the flag" often has supremacy over the "law of the port of call." Since the country of registry together with the law of the flag primarily influence ship operating economics, the option of register is critical to ship-owners. Ship registries could be divided into two broad categories: closed and open registers. Closed registers limit flagging only to nationals, such that a German would not be able to register his ships under the Russian flag. On the contrary, open registers are available to any ship-owner in spite of nationality. For instance, the United Kingdom is considered as an open register in that an American shipowner could register his vessels in the name of the British flag. Amongst open registries, there are national registers which deal with shipping companies in fundamentally the similar manner as any other business in the country. It is also noted that there are international registers which have been particularly
Arguable claim letter Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Arguable claim letter - Personal Statement Example The 1986 Crown Victoria sedan that we recently purchased has been giving us problems since the first week. They were reported and we, trusting your advice, tried to remedy the problem ourselves and with a local gentleman that acts as an auto mechanic on a casual basis. Imagine our surprise when a major mechanical failure that is clearly linked to the other problems occurred 32 days after purchase of the vehicle. Our surprise turned to disappointment when we were informed that you would not honor your bumper-to-bumper 30-day warrantee because it had expired two days earlier. The specifics of our complaint are as follows. On June 15th, we purchased the 1986 Crown Victoria sedan for $1200 from Warren Jeffries; the sales associate on duty that day. He assured us that the car was in great working condition. We were informed that it had been purchased at an estate sale and had been garage kept by an elderly gentleman since it was purchased new in 1986. The odometer showed 56,433 miles at the time of purchase. Our test drive confirmed many of the claims made by Mr. Jeffries. The mechanics of the car appeared to be sound. We were most concerned about mechanical systems such as the brakes, transmission and air conditioning. We paid cash and left the dealership pleased with our purchase. On June 21st, while driving to the salon, we noticed that the engine temperature gauge was approaching the red zone. As Quick Change Used Autos was along the route to the salon, we stopped to speak with a mechanic. He discovered that the radiator was nearly empty. The lack of cooling fluid was causing the engine to overheat. As the car was under warrantee, the mechanic, Mr. Skinner, offered us a loaner car and promised to fix the problem immediately. We were able to make our appointment at the salon and were able to retrieve our car immediately after the appointment. Mr. Skinner informed us that he fixed the problem by applying a liquid patch to the inside of the
Monday, July 22, 2019
Some of the Most Important Skyscrapers in the World Essay Example for Free
Some of the Most Important Skyscrapers in the World Essay The following discussion analyzes some of the world’s tallest skyscrapers, highlighting their striking features in terms of their architectural design and construction materials that have made some to stand the test of time and consequently revealing how they have evolved from 19th to 21st century. Such skyscraper included here are Chrysler Building in New York of early 1900s, World Trade Center(Twin Towers), Kingdom Center, Taipei 101 and lastly the ongoing construction of the tallest world-to-be skyscraper-Burj Dubai. The Chrysler Building in New York was the first tallest building to be completed in early 1930s and it is even considered to be one of the classical skyscrapers up-to-date in the New York City. In 2005 The Chrysler Building was ranked among top ten building out of twenty five favorite New York Towers. It stood to be tallest building from1930 to 1931 when its record was broken by Empire State Building. However it is still the tallest building in the world which is made of bricks. The Chrysler Building is said to be an Art Desco architecture and presently the architects find it to be the most finest buildings in the New York City located on the east side of Manhattan. It is 319 meters tall (1,047ft). The distinctive ornamentation of the building was not less in comparison of the features of Chrysler automobiles. At the comer of the sixty first floor is punctuated with eagles replicas of 1929 Chrysler hood ornaments. On its thirty first floor corner ornamentation are those of replicas of Chrysler radiator caps. Due to these features among many others it was made to be National Historic Landmark in 1976 (Haverstock et al, 2000 pp. 214-222). When it was competed and the building first opened it did have on its 71st floor a public viewing gulley which was later closed to the public in 1945. Its recognition and significance increased during early times due to its cultural depictions. It featured severally in films, arts, advertisement, art work, music, literature and fashions to mention but a few due to the vicinity at which such works were being performed. To date Chrysler Building is the third tallest building after the Bank of America Building in New York City. Another significant skyscraper in world’s history is World Trade Center which also sometimes is referred to as Twin Towers that was an outstanding landmark just before it was shattered in September 11, 2001 attack. It design was such innovatory that it was done to look like futuristic sculpture. The building itself was sophisticated in that it consisted of two towers, the North tower and the South tower which were at different heights 1368 ft (417M) and 1362 ft ( 415M) respectively, together with five other complex buildings. These towers were identical in the design that why it was given the name Twin Towers. Twin Towers by the time of its completion it was the tallest building in the world until the construction of Chicago’s Shears and Petronas in Malaysia. The World Trade Center building was situated at Lower Manhattan. The tower construction started in mid-1960s and completed in 1973. Its design adopted new innovations and structural systems with technological advancements that employed lightweight and modular construction. Its design was meant to resist strong wind of load of 2kpa. It is recorded that each tower was sixty four meters square standing at 411 M above the street level. Its existence came in to being as a result of David Rockfeller’s dream who was the chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank and Nelson Rockfeller, the former Governor of New York. He owned the original idea of the center construction. In 1962 Minoru Yamasaki was contracted as a lead architect and it presented World Trade Center design to the public in1964 (Haverstock et al, 2000 pp 245-260). Its structural design employed tube-frame design that allowed open floors instead of using columns to support building loads as it was normally done in previous construction making it a totally new approach . It used high strength, load bearing perimeter steel columns. In short the building itself portrayed a state –of –art when it was completed. The construction of World Trade Center took eight years. However, construction of the World Trade Center was not without controversy because its site saw the relocation of many commercial and industrial tenants and residents as the complex occupied sixteen acres of land. Even its design faced a lot of criticism due to its aesthetic aspects. The urban planners and architects described the Tower as ‘just glass and metal filling cabinets’. Its narrows office windows about 460 mm wide were disliked because of obscurity in view they gave onto looking outside from the building. When Twin Towers was completed, it was such a spectacle in that it attracted about one hundred tourists each day. It had observation deck at height of 420 M and at this point one was at ‘world’s highest outdoor viewing platform’ as it was referred. This view was in the South Tower. On a clear day one could see as far as 78 km in any direction. From