Monday, September 30, 2019
Heart of Darkness Reflection
As stated by Professor Rosenthal, characters are not people, and they are apart of an author’s bag of tricks to make a point. I believe the author of Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad, used that character Kurtz as a symbol to represent savagery. Savagery can be defined as an uncontrolled, fierce and hostile individual. I believe there is a certain degree of darkness/savagery that lies within every being, but it does not always emerge, and if so can prevail to the point of ultimate destruction, that is Mr. Kurtz. We come to know and form our opinions about him by reading the story chapter-by-chapter, narrated by the character, Marlow. To fully understand Kurtz’ representation it’s crucial to first know what the author’s symbolic intentions were when creating the character, and analyze how the narrator’s attitude towards Kurtz changes throughout the story. I believe Conrad created Kurtz to make a point to the readers that he is a representation of savagery. Its one thing to just read the word, knowing what it means, or to just say something is savage without a meaningful justification. Reading Heart of Darkness really gives a great depiction of what savagery really is. Conrad used Kurtz to trail us as readers along, unraveling all the mysteries that Kurtz portrays. Not only do I think Conrad connected Kurtz with savagery but with corruption, exploitation, and hypocrisy as well. Towards the end of the book, one is really able to grasp the connection between savagery and Kurtz in many ways, but it wasn’t until the journey continued throughout the story do we realize that. The narrator, Marlow is always open-minded about Kurtz at first, and then he sees the events going on and eventually sees how savage his character really is. In the beginning of his journey, Marlow hears nothing but good things about Kurtz. He envies him, he thinks he is this extraordinary man that he strives to be like and would hope to be able to finally meet one day. Then, as time goes on, he reaches camp and things unfold. Once he reaches Kurtz, he sees all the decapitated heads, and the natives following Kurtz like he is some sort of God like figure. The law and order that Marlow thought existed in the tribe was no longer there. At this time in the book, we realize the ignificance of what his aunt told him before he left for this journey. Marlow meets with her, and she talked about â€Å"weaning those ignorant millions from their horrid ways†(10). I definitely think is an example of foreshadowing that we one could have noticed early on in the book. She knew that inhuman beings are inside that jungle, the major one being Kurtz. As stated earlier, we initially think Kurtz is this poetic, refined, artistic man†¦ all attribu tes, I feel, that are similar to imperialistic ones, comparable to a leader or dictator of some sort. He is charismatic and convincing (hence all of the natives succeeding him). In a way, his character is comparable to that of the Victorian Era. Conrad wrote this book during that period, so it’s easy to say that was a great inspiration for him. Many themes of the Victorian Era were exploitation, corruption, hypocrisy and more†¦ many qualities I see in the Congo from Marlow’s description. In that Era, there was economic and industrial progress, and like any society, thoughts of self-deception, loneliness and isolation were paramount†¦there was corruption, prostitution and more. Kurtz was an example of man testing extreme situations. It’s important for one to have a sense of place, and it’s hard not to be pessimistic when in a situation like one that Kurtz was in. When one is in this place of bedlam, one chooses to make something of it and either survive, or fail; it becomes a matter of life or death. Kurtz took the roll of a dictator in this environment and although he did it through savage, corrupt like ways, he had no choice. Initially reading, I thought Kurtz went from this prestige figure, to this crazy absurd man and had no idea why he was such a superior tyrant in the Congo, but after really thinking about the circumstances I realized†¦ desperate times call for desperate measures; Kurtz did what he had to do and became something that he had no power to stop from thriving. After completing the book, I believe Kurtz is loosing his mind while being in the Congo, being away from civilization. The longer Kurtz is in that kind of chaos, the more he loses his sanity. It’s not good for anyone to be in a situation where all structure is lost. One thing we don’t know from reading The Heart of Darkness, is whether or not Kurtz has always been like this or if its been hidden and Africa is to blame for the out bringing of this Hyde like character. As readers, we are not aware of the ways that Kurtz lived by. We know he has a woman in his life, but do we know the kind of relationship he upholds with her, or anyone else by that means? Kurtz is a mystery that we try and piece together. Reading this made me think a lot of about real life, relative to everyday people. Does everyone have an alter ego, and are some more refined than others at keeping it in? I feel that everyone has his or her own place of darkness. At some point in life, everyone goes through an abstruse phase, Kurtz’ being in the Congo. If I was stranded in an unknown place with no friends or family, completely on my own, I don’t know how I would make it. Kurtz is in that same situation; he made it work, and although he has become this savage like character, its how he’s surviving in the Congo. This is the point where Conrad is doing a great job at making the readers really think about how Mr. Kurtz should be portrayed. This leads us to Kurtz’ final quote before he passes, â€Å"The horror, the horror†(64). Before Kurtz let out his last words, Marlow asks himself, â€Å"Did he live his life again in every details of desire, temptation, and surrender during that supreme moment of complete knowledge? †(64). I feel as though Conrad never spe cifies the true meaning of Kurtz’ final words for its up to us as the interpreters to really think about what it means. Marlow gives some sort of guidance as what direction to think about, but I don’t really know if I could pin point the true significance. Going back to whether or not the Congo made Kurtz turn into the man he was or not is still the question. Did he belt his closing utterance because he thought of the horror that was going on around him, or was it who he has become after being in such a horrific place for so long? I truly love the fact that Conrad really makes use of this character in every way possible to get us to think of Kurtz, and I think that’s what made him such an outstanding writer. He’s able to embody what savagery represents by having these thoughts cross our minds as we read throughout this book.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Are the social Sciences Really Inferior? Essay
Prologue It is a common notion that the social sciences, as it were, are inferior to the natural sciences when it comes to being a â€Å"science†. Some sects in the society even questions the credibility of the claim of the social sciences that they are indeed a science; several faction of the society views social science as a whole as being inferior to the natural science, a number of them even does not consider social sciences as a science at all. The article at hand, tackles this dispute by pointing out several points of comparison between the two bodies of knowledge so as to achieve clarity and a definitive answer regarding the matter at hand. The following are the points that the author of the article pointed out: invariability of observations, objectivity of observations and explanations, verifiability of hypothesis, exactness of findings, measurability of phenomena, constancy of numerical relationships, predictability of future events, distance from everyday experience, and stan dards of admission and requirements. The points presented by the author of the selection will be pondered upon in this paper in such a manner that clarity and clearness may be achieved. In this respect, the author of this paper took liberty of dividing the work into several headings, just like what the original writer did, and after each heading the authors own explanation of the matter at hand will be presented. In this manner, the author hopes to arrive at a scholarly paper that can ascertain the matter at hand. Invariability of observations To make things simpler, the notion that the author of the said article wants to establish under this heading is that the natural sciences imposes a sort of superiority over the social sciences. This is because of the fact that the natural sciences are invariant when it comes to its object of study, hence its object of study may recur. While in the case of the social sciences, since the nature of society is to change, its object of study is incorporated with variability. However, the author pointed out that there is a social science that can be considered as invariable, and that is in the field of economics. In addition to what already has been stated, the author posited the position that the only difference in the variability between the social sciences and the natural sciences is that of degree, that is if we are talking about the real world. Taking a closer look at the matter at hand, we may safely state that there is indeed a difference between the two sciences when it comes to the variability of their object of study, this is due to the number of relevant factors to be taken into account for explaining or predicting events occurring in the real world. Objectivity of observations and explanations It is a common notion that the natural sciences will do everything in its power to at least reduce the level of subjectivity in their field, if not to completely annihilate it. On the contrary, the society views the social sciences as imbued with subjectivity and thrive on it. Well, this is true if we look at both sciences at a glance; however, taking a second look at it we may realize that even the natural sciences may have a little touch of subjectivity instilled in it. This assertion is based on the following factors: the scientist, who conducts the experiments and other vital stuff in the natural sciences, ethical problems, and selection of a project in the choice of the subject for investigation. The scientist The scientist, who conducts different sorts of experiments and tests in the laboratory, in one way or the other, is still imbued with subjectivity no matter how hard he try and no matter how hard they contest it to be. This is for the reason that the individuality of a scientist cannot be eliminated no matter what because he is still a