about twenty miles away the tower could easily been seen. One may wonder of what significance did the Twin Tower played. It was found that about 50,000 people worked in it. Since 1973 every United States of America president had to visit this spectacle. Several events have taken place in this skyscraper. Many mountain climbers have scaled the building. It has featured in many TV shows, magazines, movies and merchandise that gave it so much popularity. The World Trade Center Building has encountered two attacks where the second attack was so severe that it caused the collapse of the North and South towers. The bombing attack of February 26, 1993 caused 30M hollow through five concrete sublevels in the North Tower that was detonated at underground garage. The second attack of September 11, 2001 resulted to a total collapse of World Trade Center . The North Tower was the first to crumble after it was crushed by airliner hijackers and barely after twenty minutes the second airliner hijackers crushed the South Tower. Three of the seven building of World Trade Center collapsed on the same day of attacks. Nevertheless; plans are underway to rebuild World Trade Center Towers that will lead to completion of Freedom Towers which will be one of the future skyscrapers. Before this skyscraper, the Empire State Building was the tallest building in the New York City and again it has taken this prestige Twin Tower collapse. As evolution of skyscraper continues, currently the United State of America no longer enjoy credits of the tallest skyscrapers in the world any more; but this now is ascribe to Asian nation such as Malaysia and Dubai. The Kingdom Tower in Riyadh is also one of the world tallest skyscrapers and but the only tallest skyscraper in Saudi Arabia. It was completed in the year 2001. Though it is not even among top ten world’s skyscrapers it is worth mentioning because of its state-of –art that has made it to win the Emproris Skyscraper award. Before its construction was done, major competitive architectural firms were consulted and about a hundred submissions made taking the final architectural design to three years time. At its completion, it was twenty fifth world’s tallest building with a height of 302 M (991) tall. Because Saudi does not have many Skyscrapers like some of the cities of the world, it is renowned for its tourist attraction both locally and internationally. Amazingly, the building has entrance in each of its four sides. The lighting fixtures in the drive way imitate tower’s shape and its inverted centenary arch at the top was described as the ‘necklaces for the Riyadh city by its designer. It has the ninety-ninth floor, which is a sky bridge that has triangular opening of fifty six meters with public observation deck. This sky bridge rises at nine hundred and eighteen above see level. This gave it unique aspects of being a point of tourist attraction as it is used as viewpoint of the entire city of Riyadh. It hosts the highest mosque in the world with forty one floors. The Kingdom centre is owned by a prince of Saudi royal family Alwaleed bin Talal bins Abdulziz Al Saud. It is also his Kingdom Royal Company’s headquarters. In fact, Kingdom Centre was selected as the best skyscraper of the world for its design and this made it to win Emproris Skyscaper Award. The centre has state -of –art apartments with Four Seasons Hotel. Besides this it has a three-level shopping center in its east wing which made it also win award of design. Its large opening is lit at night in continuous changing color lights. In the same building it has a big shopping mall with a hundred and seventy prestigious stores in the service floor consisting of eighty ground floor stores, and forty ladies floors. Ladies floor has been exclusively designed for women only (Terranova, 2003 pp. 44-49). Taipei 101 also known as the Taipei Financial Center is currently the world’s tallest building in Taiwan and also believed to be the largest construction engineering project in that region that was designed by world class architect C. Y Lee. It stands at the height of 1,671ft (509M) with a hundred and one stories. Taipei 101 building where it rests covers 81,072 square meters (Ali Moon, 2007 pp 8-10). This skyscraper has been designed using the most latest and sophisticated structural system technological advancements. Its design has used what is referred to as Mega Structure System. It is designed is in such a way that after every eighth floor there is space to check wind effects as commonly observed in high-rise. This system also helps prevent disaster. Surprisingly the building increases in its size as it rises up taking a pagoda shape. The design is said to be based on traditional Chinese culture on lucky number eight . Consequently its looks like eight in its upwards flaring section with a support of eight super columns . In its 89th floor it has public indoor observation while at 91st floor it has an outdoor observation deck . Being the world’s tallest building, it has attracted visitors all over the world. To broadcasters, firework coverage is a common phenomenon particularly in the New Years Eve from this building. Also most of yearly festivals are also held here. Its elevators are the fastest in the world rising at 60. 48 Km/hr and descending at 36. 6 km/hr. The building has won several international awards due to the technology employed (Ali Moon, 2007 pp. 11-13) The Shanghai World Financial Center is the second world’s tallest building after Taipei 101. It has a hundred and one storeys and stands at height of 492M. Although after its foundation was laid, the construction encountered financial setback and it almost took ten years to be completed, this skyscraper is the second in the world as for now. However by the time of its planning in the year 1997, it was to be the world tallest building surpassing Petronas Towers of Malaysia. It has three floors of underground parking, shops, offices, conference centers, exhibition and observation floors. In fact its observation bridge is the highest in the world. Also Shanghai World Financial Center portrays real evolution of the skyscrapers both in terms of structural system and design. It has two tuned mass dampers below observation floors to minimize any sway from windstorms and earthquakes. Also after the incident that occurred at World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, there was redesigning of the structure so as to withstand occurrence of any plane crush or any other form of disaster if it ever happens by including 12 fire proof refugee areas and two elevators. Shanghai World Financial Trade Center is the latest to be inaugurated on August 28, this year. However, evolution of skyscrapers to the present age would not be inclusive without mentioning of the Burj Dubai. It will be the tallest ever built skyscrapers in the world once it will be completed. Its construction started on September 22, 2004. In September 26 this year the building was at 707 M (2320ft). Presently even before its completion it has outdone Taipei 101 which has been the only skyscraper slightly half a kilometer in height. So far it is the structure with the many floors- one hundred and sixty floors after Shear Towers in Chicago, USA. This tower employs Islamic architecture where when viewed either from the base or above, it assumes onion shape. Structurally the tower is made of reinforced concrete and steel foundation (Ali Moon, 2007 pp. 16-18)
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Analysis of Physician Views Towards End-of-Life Care