human being in the first place. Ethical problems Ethical problems may influence the subject of study in the natural sciences in many various ways. Political pressure, media intervention, Church’s involvement etc. may affect the object of study in any natural sciences. This influence of diverse forces in the natural sciences may in the process infuse a subjective aspect in the object of study being scrutinized. Selection of a project in the choice of the subject for investigation The scientist chooses the project in the choice of the subject for investigation. As it implies, the scientist will of course choose the subject matter that interests him. In this manner, the subjectivity of the scientist is being instilled in the object of study under the natural sciences. It seems that the only difference between the two sciences when it comes to the heading being tackled is that social phenomena are explained only if they are attributed to definite types of action which are understood in terms of values motivating those who decide and act. The concern with values of the social sciences, it seems, is the crucial difference between the two. However, this does not take anything away from the social sciences and it is clear that this advantage is not a basis of superiority in either case. Verifiability of hypothesis In the case of the natural science, it is benefited with the capacity to have or conduct controlled experiments on the object of study. In this type of experiment the diverse factors that may affect the object of study are limited and controlled, that is the reason why in the natural sciences verifiability of hypothesis is possible. In the case of the social sciences, these types of controlled experiments and tests are not possible for the reason that the object of study of the social sciences deals with the society and the day-to-day living of different people, which makes it improbable to conduct experiments as such. Clearly, in this respect, the natural sciences have a vantage point vis-à -vis the social sciences. However, this does not necessitate that the natural sciences are indeed superior to the social sciences. Exactness of findings According to the article, the meaning of exactness best founded in intellectual history is the possibility of constructing theoretical systems of idealized models containing abstract constructs of variables and of relations between variables, from which most or all propositions concerning particular connections can be deduced. In this respect, the natural sciences are no different from the social sciences. This is for the reason that such systems cannot be found in several of the natural sciences– in several aspects in biology for instance–while it can be found in at least one of the social sciences: economics. Given this fact, it cannot be asserted that the natural sciences are indeed superior to the social sciences regarding the factor at hand. Measurability of phenomena The point of the author in this particular portion of the article is that there is no way of judging whether non-quantifiable factors are more prevalent in nature or society. In this light, there can be no aspect of superiority or inferiority regarding this matter between the natural and the social sciences. Constancy of numerical relationships Regarding this matter, there is without a doubt that the natural sciences are in advantage if compared to the social sciences. This is due to the fact that in the natural sciences, there exist such a constant law and figures that can never be changed or alter in any manner. On the contrary, in the case of the social sciences there are no such constant laws or figures to support and supplement the body of knowledge in its endeavor. This is for the reason that in the real social world nothing is constant but change, and it is due to this nature of the social world that constancy is far from being achieved. Predictability of future events The common notion regarding the predictive power of the natural science is true, given the fact that it does not permeate different factors that can alter the prediction. In other words, due to the controlled experiments of the natural scientist, prediction is not far from being reached. However, in the case of the social sciences, wherein the object of study is the society, predictability is hard to find. According to the author of this particular article, the only difference between the two sciences in this respect is that experts in the natural sciences usually do not try to do what they know that they cannot do; and nobody expects them to do it. Social scientists, on the other hand, for some strange reasons are expected to foretell the future and they feel bad if they fail to do so. Distance from everyday experience Science is viewed by many as anything that cannot be comprehended by a layman or an ordinary person. The object of study of the natural sciences are somehow not attuned and far from the day-to-day experiences and living of the ordinary people. While the object of study of the social sciences are directly affects the fervor of the masses. This is the reason that the social sciences are more close to the hearts of men. However, this does not say anything regarding the query at hand. Standards of Admission and requirements According to some study the IQ level of the students of physics are more advance than those students in other courses. In this basis where the foundation of the natural sciences’ claims that there proponents are more intelligent than those of the social sciences. However, as stipulated by the author of the said article, this does not assert anything in favor or against both the social and the natural sciences for the reason that this factors depends entirely on the school or the academe that are offering such courses. It is a given fact that the natural science students are more advance in terms of their IQ level for the reason that they are more adept in calculus than any other students. Nonetheless this does not entail that the natural sciences are superior to the social sciences. The Score Card Taking a closer look at the point by point comparison made by the author between the factors that may be able to point out the difference between the two bodies of knowledge, we may ascertain that there are at least three definitive advantage of the natural sciences with regards to the social sciences, namely; invariability of observations, verifiability of hypothesis, and constancy of numerical relationships. However, the way the author of this paper sees it, these advantages are mere benefits that the natural sciences enjoys and these vantage point does not entail that the natural sciences are superior to the social sciences in any manner. On the second thought, the author of this paper thinks that there is no point of comparison between the two sciences at hand. This is because of the reason that the one is not an alternative of the other. The social sciences are not an alternative of the natural sciences, wherein we can choose one over the other. Instead, the two bodies of knowledge go hand in hand to make the complex world that we are living in comprehendible to the society. Without one of these sciences an individual person may find himself amidst a cloud of confusion and bewilderment. The factors presented in the paper do not imply that we ought not to study social sciences because of its inferiority to the natural sciences. The vantage point of the natural sciences is but a benefit that can be enjoyed by this particular body of knowledge. To sum things up, the so-called inferiority of the social sciences to the natural sciences is but a phantom that the society in general integrates to the former, viewing the later as indeed superior. Epilogue In chapter one of the set of articles that we were asked to read, the thesis question presented is that â€Å"is the social science really inferior to the natural science?†. On the course of our discussions and presentation of facts, we come to the conclusion and understanding that the natural sciences indeed has some advantage to enjoy and maximize if compared to the social sciences. However, as pointed out in the paper at hand, these vantage points does not entail that the natural sciences are superior to the social sciences in any manner. This is for the reason, as stipulated earlier; the one is not an alternative or a substitute of the other. This is for the same reason that, as the author of this paper views it, there is no point of comparison between the two bodies of knowledge at hand. Indeed, there are several advantages when it comes to the nature and structure of the natural sciences if compared to the social sciences. However, these advantages should not be viewed in lieu of the superiority/inferiority debate; instead it should serve as a challenge on the part of the social sciences to maximize and make the most out of the available resources of the social sciences to be able for it to comply and be attuned with the needs of the social reality.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Sound and visual media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Sound and visual media - Essay Example Other architectural configurations in arena stages allow for podiums with lifting and dropping abilities. In such cases, the audience often rests on temporary seats that facilitate more flexibility. This configuration allows performers to understand the conditions their viewers are in while performing. Engaging the audience based on these conditions makes the performance better (Condee 9). Better detail and expressiveness is necessary for all production factors (Collins and Kapralos). Even though the audience configuration in an arena stage is raised above the stage, their scenery is often limited to cover optimum lines of sight for viewers on all sides. This condition is different for viewers in a Proscenium Arch Stage whose lines of sight are level before a raised platform. Arena theatres often lack a fly system apart from possibly lighting purposes (Hischak 147). The requirement of giving equal lines of sight for all viewers puts distinct limits on the kind of scenery used and on the activities of the performers. This is because, certain audiences in an arena stage will inevitably be seeing an actor’s back at all times. This configuration allows for good recording and production of sound from real sources. However, certain sounds appear false when produced electronically in an arena theatre. As a result, a surrounding architectural configuration for audience s in an arena call for the building of mechanical instruments that mimic sounds like thunder and rain. Architectural configurations carve up an understanding of the conditions audiences are in through sound reflection (Hischak 147). Sound reflection rare occurs in isolation since sound usually finds a surface on its path where refection is takes place. Knowing the arrangement of audience seats in a theatre is imperative for making predictions of the behavior of sound within that theatre. All surfaces echo and absorb sound to some
Friday, September 27, 2019
Health Promotion - Blood glucose monitoring Essay
Health Promotion - Blood glucose monitoring - Essay Example He frequently works during unsocial hours and has a very unhealthy life style as he relies on fast foods from cafes for his meals. He is overweight with Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 and is finding it challenging to maintain a normal blood glucose level. He is also concerned that he may lose his job should he be commenced on insulin. John stated that his weight and little exercise might have been a contributing factor for his newly diagnosed diabetes. Diabetes is a condition that occurs when the body can’t use glucose, a type of sugar which isnormally the main source of energy for the body’s cells. The levels of glucose in the blood are controlled by a hormone called insulin which is made by the pancreas & which helps glucose to move from the blood into the body’s cells. Diabetes is caused when there is resistance to or deficient production of insulin.When the body does not produce or use enough insulin the cells cannot use the glucose for energy and the blood glucose level rises. This means that the body will instead start to break down its own fat and muscle for energy Aryangat, AV. Gerich, JE. (2010).There is two primary types of diabetes: Type 1 diabetes occurs when the immune system destroys the beta cells in the pancreas that create insulin. As a result the body makes very little or no insulin of its own, which means that people with type 1 diabetes must take insulin daily. Type 2 diabetes occurs when the pancreas does not make enough insulin or the body cannot properly use the insulin it does create. Eventually the pancreas may stop producing insulin altogether. Type 2 diabetes can affect people at any age. In men and women, the more overweight an individual is the greater the risk of developing type 2 diabetes (Jarrett, RJ. et al. 1976). The purpose of this paper is to discuss health promotion in nursing practice, the evolving roles and responsibilities of the nurse in health promotion and the implementation of these roles. Health
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Position Paper on Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals Research
Position on Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals - Research Paper Example In analyzing the role of technology in a criminal or civil case, this paper analyzes the case of Daubert vs. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, giving out the facts of the case, and taking a position on whether to admit or discard forensic evidence in a civil or criminal case (Jenkins and Schuller, 2007). The opinion of this paper is that it is important to admit forensic evidence in a criminal or civil trial. However, there must be guidelines that the court must use in identifying the type of forensic evidence to use. For instance, the evidence under consideration must satisfy scientific organization that it is reliable and accurate. To do this, the process of collecting the evidence must pass the various tests that scientific organizations have put in place for purposes of determining the relevance, and reliability of a forensic evidence. This is a position that the courts took in the case involving Frye vs. United States (1923). In this case, the court gave a ruling that scientific evid ence is admissible in a trial court on if it gains acceptance from the scientific field that the evidence comes from (Dobbin, Gotoski, Eyre, Dahir, Merlina, and Richardson, 2007). However, in 1975 the Federal Rules of Evidence made trial judges to disregard the Frye laws while determining whether to allow the use of forensic evidence in a civil or criminal case. ... After doing this, this paper takes a position on whether to use forensic evidence in a criminal trial. Facts of the case: In this case, the minors who are plaintiff suffered from deformities after their mothers took drugs that Dow Merrel Pharmaceuticals manufactured. The drug in question was Bendectin. The experts of the plaintiff gave evidence in the court arguing that the drugs of the company indeed caused the reduction in the limbs of the minors, resulting to the deformities that they had (Dobbin et al, 2007). The evidence that Daubert and other minors brought before the courts was based on the studies of the effects of the drugs in animals. However, their methods of study did not gain any acceptance within the relevant scientific field of study. On the other hand, Dow Merrel Company managed to prove to the court that there isn’t any scientific study that links Bendectin to birth deformities. The United States Federal Drug Authority also agrees with the notion that the drug under consideration does not cause any side effects on minors or pregnant women. On this basis therefore, the authority approves the use of the drug by expectant women (Lyle, 2012). Decision of the Court: The court made a ruling that the testimony given by the plaintiff’s experts was not admissible as evidence before the court. The court was of the opinion that it is difficult for the judges to identify what is scientific theory of fact when it comes to a testimony that an expert presents before a trial court. On this basis therefore, the court relied on Federal Rules of Evidence number 702 to determine whether to admit a testimony from an expert or not. These principles under rule 702 are (Levett and Kovera, 2008); The
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
The Implications of Global Competitiveness on U.S. Unionization Essay
The Implications of Global Competitiveness on U.S. Unionization - Essay Example This essay discusses that in the late nineteenth century, unions were formed by craftsman or artisans; they had a high degree of autonomy in their political and economic activity The first union was formed by the name â€Å"Federation of Organized Trade and Labor Unions†in the year 1881. This later transformed into â€Å"American Federation of Labor†in 1886. The main objective was to maximize the members of the group and consider the well being of the members of the group. The labor unions are formed unintentionally in the USA; they have become precursor in the US organizations. They are formed out of mutual interest or perceived danger. The latter is always a reason for cohesiveness among workers in an organization. The relation between threat and cohesiveness is hypothetical but linked. Let us take an example from John Fossum’s theory of â€Å"Relationship between threat and Cohesiveness†. According to John A. Fossum, The cohesiveness of a group are of two types: Group Cohesiveness –The group is formed due to similar interest. They tend to behave similarly, as they have a similar thought process, beliefs, norms etc. Class Cohesiveness: The classes of employers and employees are different. The relationship is also very different. As the class consciousness increased, so did the unionization. The practice of labor relation process is governed by the laws incorporated by the organization. The laws incorporated by the organization are universally applicable, as they are a common set of laws used by all organizations. The act was enacted in 1935. This act gave authority to the private sector employees to engage in an organized union activity. It also gave workers the right to select their own representatives and to bargain with their own employees. The employers had no right to intervene in their decision making. Farm workers were debarred from the rights. There was a severe decline in labor unions during the years 1977 to 1987 . This was due to increased competiveness from local and international competitors. In this period the number of US workers in the manufacturing industry declined by 2.6 million, whereas there was a decline of 1.2 million workers from the period 1987 to 1997.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Updates and Revisions to previous project on Multigenerational Assignment - 1
Updates and Revisions to previous project on Multigenerational Leadership - Assignment Example Effective multi-generational team leadership is required across the spectrum of industries. This paper analyzes several characteristics of effective multi-generational team leadership and offers recommendations for management. Emphasis is on how effectively managing multi-generational work teams can lead to increased organizational success. While organizational success is the common goal of business leaders, many businesses have failed to achieve the expected level of success due to ineffective leadership. Leadership styles and methods vary, but many common practices exist. In the 21st century workplace, several generations of employees work together. Their varying beliefs and values add a uniquely important expectation of management. According to Martin and Tulgan (2003), multi-generational teams find it hard to embrace innovation, productivity, collective learning, and responsibilities. This challenges a leader’s leadership strategy. This paper considers this leadership challenge, and seeks to deepen understanding of the complexities of multi-generational work teams. The paper also seek to answer the question: What are best practices to effectively lead multi-generational work teams? The outcome of the study will be to advise business management on how effectively they can lead and inspire multi-generational work teams to create a business advantage. Leading multi-generational work teams presents unique challenges for management, because different generations of employees possess widely varying beliefs, values, and expectations. Fully understanding the unique characteristics of multi-generational work teams, and employing strategies for managing them, is a challenge for business leaders that must be met. Additionally, the leadership team itself is now comprised of individuals from multiple generations, adding even more complexity to this critical
Monday, September 23, 2019