Analysis of Physician Views Towards End-of-Life Care Introduction: It has been estimated that more than 15 million people will suffer cancer worldwide by 2020(1). According to the report by Ministry of Health, over 30000 people die because of cancer annually and about 70000 new cases occur every year(2). Therefore cancer is the third most common cause of death in Iran following coronary heart disease and accidents (3, 4). There are considerable evidences that most of patients who encounter a life-threatening condition such as cancer are growing rapidly in Iran in the last few decades (1, 5, 6). Unfortunately, most of these patients are diagnosed in the late stages of disease, therefore they reach a stage that surgery, chemotherapy and other curative interventions are unable to improve their quality of life. They often suffer severe distress, in physical, psychological, spiritual, social and financial dimensions (7)Hence, the relief from such a suffering is considered as a basic and universal human right (8) and a basic action in achieving Universal Health Coverage(UHC) which has been introduced by World Health Organization in recent years (9). Universal health coverage is defined as access to key promotive, preventive, curative , rehabilitative, and palliative care for all at an affordable cost(8). Palliative or hospice care is an interdisciplinary, comprehensive, patient-centered approach in response to these needs. In other word hospice is a model for end-of-life care based on a team approach to control symptoms, manage pain, and provide emotional and spiritual support for terminally ill patients and their families (10). According to the World Health Organization (WHO), palliative care is ‘an approach to improve the quality of life of for threatening illness situations (11). The hospice care is not to cure disease but alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life at the end of life are the main objectives. Furthermore the mission of hospice care is to enable the end of life patients to die at home, with their beloved people around them (12). Despite the fact that cancer is a leading cause of mortality with rapidly growing rate and late stage diagnoses in Iran, very little is known about the physicians’ beliefs, attitudes and experiences about of end-of-life care. This study surveyed Iranian physicians’ attitudes and practices on end-of-life care for the first time. Materials Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among all doctors who participated in the biggest regional annually conducted educational seminar in the Tabriz city and end of year medical students in September 2012. This Physicians came from East-Azerbaijan and some provinces in north-east of Iran. Generally seminar is conducted annually and consists of clinician-specialists in different specialty groups. The seminar presented the opportunity to obtain current information on End of life care training, knowledge and attitudes, demographic and organizational characteristics, and personal experience with end of life patients. The population consisted of 560 medical students, general physicians, specialist and sub-specialists. The sample size was determined based on the WHO recommendation on 400 sample and results of a pilot study consisting of 30 physicians which resulted in an Odds Ratio of 1.8. Considering 95% confidence and 95% power, two tailed test, and utilizing G-Power software, 161 cases were computed and regarding a dropout rate of 45% the total sample size increased to at least 234 cases. Data were collected using a voluntary self-administered, anonymous questionnaire that originally developed by John Mastrojohn and Agnes Csikos in 2010 (13) and we confirmed and retained its validity and reliability after translation to Farsi in this survey. A translation – back translation process was used to translate the measure; two English language specialists and two native English speaking persons respectively involved in the translation and back translation processes. In addition to apply the translated questionnaire in the study population on 15 persons, a linguistic edit of the measure was done. The content validity of the questionnaire was evaluated based on opinions of an expert panel consisted of eight specialists in the fields of Health service research. After conducting some modifications and corrections the content validity was approved. In addition, we assessed the reliability of questionnaire totally using Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient. The Cronbach†™s Alpha values were calculated for all 22 items (0.92.) and showed reasonable reliability (internal consistency). Questionnaires were distributed prior to the sessions and internship workshops. A total of 38.3% (215 of 560) of participants completed the survey. Participation was voluntary and no incentives were offered. Completion of the anonymous questionnaire was taken as consent to participate in the study. Questionnaire includes a letter explaining its general purpose and providing assurances of the confidentiality of individual answers. Questionnaire contains 22 questions about care of terminally ill patients, 2 questions about personal (age and sex) and 5 questions in relation to organizational characteristics. All returned questionnaires were checked manually for completeness before they were forwarded to electronic data computer. Frequencies and percentages were calculated to compare results and Cross-tabulations using Kendall’s tau-b to test for significance were conducted to compare within-sample bivariate associations between demographic and practice variables with belief and attitudinal variables. Most of these tests were not statistically significant, with the exception of those reported here. All study data were analyzed using SPSS version 16.0.Only quantitative results are discussed in this article. Ethical consideration for this study and the study protocol were approved by the Ethics Committee of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences (TUMS), which was in compliance with Helsinki Declaration. Results: In this study, 215 questionnaires were completed from 560 (overall response rate of 38.3%). Of all participants, 60% were males. In terms of their graduated universities, (76.2%) of the respondents were graduated students of Tabriz medical university. Every physician had visited 24.63 (16.57) patients every day and the average length of service was 5.23 (4.53) years. The physicians identified their degrees as 60.7% generalist and 39.3% specialist. Socio-demographic and organizational characteristics of participations are shown in table 1. According to the table 1 more than eighty percent of physicians have had at last 1-3 EOL patients. It is considerable that 72% of mentioned patients received medical care in the hospital, 23% at home and 4.7% in other settings. Further investigation did not show any statically significant differences between gender groups, specialty or generalists in the number of their daily visiting patients, however differences about their terminal illness patients were statically meaningful (p Physicians’ believes about the most appropriate type of care for end of life patients illustrated in Table2 The responses of physicians about opinion on current cares for end of life patients in our country were as following: 1.9 percent indicated the best, 15.8 percent sufficient with deficiencies, 59.5 percent insufficient, and finally 22.8 percent there is not any care. In other words nearly all of the physicians evaluated these services as insufficient. Furthermore their response to :In your opinion, the best setting for care of terminally ill patients is usually approximately were:20 percent hospital, 62 percent the patients home, 18 percent a nursing home, that obviously is in contrast with their practices that indicate more than 72.4 percent of end of life patients were cared in hospital. Furthermore the differences among two groups of physicians about Best Setting for care of terminally ill patients were statically significant (p Physicians beliefs about the ability of end of life patients to maintain dignity until death showed in the Table 3: Further investigation about mentioned differences in last table didn’t show any significant relationship among specialty, age, gender, work place and graduating groups of physicians. Nearly one percent of physicians stated that they were quite knowledgeable about hospice care and 57.1 percent did not posses any familiarity with this type of care. In other way, 97.2 percent of physicians indicated that they would not participate in educational course about hospice care. Hence 82.2 percent of them were interested in participating in educational course on hospice care. Table 4 shows familiarity of physicians with hospice care and their interest in participating in educational course. Table 4: physicians’ familiarity, behavioral with hospice care and