Reflection Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Reflection - Coursework Example These skills include professionalism, networking through social media and brand development. Having a good brand will enable me to sell my personal traits, skills and expertise to potential employers. I will use these skills to develop myself through learning how to sell my personality to the employers, thus enhancing my employability. I will also learn how to conduct myself during interviews and to develop some transferable skills, which include emotional intelligence at level one, self-responsibility at level two and leadership skills at level three (Cottrell 2010). Moreover, I also need to develop my professional skills in my area of training or specialization and do proper goal setting to create a focused target of my career growth and development. Finally, I need to perfect my role-playing skills. These skills enable me to know, understand and master my position in the business dynamics. For me to get a good job, learning presentation skills is important especially during interviews, and learning how to articulate complex information relating to my
Sunday, September 22, 2019
5-color theorem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
5-color theorem - Essay Example There are three of them, four-color, five-color and six-color theorem. The five color theorem was proved in 1890 showing that five colors suffice to color a map. (Jensen and Toft 61) It all began with Francis Guthrie. He was a mathematician from British, who in 1952 discovered that he could color the states in the map of Great Britain by means of four colors without coloring of the neighboring countries with the same color. The problem hence arose if it was feasible to color any given map using four colors and it remained an area of interest for a while. The problem was; however, deciphered in 1879 when A. Kempe claimed to have found an explanation to the four color problem and went ahead to publish his solution and proof. In 1890; however, P. Heawood discovered an error in Kempers proof, which led to the demotion of the four color theorem as a credible theory. Heawood was unable to show that there was an error, which could have been colored with not less than five colors, but ultimately proved that Kempe was wrong in his argument. This led to a solution in the color problem with the five color theorem sufficing (Jensen and Toft 61). In order to proof the five color theorem mathematically, one relates a planar graph, G to a certain map. A vertex is placed on every area in the map. Two vertices are then connected with an edge where analogous areas share a boundary in common. This problem is then translated into a graph coloring problem. One is now required to color the graph vertices so that no border has its endpoints with a similar color. This proof relies heavily on the Euler characteristic to illustrate that there, it is mandatory to have a vertex V that is shared by at most five borders. It also relies on the fact that G is a planar. This is to denote that G may be embedded in a plane without necessarily intersecting the borders. Now take out
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Political Diversity as Manifested in the Jesse Jackson Presidential Bids Essay Example for Free
Political Diversity as Manifested in the Jesse Jackson Presidential Bids Essay Baptist Minister turned Illinois second district congressman Jesse Jackson made two attempts to become the Democratic Party nominee in 1984 and 1988. In the 1988 bid for the White House, Jackson was defeated by Senator Michael Dukakis for the Democratic nomination but not after showing strong in initial state nominating conventions. Jackson then capitalized his racial (black) circumstance and challenged political personalities and organizational corporations (Steele A19). Despite Jackson’s strong impact to the country and American people during that time, his candidacy was expectedly marred with controversies. In fact, if he pursued his bid around that period, Jackson would have been prevented from being a political leader or worst, ended up not winning at all. The reason behind this is what Walton wrote as the Critical Election Theory wherein Jackson’s efforts to be the first Black U. S. President were questioned. Based from the presupposition of the said theory, his position that it was time for blacks to have their ways into the Democratic Party nomination and eventually the White House was evaluated in a manner that it would hurt Jackson more apparently due to his egotistical endeavors (Walton 49). However, the political arena has changed for the past two decades. As Barker wrote, the concern and uncertainty brought by the emergence of the black power and an increased awareness on the need for change created another level of enthusiasm for people to support now the black bids in the likes of Jackson and now with Barack Obama (Barker 3). Had Jackson made the bid this year or if he was the Democratic Party candidate against Sen. John McCain, he could have won the presidency just like Obama. The situation that catapulted Obama to the White House could have also been smartly utilized by Jackson to kick out the incumbent Republican President George Bush. If Jesse Jackson was the Democratic Party nominee for the 2008 elections, he could have handily beaten McCain just as well. Like Obama, Jackson possesses the charms and eloquence which convinced Americans to go for change change in their perception of politics, change in their views on racial discrimination, change to accept a new brand of leadership and change for a better and different United States of America. Obama was simply lucky that a confluence of events conspired to generate a feeling of anger and disgust in the hearts and minds of the American people on the mess created by President Bush who was perceived as insensitive and stubborn. Add to it McCains image of being conservative just like Bush. And both gentlemen were devastated by hurricane â€Å"Change†of Obama that in the process swept the Chicago first term congressman to the worlds most powerful post. Jesse Jackson should, in fact, be credited for paving the way for â€Å"non-whites†to be accepted by the Americans on the national scale. Yes, a lot of Black Americans, Asian Americans and European Americans, among others, won elective positions in several states but only few managed to be recognized as serious contenders for the United States presidency. With Obamas victory, it wont be difficult anymore for â€Å"colored†Americans to vie or the White House. America has truly matured into becoming the worlds melting pot of diverse cultures. Gone are the days that the whites dominate just practically all facets of American life. So when Jesse Jackson introduced himself as a Black presidential contender, it was just a matter of time before America installs a colored man or woman as their president. And just like Jackson, Barack Obama, despite his being a neophyte in politics, came at the right time when America was absolutely ready for change.
Friday, September 20, 2019
A Review Of Bacons Rebellion History Essay
A Review Of Bacons Rebellion History Essay Bacons rebellion causes a transition in the history of labor in the early southern colonies for the reason that the people involved in the rebellion were indentured servants, freemen, and slaves. Bacons rebellion was a popular revolt in colonial Virginia in 1676. It was a rebellion in which was based on the discontent of the majority of the people in the colony. The causes of the rebellion were high taxes, low prices for tobacco, and resentment against special privileges given those close to the governor, Sir William Berkeley, Berkeleys failure to defend the frontier against attacks by Native Americans. The rebellion then ended when Bacon died of bloody flux or dysentery. Bacons rebellion explains why African laborers eventually supplanted white bonded servants as the primary labor force (Bacons rebellion). In the rebellion, indentured servants play a role, and these indentured servants was what changed the labor in early southern colonies. Murrin explains indentured servants as people who had their passage to America paid by a master or ship captain (G-12). These indentured servants agreed to work for their master for a term of years in exchange for their cost of passage, bed and board, and small freedom dues when their terms were over. The number of years they have to served depended on the terms of their contract with their master. The servants that were brought to Virginia allowed planters to obtain a double profit. The double profits were, they get several years of cheap labors and for each new settler they brought, and they receive fifty acres of land. During the time, servants were cheaper compare to slaves, and since both were likely to die within years, servants were better bargains (Bacons rebellion). Eventually soon people learn to survive longer in the new land. Servants began to live long enough to achieve their freedom. These servants, who soon became free, were anxious for their land that they pressure the colonial government to expand westward into American Indian lands. They soon became unwelcome competitors to the already-established planters (Bacons rebellion). These indentured servants wanted more land and that was also a cause of the rebellion. They followed Bacon in the rebellion against Indians, not because they were rebelling against hostile Indians, and authorities. By overthrowing the Indians, they were able to obtain those lands. Land was what the indentured servants wanted, so it was a great thing for them to follow Bacon in his rebellion (Bacons rebellion). Bacons Rebellion demonstrated that poor whites and poor blacks could be united in a cause. This was a great fear of the ruling class that the fear hastened the transition to racial slavery. Indentured servants soon were replaced with slaves, because of the rebellion. Bacons rebellion demonstrates that a labor in which could challenge the authority of the planters was not desirable. It also shows that the poor laborers and farmers could prove a dangerous part against wealthy landowners. So by switching to chattel slavery, new white laborers and small farmers were mostly limited to those who could afford to immigrate and support themselves. In addition, improving economic conditions in England meant that fewer laborers would want to migrate to the colonies as indentured servants, so the planters needed to find new sources of labor. Africans continued to be voluntarily available and because many were not Christian, they could be enslaved and regulated in a manner that indentures could not. Virginia then enacted a series of laws, constituting a formal slave code that removed many slaves rights that they previously enjoyed and they also added further restrictions to slavery including anti-miscegenation law (Race). This shows the reason why the rebellion was a transition in the history of labor in early southern colonies. Indentured servants involvement in Bacons Rebellion caused the changed in history labors in the early southern colonies because of their involvement in the rebellion. Not only that, but because of their rebellion against the authorities when they became free. The rebellion was mainly cause by land, discontent of majorities, taxes, and tobacco, the resentment against special privileges given those close to the governor, Sir William Berkeley, and hostile Indians. Indentured servants are people who paid their passage to their master or ship captain to get to America. These servants were able to be free after serving their terms, and when they were free they wanted to obtain their land. So they pressure colonial government, which also leads to the rebellion as they involve themselves with Bacon. Soon the rebellion causes the replacement of servants with slaves, which soon starts to evolve as time continues.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Last Minute Solving :: essays research papers
Transplantation of organs between animals and humans is called xenotransplantation. Pig liver are already being used to supply some time to liver-transplant patients; and for years, pig heart valves have been used in open-heart procedures to replace damaged human valves. Cloning research may contribute to treating diseases by allowing scientists to reprogram cells. The benefits of cloning could provide spare materials. Liver cells, eyes cells and bone cells may one day lead researchers to create organic organs such as hearts, lungs, livers and kidneys. Embryonic stem cells can be grown to produce organs of tissues to repair or replace damaged ones. If someone was to be injured and/or was an amputee, it would be possible for new limbs to be regenerated. There are many other possibilities, such as: burn victims could receive new skin; brain cells could assist in the healing of brain damage; or spinal tissue could help a quadriplegic walk again. If cloning is banned, this may never be a reality. One of the strongest reasons to support that cloning is beneficial to humanity is that there would be a solution to organ limitation. One of the greatest problems in medicine today is that many people need organs for various reasons, which are not available. This creates a lot of unnecessary deaths, and problems for patients. There are not enough organs to supply the need in demand. Currently in America, 2300 of the 40,000 Americans who needed a new heart in 1997 got one. That means that approximately 94% did not receive one. This is just the heart we are talking about. Imagine the staggering number of organs that are needed in the world. For example, in the States, there are 36,00 patients waiting for an organ transplant. Also, about one third of these patients waiting will die because of the lack of available organs. There are a great number of failures with organ donation. The failures can cause serious illness, and possible death. Therefore, cloning human organs is very beneficia l to humanity.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Social Context of The Fire Next Time :: The Fire Next Time
Social Context of The Fire Next Time The Fire Next Time was published in a time of great chaos. A civil rights revolution was sweeping the country. Many of the institutions of American life were being challenged, including religion. Author James Baldwin saw power as a key to African-American success in the civil rights movement. In 1955, Rosa Parks refused to sit in the Negro section of a bus in Montgomery, Alabama. Dr. Martin Luther King transformed a racial protest into a massive resistance movement in the late 1950s. In the early 1960s, the sit-in tactic was launched in Greensboro, North Carolina, when black college students insisted on service at a local lunch counter. "Freedom Riders" were sent to the South in 1961 by the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) to test and break down segregation laws. In a few years, there would be a sexual revolution, as well as a trend toward peace and love. For the time being, however, hatred and misunderstanding were widespread. Baldwin realized the importance of these events and movements and answered them with The Fire Next Time. As Baldwin became a teenager in Harlem, he began to realize the presence of temptations such as sex and drugs. In order to fight these evils, he fled to the church. Eventually Baldwin realized that the church didn't preach love to everyone, but only to the ones who believed as they did. Despite this bad experience in the church, Baldwin never forgot the positive elements of religion. According to Kenneth Kinnamon, Baldwin realized that Christians had kept blacks down through history, but he still understood the need for religion. "However much he may revile the historical role of Christianity in the enslavement of black people, The Fire Next Time attests that [Baldwin] has never forgotten the compensatory values of his [adolescent] religious experience," he writes (3). After a meeting with Elijah Muhammad, Baldwin realized that Christianity wasn't the only flawed religion. Baldwin saw that both Islam and Christianity needed to compromise their strong beliefs for a unified black movement to have any real power. Baldwin knew the acquisition of power would have to play a key role if blacks were to achieve full civil rights. Baldwin writes, "The only thing white people have that black people need, or should want, is power--and no one holds power forever" (96). He recognizes that whites would be reluctant to relinquish the power they had over blacks.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
How do you respond to Shakespeare’s presentation Essay
The theme of fathers and sons, and responsibilities and obligations placed on sons, by fathers, is arguably one of the more important themes in the play. Shakespeare puts forward three main interpretations of father and son relationships, and each brings out interesting viewpoints about responsibilities and obligations for the reader. The first father and son relationship that Shakespeare presents is that of Hamlet and his father, old Hamlet. In the encounter between Hamlet and the ghost of his father, Hamlet has the ‘responsibility’ of revenge thrust upon him, and he cannot reject it, List, list, O, list! If thou didst ever thy dear father love – If thou hast nature in thee, bear it not. Shakespeare presents old Hamlet as being pathetic and incapable of avenging himself. The ghost, therefore, does not incite Hamlet’s initiative by instilling fear in him, but rather through putting him in a guilt-trap, making Hamlet feel that he is somehow obliged to carry out the vengeful murder in place of his father, as the ghost cannot attend to it himself. In my opinion, this action, on the part of the ghost, was the ‘final push’ that caused Hamlet to fall into his apparent madness. Hamlet was obviously moved by the ghost’s words. And thy commandment all alone shall live Within the book and volume of my brain, Unmixed with baser matter. This was very largely unfair of the ghost of his father, on Hamlet, enthusiastic though he seemed at first. It placed an unnaturally large amount of pressure on Hamlet, having to commit such a daunting act, however justified it may have seemed. Shakespeare emphasizes the effect of this action in Hamlet’s life, in the many incidences and soliloquy’s where Hamlet just muses, thinks the situation out and talks about it, but can never bring himself to actually do anything about the revenge. In the relationship of Laertes and Polonius, there is not so much responsibility placed on Laertes by Polonius, as there is nagging and nitpicking about the way that Laertes should present himself and the way he should live his life when he is overseas. In this sense, the ‘responsibilities’ being placed on Laertes are those of keeping in his father’s will and rule, and maintaining a good name for himself. At the point in the play, in act I. 3, Polonius is displayed by Shakespeare as just another normal father, or maybe more appropriately, a mother, who is proud of his son, but needs to remind him to keep a good image all the same. This ‘bestowing’ of responsibility can be considered to be only natural for any father to do. However, in act II. 1, we see that Polonius is actually quite obsessed with the idea that his son might bring shame to Polonius, and goes to the extents of sending a spy keep a watch on Laertes, and even ‘muddy’ his name, so that he does not get too comfortable. But breath his faults so quaintly that they may seem The taints of liberty, the flash and outbreak of a fiery Mind ‘I saw him enter a house of sale’, Videlicet, a brothel, or so forth. Polonius even goes to extents of ‘dishonouring’ so that he may retain his own honour, which is a rather strange sense of logic. In this sense, it can be said that Polonius places responsibility on his son just to save himself any possible shame. This is rather selfish on the part of Polonius, but it is in accordance with Shakespeare’s illustration of Polonius’s character as being that of a conniving, scheming, slightly evil old man that you might feel sorry for. In the relationship of young Fortinbras and his foster-father, or father-figure, old Norway, we see, again, a ‘normal’ attitude of a parent toward their child. When Fortinbras’s plans for an attack on Claudius’s realm are found out by Norway, he immediately admonishes the impetuous firebrand of a youth and prevents him from doing so. When Fortinbras indicates that he doesn’t actually want to go along with the attack, Norway forgives him and even allows him to come to Denmark on peaceful terms. In this sense, old Norway is teaching Fortinbras the responsibility of thinking clearly and not acting rashly or whimsically. On the whole, Shakespeare presents the responsibilities and obligations placed on the sons, by their fathers, in Hamlet, as ways for the fathers to get what they want. In the case of Hamlet and the ghost, it is for the ghost’s want of revenge and justice for a ‘murder most foul’, without much thought as to the effects of the deed, and even the contemplation of the deed, in the case of Hamlet, on him. In the case of Laertes and Polonius, it is a selfish and unwarranted want to save his own face from any shame that Laertes need not necessarily have caused in the first place. In the case of Norway and Fortinbras, it is the want to maintain good diplomatic relations and the prevention of unnecessary quarrels. In all cases except the diplomatic one, the fathers in question were rather selfish and self-centered in thinking of ways to get their sons to do their bidding. In the case of Norway and Fortinbras, it was done for diplomatic reasons, but it was still to save the bed-ridden Norway’s old skin. This gives a rather negative impression of father figures and what they tell their children to do. Possibly, Shakespeare chose to illustrate these aspects of fatherhood the way that he did because it was his own interpretation of ‘responsibilities and obligations’ set down by fathers, maybe drawn from his own bad experiences with his own father during his younger days. Hamlet, as a play, could be then seen to be a Shakespearean ‘self-help’ guide on â€Å"How to know what is right to do as a father by knowing what is wrong to do as a father†, and it could have been a lesson to all the bad fathers out there who use manipulate their sons as they would a mindless henchman.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Learning how to act: my personal journey in discovering my acting process