educational course Investigation on significant relationship between physicians’ knowledge about hospice and demographic characteristics were meaningful only in Age groups, where differences in physicians on searching workshop in different groups were significant only in work place (p=0.025). DISCUSSION: There are numbers of important implications of this study. First, the study demonstrates that familiarity of Iranian physicians with end of life cares was low in spite of frequent contact with those patients. Second, there isnt any kind of structured or organized system to deliver services for end of life patients. Third, there isnt any developed educational plan neither in medical school curriculums nor continuity medical education programs. In this study the participation rate was 38.3% which was lower than that of similar studies in Hungary (54%) , United States (48%) and Pakistan (63.6%)(13, 14). This differences could be attributed to methods of sampling and low level of Iranian physicians’ knowledge about end of life cares . Most of the Iranian physicians (72%) in the current study claim that they didnt have any knowledge about hospice care, which is similar to Pakistani doctors (57.1%) who stated that they had heard about a hospice (14). In contrast to the most of U.S. physicians who were quite knowledgeable most of the Hungarian physicians had only a basic knowledge (13). However there is a high level of interest in the physicians of U.S., Hungary, Iran (82%), and Pakistan to participate in continuing medical education to learn more about hospice care. These findings are consistent with previous studies that indicate physicians’ common interest in continuing medical education for end-of-life care(7, 13-17). In this study 72% of EOL patients received medical care in the hospital and 23% at home, whereas other studies are focusing to physicians’ awareness of patients’ preferred place for dyeing(18, 19). However 27% of Iranian physicians mentioned that the preferred place of providing terminal care is hospital, the reasons for this obvious conflict are related to lack of delivering any end of life care in health system in hospital or home. Furthermore 82% of physicians demonstrated that level of present end of life care in Iran is insufficient and 22% believed that there is not any structured service for end of life patients. This finding is in accordance with other study results and reports, thereforeIran was categorized in second group on Palliative Care Development in the world (20). Iranian physicians believed that combination of curative and palliative care is most appropriate approach for terminally ill patients (61.7%) which matches with U.S. physicians and contrasts with most of Hungarian physicians that supported a palliative care only approach for terminally ill patients (13). This may be attributed to the current practice of aggressive curative treatment until the last day s of life in Iran and Hungary. Iranian Physicians’ beliefs about the ability of End of life patient to maintain personal dignity were differed from those of other countries(13, 19) especially for this opinion Most or all end of life patients are not able to maintain personal dignity it was 18% in our study but in the mentioned countries it was 9% and 5 %. These differences could be attributed to difference of social contexts and family structures in these three countries. Most of the Iranian physicians in the current study claim that they would not participate in educational course about hospice care neither would they do in collage curriculums nor in continuity medical education programs. These results are in contrast to most of the U.S. and Hungarian physicians (13) but are in accordance with previous studies on Iranian nurses (8). Intense interest of Iranian physicians to participate in continuing medical education for end-of-life care is clear evidence for this finding. Conclusions: A growing trend of chronic, non-communicable diseases especially cancers in Iran, has led to new condition of needs for providing care to EOL patients. Furthermore our findings clearly indicate unacceptable level of knowledge and attitudes of physicians about delivering services for EOL patients. Physicians of our study were interested in participating in continuing education programs about EOL patient. In response to these realities, designing the specific care for EOL patients, is inevitable and should be starting as soon as possible. Furthermore the education of physicians about EOL care should be included in the formal curriculums of medical schools and continuous medical education programs.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Epicurus and Marxs View on Meaningful life Essay -- alienation theory
In Marx’s theory of â€Å"alienation†it highlights on his analysis of alienated labor carried out by political economy, and sees worker as a misery tool for commodity production .This paper will examine the contrasting perspective given by Marx and Epicurus for a good and meaningful life, and will suggest that Marx’s view is more persuasive than Epicurus, in particular because Marx’s concept relates to our contemporary social phenomena which are much more alike in what we are experiencing today. Indeed, this paper will emphasize two arguments which distinctly are different between Marx and Epicurus’ view on life. First, Marx’s sees the point of life has tied into some kinds of activity like work and materialistic consideration, where Epicurus focuses on one’s experience such as pleasure, contemplation and friendship. Secondly, Marx does not consider wisdom is important, where Epicurus thinks wisdom is a key to achieve happiness in li fe. Marx’s view of alienation is a response to political economy and capitalism, and which has developed an important relation among human, production, and reality with human nature. He sees workers choose work to maintain life; work is not a voluntary thing. People create products that do not belong to them, and they work to satisfy the other’s need (eg. factory owners), not their own, and were considered to be â€Å"forced labor†. Therefore, in a sense work becomes a way people disconnect from their human nature. (p. 51,52) The act of production in a way alienates workers from their activities. Workers are alienated from the object they were produced, the more productivity a worker achieves the more he or she loses the nature of human beings. Since the product is not the creation of their own, workers bec... ...intain our basic living standards. I feel like we live the alienated social structure like Marx describes. Employer paid employees with rate in hours, working schedules; we have deadlines, and work objectives. Yet, we still spend most of our time at work and produce products or provide services which are not belonging to us. Works Cited Epicurus (1), "Letter to Menoeceus" in Jackman (ed), Phil 1100: The meaning of Life, Course Kit, York University 2013, pp. 25-26. Epicurus (2), "Principle Doctrines" in Jackman (ed), Phil 1100: The meaning of Life, Course Kit, York University 2013, pp. 27-29. Jackman, H. 2013 (1). "Karl Marx", Lecture Notes, York University, 2013. Jackman. H. 2013 (2). â€Å"Epicurus†. Lecture Notes. York Univeristy. 2013 Marx, Alienated Labor. (1844). In Jackman (ed), Phil 1100: The meaning of Life, Course Kit, York University 2013, pp. 51-54
Moral Theories :: essays research papers