Many perceive the work of an actor as a lot of fun and that it is easy as saying the alphabet. After all, who among us have not acted at one point in our lives? Haven’t we put up an act when faced with daunting situations in our lives? Haven’t we said lines that weren’t really part our true personality? All of us have acted one part or another at different times in our lives. But to be an actor is not just about putting up an act. What many people do not understand is the fact that acting is just like any other job –you have to put a lot of work in it to perfect it. It is not just a talent you have. It’s a skill that must be developed over time and practice. In theater and in acting, it is true that practice makes perfect. With this thought, it necessarily follows that a real actor must continue to learn how to act and make it as natural as it possibly can. It is thus very useful that many books have been written about how one can best capture the art of acting and how one is able to play a role and not just merely act it. I have used these books in my own personal journey in discovering my very own acting process. And I must admit that doing so has made my work, and my life, as an actor even more meaningful. Let us first take, for instance, the book written by the Members of the Atlantic Theater Company called A Practical Handbook for the Actor. In sum, this book outlines and explains the Practical Aesthetics Technique where emotions are explored through the use of the imagination and the pursuit of a physical action. Practical Aesthetics is an acting technique developed by Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright David Mamet. The book is co-written by Melissa Bruder, Lee Michael Cohn, Madeleine Olnek, Nathaniel Pollack, Robert Previto and Scott Zigler. It is based upon a series of workshops by acting coach David Mamet. According to this book, Bruder, et. al. postulate that â€Å"acting, like carpentry is a craft with a definite set of skills and tools†(Bruder, et. al., 1986). The book mainly aims to teach up and coming actors like me to find the truth in every scene they are to perform and to be able to identify the specific actions in the production and why they are doing them. I must say that I agree with the book when it said that the process of an actor begins before any acting is offered. To do this, I agree that that actors like me must learn to always keep themselves in a state of optimal conditioning. Doing this will allow us to immediately connect to any character that are assigned to us to portray as well as to discover the essence of character. To move in this direction, I start evaluating and considering all given circumstances of the character. I try to familiarize myself with the character or role I am to play as well as make every effort to explore their world. In addition, I try to see any parallelisms between the role I play and the real me. I’ve learned that this is an important aspect in my acting process since it will allow me to understand where my character is coming from or why they might tend to feel a certain way. Personalizing a role has become an integral part of my job as an actor. I believe this is the only way where one actor can bring a particular character to life. Another aspect that must be highlighted in carrying out the tasks of an actor is memorization. Without a doubt, memorizing the lines –knowing what to say and when to say itâ€â€is an integral part of being an actor. As noted in the book, an actor can learn much about the play and the role in the process of memorization. As we learn to memorize the words out of context, the book noted, we realize the importance of giving each and every word the attention and focus it deserves. The reason by which the character must say those lines should also be sought (Bruder, et. al., 1986). I also have learned that memorization is much more than learning the lines. It is also learning the perfect delivery of each line of the character. This is where vocal training comes into play. Delivering your lines in a clear, crisp and understandable manner is a very important facet in the life of an actor. Just like other actors who have read and experienced the book A Practical Handbook for the Actor, I have learned that the voice is a system, with layers of muscles, bones, tissues, and fibers that must be maintained in performance shape if expected to respond on command. My vocal chords are actually the way by which my characters are able to speak what they want. With this realization comes the decision to include a basic vocal workout into my daily routine so that each word that I say on behalf of the character I play comes through in the way it should. As I earlier noted, timing is just as important as learning the words to say. To get into character, an actor must learn to always know what the character needs and wants and why they are inclined to say a particular line at a particular time. To be able to do this, I have learned the importance of reading through the script over and over and over again. As noted in the book A Practical Handbook for the Actor a script and character analysis requires sharp and thorough thinking skills and insight. As much as possible, I try to go over the script quite a number of times and try to assess if I was able to get the whole picture correctly. I try to make notes of how I understand each emotion being felt by the character and try to see if the same analysis will hold true the next time I read through the script. I aptly call this text analysis whereby I assess if I have covered everything I need to cover in terms of knowing my character and his lines. I believe this is very helpful in getting to know my character in a deeper level. I believe that only when an actor knows his character in a deep and meaningful level can an actor will be able to react naturally in all situations –scripted or otherwise. I agree with the book when it noted that text analysis is the skeleton of the character. It provides the actor some baseline information on which reviews can be made to hone a certain technique. This process also helps me stay on the objectives at hand and allows me to make use of various tactical ranges. In trying to approach acting, I have tried to remember the words of the famous Konstatin Stanislavski when he said that one should always approach a role as directly as possible and see if it lives. He noted that if the role and the actor has a connection, then there would be no point in applying a certain technique towards acting. But, as an actor, I also know that this does not happen often. Hence, learning a certain technique towards improving one’s craft is very important. Many actors today admit that Stanislavski's System is a complex method used to produce realistic characters. When using the Stanislavski's System, an actor is required to deeply analyze his or her character's motivations. The actor must learn to discover the character’s objective in each scene and the so-called super objective for the entire play. To do this, I have learned to also apply Stanislavski's â€Å"magic if†where an actor is able to ask questions about their characters and themselves such as â€Å"what if I were also in the same situation?†How would I act then? This thinking gives me a deeper understanding of the actions of my characters as well as an insight of what is going through in his mind. One other important aspect that I find interesting in the Stanislavski's System is his focus on the Method of Physical Action. I find this interesting because he placed as much emphasis on the physical aspect of acting as he does on the emotional part. Many actors, including yours truly, have this thought running in our heads that emotions form the better part of how acting should be. But Stanislavski says otherwise. He notes that physical action is just as important as the emotional aspect of a scene. According to Stanislavski, the Method of Physical Action has brought him to a complete dealing with the instrument of the actor. But what exactly is this so-called Method of Physical Action? The Method of Physical Action is said to be based on the idea that emotional life is a kind of two-way street and that the only thing an actor will ever have control of in his life as regards himself is his body, nothing more. There is never a direct line to emotions in performance, only to the body. Quite simply, the body must be used to convey the emotions. Stanislavki stressed on the need for the actor and the director to work hard in using the actor’s body –the body being the primary material of creation. He added that the purpose of rehearsal is how to come to physical actions that affect the actor and bring life to the scene at the same time. In fine, Stanislavski noted that the art of performance cannot be learned from literature alone but also from action; from performance and not just mere observation. As a result, I have learned to be more conscious of my physical action in converying emotions to the audience. After all, an audience will not necessarily feel my sadness unless I am able to phyiscally convey it to them by means of tears and a sad facial expression, among others. Another important thing I have learned in my journey to discover my personal acting process is the idea or concept of growth. I realized that an actor, just like anyone else, must continue to grow in each and every role that he plays. As noted in the same book, an actor must learn how to embrace the importance of the never-ending process of growth. The journey of acquiring additional knowledge, filling and refilling the artistic tank, humbling oneself to a point that permits an explosion of growth or even one good â€Å"Ah Ha†moment is not only important, but also essential to one’s life as an actor and as a person (Bruder, et. al., 1986). As an actor I must continually grow and always be on the look out to better my craft. To do this, I must learn to immerse myself in a creative environment –one that will complement the skill and talent that I have as an actor. I now understand the importance of being in a group where I can let my creativity flow free and at the same time, learn from the people I am with. It has been said that the day you stop learning is the day you start dying. As an actor, and as person, we must not let that happen. I have learned the importance of learning while working and working while learning. When I say learning, I don’t just mean it to be a classroom-type of learning. I also talk about learning through observation. We must learn to observe the environment we move in, the people around us, the places we go to. I must say that I agree with Alice Ripley when she said that acting all is about experiencing life and then carrying that experience with you on stage. It is also in this concept that I have learned to make bold choices in my life as an actor. I have learned not to be afraid of unconventional roles or ways of acting out a part. Making bold choices is, I believe, an integral part of learning. I have realized that I will grow as an actor if I can take on roles that are new to me or if I can step out of roles that are stereotyped.  