Moral Theories A.     Morality comes from God. Therefore, moral behavior is that behavior that conforms to the will of God. Immoral behavior defies the will of God. The will of God is correctly interpreted by the Church. Rating: 6. I was feeling this one, until the last sentence. There are so many denominations, and the reason is that they disagree with one another. Many religions interpret what the will of God is differently, not to mention incorrectly. I do believe that a big part of morality comes from God. B.     Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Rating:1! Ahhh, the Golden Rule-you gotta love it. I suppose the only problem is like the example in the book of the African tribe that eats their dead, if I died there, they would eat me because they would want to be eaten. Very tricky. C.     Be whatever you are; do whatever you want to doâ€â€just as long as you don’t hurt anybody. Rating:7. This sounds to me like humanism, although I’m not sure anymore if I know what that is. If this were something we lived our lives around, then it doesn’t sound like there would be many people helping out others, just themselves. D.     The end justifies the means. An action is â€Å"right†if it ultimately produces largely beneficial effects, â€Å"wrong†if it produces harmful effects. Rating: 2. I like this one, and I say it quite often (I’m not sure if that is good or bad). Someone used the example of war, and I agree with that. E.     There is no universal morality. Moral values come from the laws and norms of the society. Therefore, what is morally right in one society could be morally wrong in another. Rating 4. Doesn’t the answer to this one really decide if you are an objectivist or realist? My husband and I argued this one, and he is a strong objectivist. I am caught in the middle because I don’t understand how you can truly impose your beliefs on people that have no idea what we consider to be right. What if people tried to do that to us? F.     People never act immorally deliberately. When a person acts immorally, it is because he or she has a mistaken notion of what is truly good. Immoral behavior is ignorance or stupidity, not wickedness. Rating 9. Whoa, do I disagree with this one. I do believe many people do wrong things because of ignorance, but there are many people who do things wrong and they do it knowing that it is wrong.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Gender Roles in Twelfth Night Essay -- William Shakespeare Twelfth Nig
Born on approximately April 23, 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon, England, William Shakespeare is considered by many to have been the greatest writer the English language has ever known. His literary legacy included 37 plays, 154 sonnets, and five major poems. Among his many plays is the notable, Twelfth Night, a romantic comedy, placed in a festive atmosphere in which three couples are brought together happily. The play opens with Orsino, the Duke of Illyria, expressing his deep love for the Countess Olivia. Meanwhile, the shipwrecked Viola disguises herself as a man and endeavors to enter the Duke’s service. Although she has rejected his suit, the Duke then employs Viola, who takes the name of Cesario, to woo Olivia for him. As the play continues, Cesario falls in love with the Duke, and Olivia falls in love with Cesario, who is really Viola disguised. Maria, Olivia’s servant woman, desires to seek revenge on Malvolio, Olivia’s steward. â€Å"To the delight of Sir Toby, Olivia’s uncle, and his friend Sir Andrew, Maria comes up with a plot to drop love letters supposedly written by Olivia in Malvolio’s path. When she does, they observe him, along with Fabian, another servant, as Malvolio falls for the bait. Believing that Olivia loves him, he makes a fool of himself†(Napierkowski 3). The plot deepens as Cesario proceeds to woo Olivia for the Duke. It is only the second time that Cesario appears at Olivia’s home when Olivia openly declares her love for Cesario. Throughout this time, Sir Andrew has been nursing a hope to win Olivia’s love. When he plans to give up hope of her love, Sir Toby suggests that Sir Andrew fight with Cesario to impress Olivia. Cesario, however, refuses to fight. At the same time, Viola’s brother, Sebastian, who is also shipwrecked, makes his way to safe lodging in Illyria with Antonio the sea captain. After the fight between Cesario and Sir Andrew begins, Antonio intervenes to save Cesario, whom he takes for Sebastian. But the Duke’s officers promptly arrest Antonio for a past offense. Then, Olivia later comes upon Sir Andrew and Sebastian bickering at her home. Olivia, thinking Sebastian is Cesario, leads Sebastian to marriage in a nearby chapel. Finally, Cesario inevitably reveals that he is Viola and Sebastia n recognizes her as his sister. The Duke reciprocates Viola’s love offerings and proposes to her. Olivia assures Malvolio... ...e independent thinkers and advocates for their rights as women. In a time where women were not even able to act on the stage, Shakespeare created two strong characters that challenged the very ideals of Puritanical, Elizabethan society. Works Cited Dobson, Michael. â€Å"Twelfth Night†in The Oxford Companion to Shakespeare. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. Dominic, Catherine C. â€Å"Twelfth Night†in Shakespeare for Students. Book II. Detroit: Gale, 1997. Fritze, Ronald. Historical Dictionary of Tudor England, 1485-1603. New York: Greenwood Press, 1991. Green, Renton. "Twelfth Night: Present Me As An Eunuch: Female Identity in Twelfth      Night." eNotes to Twelfth Night. Seattle: LLC, October 2002. Ed. Penny Satoris. 20 February 2005 . Jones, Elizabeth. Cliffs Noted Hardbound Literary Libraries. Shakespeare Library Vol. I. Traverse City: Moon Beam Publications, 1990. Malcolmson, Christina. â€Å"’What You Will’: Social Mobility and Gender in Twelfth Night†in Twelfth Night. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1996. Napierkowski, Marie Rose. "Twelfth Night: One-Page Summary." Shakespeare for Students. Vol. 0. Detroit: Gale, 1998. 1 March 2005 .
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Charles River Jazz Festival
Decision tree for Friday pressing Mr. Ward is trying to decide on how many CDs to press on the first night of the festival. His intuition combined with his experience allowed him to make some predictions of demand. These take the form of probabilities. â€Å"The probabilities may be subjective estimates from managers or from experts in a particular field, or they may reflect historical frequencies. If they are reasonably correct, they provide a decision maker with additional information that can dramatically improve the decision-making process. Since the problem is limited to Ward’s expected demands for CDs, we can say that our recognizable states of nature are the following: ? Saturday Demand = 1000 and Sunday Demand = 1000 ?Saturday Demand = 1000 and Sunday Demand = 3000 ?Saturday Demand = 3000 and Sunday Demand = 1000 ?Saturday Demand = 3000 and Sunday Demand = 3000 The minimum total demand for both Saturday and Sunday would be 2000 CDs, whereas the maximum total demand fo r both Saturday and Sunday would be 6000 CDs.The intermediate total demand however is consistent at 4000 CDs. We can consolidate them to 3 states of nature: ? Saturday Demand + Sunday Demand = 2000 ?Saturday Demand + Sunday Demand = 4000 ?Saturday Demand + Sunday Demand = 6000 Let’s call these states of nature d2, d4 and d6. We use the TreePlan software to create the decision tree for Ward’s problem. We specified the initial costs of productions as $24,000, $33,000 and $42,000.Additionally, we make sure to deduct the royalties from the sales revenue, since they are considered as future expenses (after the sales occur). Please see below for the decision tree. 2. Maximization of Expected Monetary Value as a criterion The average or expected payoff of each alternative is a weighted average: the state of nature probabilities are used to weight the respective payoffs. ? Therefore the expected monetary value for each alternative is as follows: EMVp2 = $ 6,000EMVp4 = $ 12,000 EMVp6 = $ 10,500 According to the maximization of Expected Monetary Value criterion, we can say that the director of the festival should press 4000 CDs on Friday night, since the Expected Monetary Value of that decision is optimal at $12,000. 3. Paying for perfect information If Ward could obtain information about the demand for CDs prior to committing to the CD production, there will be an upper bound on the sum of money it would be reasonable to spend.The most Ward should pay for perfect information about the two-day demand for CDs can be calculated using the Expected Value of Perfect Information: EVPI = EPC – EMV, where EPC is the expected payoff under certainty, and EMV is expected monetary value with alternative p4. We calculate EPC as: EPC = 0. 5 * 6000 + 0. 25 * 27000 + 0. 25 * 48000 = $ 21,750 EMV = $ 12,000 Total value of perfect information: EVPI = $ 9750 It would be reasonable to pay $9,750 dollars to obtain perfect information. It is thus not worthwhile to spend more than that amount of money to obtain ‘perfect’ information.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Savage Inequalities By Jonathan Kozol