Doing something different each day is the spice in an actor’s life and I have learned to look forward to every opportunity in spicing up my career with bold moves. Using presence of mind and common sense is also an important part in carrying out my acting process. As an actor, one must be ready for anything –a missed line, a prop that is not in its right place or a miscued entrance. When these things happen, common sense is the one thing that will save an actor from a disastrous scene. Coming up with adlibs or learning how to subtly put the misplaced prop in its rightful place is a skill that must also be honed as an actor. I believe that presence of mind can be assured when an actor is focused on the play at hand. I would like to call it simply as â€Å"being in the moment†. Being in the moment is more than just being in character. It involves being aware of the entire acting environment and learning how to cope with unexpected events whenever needed. As actors, it is not rare to find ourselves in situations where we are so focused in our roles that we tend to miss some of the difficulties encountered by our co-actors. In situations like these, we must learn to salvage the scene by helping our co-actors find their groove again, so to speak. Lastly, I have learned that I have to learn to enjoy what I do as an actor. I must enjoy the variety of roles I play –knowing full well that not everyone is able to live in a world separate from their own reality. I have learned, in my own acting process, the idea of making acting as fun as it can possibly be for me and my fellow actors. I agree when they say that acting should be fun, challenging but fun. My acting process, I realize, will change over time. It will adapt to the environment I am moving in and the roles I will be playing. But one thing should remain the same: it must always be fun. I must find a way to make it a fun learning experience each time. After all, when we enjoy what we do, the audience feels it. And the audience deserves nothing less than the best of ourselves as actors when we go up on that stage. References: Bruder, M., et al. (1986). A Practical Handbook for the Actor, New York: Random House, Vintage Books. Stanislavski, C. (1936). An Actor Prepares, New York: Routledge.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
People Should Not Persuade Others to Join Their Religion Essay
I agree with the statement ‘People should not persuade others to join their religion’ because it’s the persons choice. Everyone has the right to choose what religion they want, or don’t want, based on their own reasons and feelings and no one should try and influence them into choosing one religion that they may not actually believe in but have been persuaded by others that it is the best religion to choose. Traditional Christian Missionaries would most likely disagree with what the statement says. They believe that they should go around spreading the gospel to persuade people to join Christianity because it is a job that God wants them to do. They take passages from the bible like John 14; No one can get to God except through Jesus, and John 3:14; Whoever believes in Jesus will not die but have eternal life, literally and use them to convince others that they have to join the Christian faith because it is the only way they can truly be connected with God. I do not agree with this point of view because if they are following their faith to the letter, then most religions teach that God will always be there for you even if you don’t have a faith so you don’t have to believe in Jesus to connect with God. However the fact that they have based what they believe in on the bible shows at least that they are trying to do what they believe is right and what God has told them and what they are supposed to do. Alternatively, modern missionaries might also agree with the statement because, instead of trying to persuade people to join Christianity, they do good work and evangelise because they believe it’s what God wants them to do. They believe God does not need them to convince others to join Christianity but just to spread his word to everybody because they are all one in Jesus Christ no matter what their faith is and as long as they keep spreading the gospel rather than using it to encourage people to join their faith they are doing what God wants and if people do convert to Christianity because of it then it has been their choice to do so. I think this is a much better view of what a missionary should do because it means they can still spread the word of God to people who might need to know about it so it can help them and they can still do the good work that God wants them to but they are not trying to be bias to any religion and they do not take away anybodies right to choose the way that they feel or believe. Atheists do not believe in any religion or God which is why some people may believe that they need to be persuaded to a become religious because they think everyone needs to believe in God or a God and everyone needs to have a faith. However I don’t think that atheists would want to have anybody trying to persuade them to join their faith because they do not think any God exists. They may also argue to people who say that everyone has to have a faith that their faith is that they believe that the Wholly Other is not real. They would probably agree with the statement if people have chosen what they want to believe in then people should accept what they have chosen. Overall I agree with what the statement says because it is everyone’s human right to have a choice about everything they believe and other people trying to change that shouldn’t happen.
Cultures in the World Essay
To define culture is not easy because culture means different things to different people. Hence there many definitions of culture as there are many different cultures in the World. Anthropologists define culture as social behaviour of human beings. To others dance, music, theatre, artifacts and fashion constitute culture. On the other hand, fashion is a style characteristic of the social elite and is mainly associated with social class and is highly dynamic. Hence fashion should be in current mode for instance a garment. Fashion, style, vogue or even mode are used interchangeably to refer to a preferred type of dress, behaviour, adornment or a way of life at a given time span. In broadest terms fashion usually refers to conventions which are generally accepted by a society or by any culture or even a subculture. Style like mode often stresses the adherence to standards and elegance and should be socially accepted. For instance miniskirts were the mode in the late sixties. Vogue is applied to style or fashion that prevails widely but often suggests enthusiastic but short lived acceptance (The American heritage 2003). Wilson, further states that fashion is always in a continual change and sets the terms for all sartorial behaviour (Wilson 2003). The importance of fashion can never be overemphasized in the current world since fashion now is always around us from media to our daily lives in clothing and even automobile sector. Let it be clearly noted that fashion is for aesthetic as well as societal class, elegance and modesty. In the current years fashion has become a major factor affecting the psychosocial wellbeing of major cultures and subcultures in the world. This influences the life of people both in style and preferences and their economical sphere. The growth of fashion is linked with the development of cities and urban centres in the 14th century and the growing sophistication of the courts. But it is only in 15th and 16th centuries when people developed the culture of fashion and class such that they felt shameful to wear outdated clothes (Wilson 2003). The entrance of fashion led to increased spending on clothes and a clear cut class differences. The rise of bourgeoisie became so much crucial in the development of fashion and style. The poorest class received the cheapest clothing with the people in the highest level in class ladder wearing the most expensive clothes. With the rise of Industrial revolution came capitalism hence new markets for clothes in fashion and fashion became more and more important with the circulation of images in mass communication. GENDER AND FASHION In the current contemporary world, fashion has become the order of the day. Media houses and world class beauty and model centres have been developed all over the world especially in Europe and U. S. A. However, unlike the past where fashion was associated with female, this industry welcomes both genders nowadays. But because of the past skewed interest of ladies in the industry they are still the major players. Nevertheless, almost every one in the current society setting especially in urban areas appreciates fashion and style and is a product of the same in one way or another. People are more conscious when it comes to fashion and no one is willing to be left behind in the outdated world hence consumption of these fashion products has tremendously risen. ‘Dress is a practical negotiation between the fashion system, the social conditions of everyday life such as class and gender as well as rules or norm governing particular social situations. The outcome of this complex interaction cannot be known in advance precisely because the habitus will improvise and adapt to these conditions’. Thus dress is a personal attempt to orientate ourselves to particular circumstances and thus recognise the structural influences of the social world and the individual on the other (Entwistle 2000) FASHION AND MODERNITY Fashion has kept pace with modern life. It has followed every step the global world is making and is by itself part