The following paper presents a entertain review. The keep which has to be reviewed is fauna In pertainities by Jonathan Kozol. The news c everywheres the research of the writer on the indoctrinate or disen adequate and privileged baberen. He in akin manner shows a likeness between the drills in urban and suburban atomic act 18as. Further more than in the agree, he tells that how the information is effected overdue to inaccessibility of accommodates to the children in the shoals of the scurvy neighboring atomic number 18as. By reading this countersign, stack substructure comfortably conclude the conditions of the city coachs with the uptown atomic number 53s.The comparison presented in the book is based on the dissimilarity of look of points of life macrocosm stipulation, the races that be involved argon analyzed, the facilities being stomachd to the children there and the situations under which these children ar get direction. Adding unless(pr enominal) to this, he excessively suggests that suburban school prison terms value the m unrivaledy let on, as they provide the children with a relegate and secure future. Children muckle flourish more in the suburban school setting as it is providing them with better and hefty opportunities ahead.He thinks that e rattling the children in the schools should be treated embodyisely and should be provided with an equal amount of m maveny, so that one is non superior to the another(prenominal). If a child studying in the school belongs to a poor background, he should hand over been effrontery equal money so that he can coup up with the other bookmans who be better than him. Theme of the book In Savage Inequalities, Jonathan Kozol tells close to his analysis, that he did by investigation the surroundings of a number of schools in America.His main rivet was the worldly concern schools. The book explains his visits to approximately 30 schools, between the year of 1988 an d 1990. These schools were canonic aloney ranged from the poorest home(a) city schools to the ones in the wealthier sub urban communities. He found a broad gap between the conditions of the communities and the schools. His main focalizeing through bulge the book was on the interrogation that How is there much(prenominal) an enormous difference inside a country with each(prenominal) these customary schools who claim to provide e veryone with equal opportunities? In this survey, Jonathan observed the fact that how the poor schools atomic number 18 not given equal tending, where the commandment standard is low and poorer as comp ard to the one that is being followed in the wealthier localities. The poorer schools be not given money to shape up their current status and can coif up to the mark. Even though it is unavoid adequate for every the children to go to a school until the age of 16, they ar withal unplowed back sue to all the differences in the school in whic h they draw lines and calve them on the basis of race as come up as the social material body.He studies the financial support given to the schools as how unequal that is when it comes to relate the commonplace club plane sections. He also examines institutional and biological racial divergence, segregation, unfriendliness of students, employees that are in disadvantaged schools, substantial decomposing away of constructions and tear down the somatic condition of the apprentices (Jonathan Kozol, 1992). Overview of Savage InequalitiesJonathan Kozols main focus in the entire book is to research the urban school districts, which are uninvolved by the racial difference and course of the students which includes their club. The dreary or non dusters are considered to be very poor, which discriminates them harshly with ones who are prolific and belong to a wealthier class of suburban schools. He observes that even if a school is not creating diversions, the divisions occur within the school that has a vast population of students. This division is mainly caused by the type of direction being given and the career introduce which the students follow.This division is also created by the spate by just idea ab come in there status and considering them superior in class. One of the reasons for these differences could be its all in the head motto. The roughly important tribulations that get to an effect on these institutions are an entrepreneurial structure that involves the imitation of the partition of tap. crops collapse the education to congregate this obligation all the way through the trails of apprentices into the characters that they go out master in their financial configuration.The author further explains and points out that the upper class of albumen people want their children to be powerful educated, and get into better jobs and places. They want to hold back a bright future for them and work in a comfort adequate to(p) environment i n less polluted areas. These people remove an upper hand and forget benefit from the dissection of labor and allow even use their resources to create an influence with the government, in order to maintain their proper places on the positions they are working. In his book, he also discusses a few casual conversations with the students of the schools.For example, he talked about financial support sleaziness amongst institutional regions with a group of wet students in Rye, New York, in that group, one student simulated her beliefs by verbalize that she doesnt exactly have whatsoever interest in these funding supports for the poorer schools, since she was ineffective to take on that how would it benefit her (Jonathan Kozol, 1992). She rightfully didnt care about the situation of the schools that are under privileged. She knew the fact that how all those class and status divisions would favor her in incompatible aspects. Then why would she bother expression the other way?Usi ng different variety of details and scenarios to describe the conditions of the virtually prosperous school such(prenominal) as New Trier High School and on the other hand the most poor school such as Du Sable High School. In this comparison he portrays the most rattling(a) environments in which the students attend their daily school and also tells that in the well rancid schools, the students are given such marvellous and good options and opportunities to make their career. He distinguishes the underprivileged and affluent institutes to demonstrate the readers the worst conditions that are available.Kozol also talks about a very crucial and one of the major(ip) issue and that is of racism. He brings the fact to experience that mostly the poor or black children usually the Hispanic are large(p) savings. No count how good they are or how good they could be. Meager instructive surroundings effect in insufficient coning and serious educational paucity in learners. It turns out to be very billhookable the governance the management, the civilization, and the instructive system do not pass wretched progeny in the United States (Jonathan Kozol, 1992). Kozol vividly illustrates the deplorable conditions of the poorest schools.In distinction, he gives just about colorful images of the richest suburban schools that surround them. He effectively demonstrates the racist conditions and social class discrimination that lead to the variations within the populace school system as well as discusses the funding formula for Americas public schools. Kozol provides descriptions of the worst of the worst, solely his research tho extends to a limited number of urban schools (Jonathan Kozol, 1992). Perhaps Kozol could also include more on his views as to what the minimal requirements for a good school should be. What are the basic needfully of a public school?He says that there should be more poor schools that resemble the better schools. talk of the town of th e fuddled schools and the schooling they are providing, is that the negligible standard that they should provide? Or should the wealthy schools give a bit less so that the poorer schools can come up to their standard? Are all the public schools on the resembling level, as in providing equal opportunities to all the students? As a result, if the parents ask for more than the amount of case education being provided in the public schools, they either demand for more, or mostly go for tuitions or backstage education for their offspring.The possible solution for lack of quality in urban schools according to Kozok is equalized funding. The schools go forth not be solved by funding alone. For legitimate improvement to occur changes in the greater society go away have to take place. After all equals schools are not determined by equal funding. Would equal funding rattling be desired by indemnity makers? If public education was unfeignedly treasured by the politician and if they really believed in providing equal funding for all, a fate of money would become available. Jonathan Kozol in his book Savage Inequalities takes into consideration the condition of some(prenominal) American Public Schools.He visited schools in the neighborhood and discovered wide diversity in the conditions between the schools in the poorest intragroup-city communities and schools in the wealthier suburban communities. How can such immense difference be possible in the public schools systems of the country that claims to provide equal opportunity for everyone? Kozol finds it obvious that galore(postnominal) of the children from the poor communities get education which is far deficient to that of children who are growing up in the wealthier communities.Strong evidence is provided by the book of the national oppression, endemic in the American system. Kozol focuses on the discrepancy in resources amongst preponderantly barren or Hispanic (usually inner city) schools and those that are predominantly purity (usually suburban), event studies and statistics are used to compare the opportunities given to some kids to comply while others (oppressed nations) are set up to fail (Jonathan Kozol, 1992). The matter of the conditions that are faced by children should pose an easy win for Communist feel to explain to people the need for par for all.Its hard to believe someone thinking that a kid, born into circumstances out of his or her control, deserves last poor housing, short healthcare, and substandard education. While people point that adults bring it on them, the children clearly have no control over where they are born. But Kozol highlights, with astonishment, that he found racist arguments being made by vacuous adults about the potential of Black and Latino kids to justify the better funding of the schools in the white neighborhoods.Kozol brings to mind how during the social tendency people would have been vilified by such arguments, but in the e arly mid-nineties when he wrote the book, these attitudes were commonplace. Not just the adults but the kids in these wealthier schools had excuses explaining why they deserved better schools than kids who sometimes lived miles away. The statistics presented in Kozols book are startling bring to attention how classes in one school are segregated racially. In one schoolroom there are all white students with the exception of maybe one or two Asian or Black children.In another class, which is the special class, all black children are present, with maybe one white child. According to the author, the children are disjointed more from each other in magnet schools. The poorer Pilcher 3 children do not get the opportunity to apply for these selective schools. Even if the parents are informed, on many occasion they do not have proper education to be able to fulfill the necessary requirement to reserve their children to the special schools. He strongly disagrees with the disdain approach to education, stating that limits cannot be put on a child for the child will never strive to go beyond that limit.He maintains that this approach will not introduce Excellency but will in fact just double over unevenness (Jonathan Kozol, 1992). Recommendations After reading this book my perception has completely changed, I had never known that a large number of schools were situated in the ghettos and are overcrowded or all had two grasss working package by 1000 students, and also no toilet paper is available. The thing that has really upset me is the fact that schools in the very(prenominal) city limit but in the suburbs have an average of 20 children per schoolroom and also have nice supplies and computers enough so that no child needs to share.It is clear that the mass of these suburban schools are dominantly white and the minorities are in the urban schools. The dropout rates in the book are very high. Most children drop out of secondary coil school and do not get prop er education due to lack of supplies and very little or interest of the teacher. The greater part in the poor schools are that of the Hispanic or black while the elite white class children and the rare Asian children are in the gifted classes of the sub urban schools.The small population of blacks and Hispanics that attend the same schools go to the special classrooms and their mental retardations is shown as a reason for their placement. A majority of these students belong with the whites and Asians, they are not mental. It seems like the teachers were so unmotivated to teach in the urban schools that it reflected off of the children, the children become unmotivated towards learning which has become the reason for such high dropout rates in secondary schools.These children never get real education instead they receive partial discrimination due to the color of their skin. Access to private schools is denied to them, they do not get toilet paper or working toilets, and they are subd ued, so they are not able to expand their horizons and are made to learn without the use of materials or supplies. They are never given a chance to seduce proper education and so they suffer the consequences by living in impoverishment and having their children attend schools similar to their parents.This is all very upsetting to me as even though the school systems have improved a great deal there is zero point that can be done for the poor parents who were not able to get real education due to their color and class. I hope these parents realize that what they suffered from should not imprint their children. Today this issue has been subdued only because the number of schools situated in ghettos also educates the whites along with the minorities. I myself attended a high school situated in the ghetto in Bradenton, Florida. I did not actually live in a ghetto nor did any of my friends.My opinion about Savage Inequalities would be that the book presents a good over view about the conditions of the schools in the urban and suburban areas. The way it compares the situation in the schools is very innovative. But at a point I find the book very disturbing and heart touching, on the other hand this book became an pith opener and now I can look back and think what were the situations forrader and how they are now. It is very good to see the things change with the passage of time. The schools have realized the fact that the race and class doesnt matter, its the talent that a student carries.Although the schools maybe dominating with the majority of whites and the nonage of others, the students are still receiving quality education, without equivalence one race to another, they are able to realize the fact that its not the race which helps a person to succeed from one another. The single inconsistency that I observe in the book was that Kozol failed to notice a few matters. He didnt address to the fact that no matter if the poor are in minority, they still hav e the right for proper education and learn the things that the rich are learning.He also did not defend the fact that its not the poor who are responsible for lack of quality education for the poor children, whether they be in minority or majority. Overall it was a good book, worth reading and spending time on it. It had covered some really interesting facts that I enjoyed reading. On a finishing note, what I consider is that the impressiveness of these savage discrimination, productively arrange offspring into victors and defeats those institutions persuaded the children that they ought to have in some perceptiveness to be unsuccessful in their schooling.
A Mini Vacation to Atlanta, Georgia Essay
Traveling is one of my familys darling things to do. The family has telephoneed numerous places throughout the United States, however, no(prenominal) ar as memorable as battle of Atlanta, Georgia. In Atlanta, thither atomic number 18 umpteen places to go and sights to satisfy such as Cola-cola factory, Cabbage Patch Kids Factory, nether Ground Mall, the Zoo, Atlanta Braves Stadium, sixer Flags oer Georgia, stone Mountain putting green, and the Atlanta Aquarium, atomic number 18 all in or near the city of Atlanta. The three that we determine on every trip to Atlanta are Six Flags, nether region Mountain, and the Atlanta Aquarium.Six Flags Over Georgia is a theme park containing anything from gamblingfair foods to trilling rides. Six Flags provides many activities for all ages. It is non at all uncommon to see celebrated automobiletoon characters, such as Bugs Bunny, roaming around the park. old children and adults who possess strong stomachs may enjoy travel the various roller coasters available. For example, The Batman, is my favorite. The Batman goes up and down suck hills and even loops upside down. My wife closes her eyes the complete time on this ride. Six Flags also has weewee rides available to keep people cool. My favorite is nail River and Hurricane Harbor. Last June, my family and I were lucky enough to form caught under the waterfall on Thunder River we were lactating which was good because we were hot. Six Flags also has games to play and many souvenir shops. As for the carnival foods I mentioned earlier, the move cakes are absolutely delicious. I would highly inspire Six Flags as a place to go when see the Atlanta area.Stone Mountain Park is another tourist attraction near Atlanta. We run most of our time there when see Atlanta. non only is it a fun place to visit, provided it is also historical. The atomic reactor is the largest exposed piece of granite in the world. The face of the mountain was carved by the same man who carved Mt. Rushmore however, he did not shade it. The carving, whichis located on the top of the mountain, remained unfinished until it became a state park. There is a high cable car that takes visitors up to the top of the mountain or one can choice to hike up the mountain. The carving represents three key figures of the Confederacy travel their horses, which are Ulysses Grant, Robert E. Lee, and Jefferson Davis.The width of the carving is the width of a football field. Along with historical museums, the park has campgrounds and ahorseback riding, a train that goes around the mountain. There are also these vehicles that go on land and water. These car/boat vehicles are called Ducks. When you ride this attraction you are given a whistle that sounds like a duck quack annoying but fun at the same time. My favorite activity, however, is the laser show. The laser show takes place on the face of the mountain followed by a firework show. During the fall there is a fall festiv al with a pumpkin vine vine patch. My wife has the most adorable pictures of my kids in this pumpkin patch.Last, but definitely not the least, is the Atlanta Aquarium. My family and I did not even know this was attraction when visiting in 2005, we just happen to be visiting the week it opened. The aquarium always has a form of sea life to view. The aquariums animals are displayed in six different galleries Georgia Explorer, equatorial Diver, Ocean Voyager, Cold Water Quest, River Scout, and Dolphin Tales. apiece corresponds to a specific environment. The Georgia Explorer testify is geared especially towards children. Of course this is my childrens favorite place in the Aquarium. It features a number of touch modality tanks with searays and sharks as well as exhibits featuring sea turtles and the wildlife of precious coral reef. My family and I spend several hours in here petting the sea life. There is also a caf and souvenir shop. My daughter still has the big purpose Nemo s tuffed animal that we purchased on our first visit in 2005.In conclusion, there are many places to visit in Atlanta. The most exciting ones include Six Flags, Stone Mountain, and the Atlanta Aquarium. Each one abide various forms of fun for all ages. For instance, Six Flags shot kiddie rides as well as rides for the older children and adults. Stone Mountain Park offers horseback riding and laser shows. Lastly, the Atlanta Aquarium, offers great marine life and hold on educational attractions.Everyone should visit the city of Atlanta at least once, I know I have.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Global economy: trading blows Essay
in that respect has been diplomatic negotiations impalpable among the US treasury and mainland china oer the chinas transfer flavor. The ph single number has rule the kin of the ii largest economies that would pay back and contour line the future day of the foundation preservation. US has that authorized cursory yield from atomic number 63 and early(a) selected emerging markets. The battle is that, the Chinese silver insurance unbalances the human being prudence and disadvantages the external companies.This has ca manipulation the pureness rear to example challenges in the guidance of its barter and investing consanguinity with capital of Red mainland chinawargon as it has been diaphanous in the bearing the the Statesn rail linees atomic number 18 dissatisfy and fuelled by incidents much(prenominal) as the Google mainland chinaware censorship spat. US is just baffle by the concomitant that it lacks the instruments to use up the over seas art form _or_ schema of government in the advanced sparing. The scratchs it has are misfortunate to coping with the interlinking electronic network that chinaware has utilize to twist around the world(a) manage and enthronisation patterns whereby it uses state-sponsored policies.The US has in the yester course of instruction utilise aged(prenominal) fashi oned computer architecture of the dole fall out polity of a coat bashing thrift that is certain as it nidus on the flip prise on its manufacturers competing aim on with Chinese companies in the American market. though America has backing ack right offledgment instruments ilk the antidumping, countervailing indebtedness and care measures , Chinese imports concur non been stop as bare folk hold up year when one much(prenominal) tool was apply enkindle a push of stand firm from free- get byrs.When mainland China joined the WTO, US and atomic number 63 waste got to use a cumulation of efforts to hold in Chinas lateralisation in the world(a) market. merely China has experienced yield as it becomes increasigingly interested in stance occupation locally and merchandising go swopable the telecommunications, information applied science and media low the form of address of its autochthonic base polity. China has in(predicate) tamed the order of US in its economy by claiming that she is modernizing her economy firearm it get hold the think of of drawing string and soothe bearing from dependency on exotic companies for enthronisation and technology.procural is used to interpretery favour Chinese companies by dint of idiosyncratic adept standards akin the homegrown radio technology which cut across licensing to more(prenominal) long-familiar irrelevant standards. This has do the foreign business representatives strike hard the polity publically claiming that they are slight and little welcomed in china. The notice of crea ms open to justify such job is limited. The about distinct is the judicial proceeding at the WTO. This option is one of the bewitching ones that has do capital of Red China accepts the formula part of dish out relations, not a firmness of war.It has drawback from the income tax return ilk IPR afterward it addled a baptistry on the enforcement of IPR. On the contract of revaluing renminbi that is allowing its contemporaryness to emergence, China has make a rude step of abandoning its bullion pin tumbler to the US long horse and adopting a more flexible exchange rate policy. This conclusion would temporarily courting supranational reproof as plain at the Canadian G20 attain that close rancid into a bash-China posing forward capital of Red China denote that that it was changing the policy.The US establishment barely toothed that this was a victory for tardily the scenes fragility as in that location was the jeopardy that the bills challenge that would fall to into a trade war. This broil had now been solved, the Obama government claimed The economic tinct of the policy has except been limited as renminbi has moreover appreciated by 0. 3 percent. Chinese officials slang control out whatever noteworthy increase in the apprise of specie given(p) that on that point is a rectify in the current fib surplus. withal thither is nearly gene of authorities and capital of Red China is fearful to subjugate an touch that it is heavy(a) into the foreign drive as advantageously as vacate a doctor censure by the US that she is looseness the commerce system repayable to a predictable dumb gustation of the Chinese yearn against the US dollar. References Alan Beatie. (2010, July5). globose economic system business Blows. fiscal quantify 2010. Retrieved July 6, 2010 from
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