and parcel of the globalised world. From North to South, West to East fashion is seen to influence the global ways of life. However, this is bringing about similarity and extinction of cultures since fashion and culture are linked and the change of one leads to change of the other. Since fashion is dynamic it follows that the fashion of yester years is different from the fashion of today hence today’s fashion is new and can be termed as modern. Modern fashion has greatly been affected by the present technological advancement and the entrance of new marketing approach. For example, the use of internet has revolutionized this industry. It is not a wonder therefore what is considered modern in London today is even being used the following day in Washington. This has promoted customized fashion products to promote what many fashion stars look for in fashion; uniqueness and class. Fashion and style industry has in the recent decades been well established with increased sales as many people go for class and fashion. Also, the quality of the products has greatly developed thus fashion has become our way of life. FASHION, SUBCULTURAL & YOUTH STYLES It is important to distinguish between the concept of youth culture and youth subcultures. In general terms youth culture is more homogenous, doing similar things and being treated in the same way playing down aspects of differentiation. This idea was much popular with U. S sociologists in early 1960s. In modern youth culture emphasis is more on subcultures. Unlike the 20th c where fashion was highly linked with class, in 21st c the line of demarcation has narrowed and the mode of classification is not only on class lines but across a wide plane of social and cultural identities. Hence the youth even in ghettos are coming up with their modes of fashion. The issue of subcultures within the large framework of culture in a society is a major phenomenon. Hence these subcultures act as the seed bed for fashion that is embraced by the larger society. The link between class and identity is far less apparent in the 20th c, in particular since high fashion is democratised and not longer the prerogative of a small elite. In contemporary culture distinction does not run along class lines alone but across a wide plane of social identities. Thus, rather than being only imposed from the top, fashion is also ‘bubbling up’ from the street and youth cultures (Entwistle 2000). The use of style brings across clear identity within the youth and serves to sometimes oppose dominant values within the society. Youth tend to solve their problems of culture and fashion in their own unique understandable way hence they act against the main stream fashions of the old. However their fashions and style are dominantly affected by the media and celebrities entertainment industry. Fashion trends brought forward by top musicians come fast and go quickly. These fashions and styles linked with subcultures are known to be diverse as the youth are dynamic. Therefore the rate of change of any fashion within a subculture is higher than in the dominant cultures. The youth also customise fashions by either adding or removing some parts from the original fashion to create a different identity. And for sure youth have revolutionised the world of fashion and culture, in the contemporary world. Therefore fashion is regarded as a mode of identity by the youth and serves as the avenue through which the youth express themselves. EFFECTS OF FASHION ON CONSUMERISM The cycle of fashion in the modern times has been found to influence the level of consumerism in the current world. Fashion is fueled by change and conversion. Designers always persuade their customers that their new fashions are everything they need. In the next season the same designers convince their customers to bade farewell to outdated designs and instead embrace the new trends in their latest collections. Western society’s culture of mass consumerism has widely been influenced by the fashion cycle. Sociologist Stella C. (1993) likens fashion cycle with the rolling waves of the sea. As one fashion gains popularity and is outdated another style is gaining momentum and this change our modern culture. Today’s fashion is not only placed on the contest of youth, sexuality and historicism, but also previous culture movements and shows fashion reflects its surrounding, its subjects but ultimately itself. FASHION AND CLASS Fashion is known to influence lifestyle and how people relate within the society. However this relationship is both on the individual and societal levels. Fashion is a product of class division since many people want to be seen in a unique way within any given society and societies also show their class differences using fashion hence affecting the culture of present societies. CONCLUSION It is true that fashion and culture are highly interlinked. A culture that appreciates fashion is a culture that is dynamic and ready to follow where its fashion leads it to. Modern culture is hinged on the fashion of each passing day and unlike the past psychosocial behaviour is influenced by fashion on a larger scale. Youth subcultures promote their own form of fashion which may be interlinked with fashions within the larger sphere of culture. These fashions serve to show their rebellious identity. The cycle of fashion has seen unnecessary changes of fashion due to designers who look forward to make profits and are out to change fashions as quickly as practicably possible. Hence the world is supposed to be aware of these uncalled changes in fashions. Unethical issues are also related to fashion and culture. Therefore, some people see it like their religious and spiritual beliefs are affected by fashion. However on a global perspective fashion has promoted the entrance of more products in the world market leading to increased competitiveness. Modern global culture is a mirror of fashion and design. REFERENCES Bruzzi Stella, and Patricia Gibson, 2000, Fashion Cultures: Theories, Explorations, and Analysis. London; New York: Routledge. Craik, Jennifer, 1993, The Face of Fashion: Cultural Studies in Fashion. London; New York: Routledge. Entwistle, J. 2000, The Fashioned Body: Fashion, Dress and Modern Social Theory. Cambridge: Polity Press. Malossi, G. 2000, Material Man: Masculinity, Sexuality, Style. New York: H. N. Abrams. The American Heritage, 2003, Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition by Houghton Mifflin Company. U. S. A.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Plumbing Business
INTRODUCTION Plumbing (from the Latin plum bum for lead as pipes were once made from lead) is the skilled trade of working with pipes, tubing and plumbing fixtures for drinking water systems and the drainage of waste. A plumber is someone who installs or repairs piping systems, plumbing fixtures and equipment such as water heaters. The plumbing industry is a basic and substantial part of every developed economy due to the need for clean water, and proper collection and transport of wastes.Plumbing also refers to a system of pipes and fixtures installed in a building for the distribution of potable water and the removal of waterborne wastes. Plumbing is usually distinguished from water and sewage systems, in that a plumbing system serves one building, while water and sewage systems serve a group of buildings or a city. The name of my small plumbing business is water tubes plumbing co. it is located at obehie, very close to veritas university, it provides homes with the best of plumbin g services, with a great range of new equipment. Executive SummaryWater Tubes Plumbing is a Eugene-based plumbing company that has chosen residential new homes as their niche. Water Tubes will be able to handle any service request for plumbing of volume home builds or custom new homes. By concentrating on a specific segment of the market, Water Tubes will be able to rapidly gain market share demonstrating their proficiency and professionalism in serving a specific market niche. Water Tubes will leverage their competitive edges of professionalism and trim quality by properly training all of their employees and impress customers who are used to the lackadaisical attitude of most plumbers.Water Tubes will have a total of four employees and will reach profitability by month eight. Objectives The objectives for the first three years of operation include: To develop a company whose primary goal is to exceed customer's expectations. To increase sales so in four to five years Do n can hire another master plumber. To create a sustainable business, surviving off its own cash flow. Mission Water Tubes Plumbing's mission is to provide the finest new house plumbing installation. We exist to attract and maintain customers. When we adhere to this maxim, everything else will fall into place.Our services will exceed the expectations of our customers. Keys to Success The keys to success are to provide the customer with a fair price and outstanding service. Materials Water systems of ancient times relied on gravity for the supply of water, using pipes or channels usually made of clay, lead, bamboo or stone. Present-day water-supply systems use a network of high-pressure pumps, and pipes are now made of copper, brass, plastic, or other nontoxic material. Present-day drain and vent lines are made of plastic, steel, cast-iron, and lead. Lead is not used in modern water-supply piping due to its toxicity.The ‘straight' sections of plumbing systems are of pipe or t ube. A pipe is typically formed via casting or welding, where a tube is made through extrusion. Pipe normally has thicker walls and may be threaded or welded, where tubing is thinner-walled and requires special joining techniques such as ‘brazing', ‘compression fitting', ‘crimping', or for plastics, ‘solvent welding'. Fittings and valves In addition to the straight pipe or tubing, many fittings are required in plumbing systems, such as valves, elbows, tees, and unions. The piping and plumbing fittings and valves articles discuss these features further. FixturesPlumbing fixtures are designed for the end-users. Some examples of fixtures include water closets (also known as toilets), urinals, bidets, showers, bathtubs, utility and kitchen sinks, drinking fountains, ice makers, humidifiers, air washers, fountains, and eye wash stations. Equipment Plumbing equipment, not present in all systems, include, for example, water meters, pumps, expansion tanks, backflow p reventers, filters, water softeners, water heaters, heat exchangers, gauges, and control systems. Now there is equipment that is technologically advanced and helps plumbers fix problems without the usual hassles.For example, plumbers use video cameras for inspections of hidden leaks or problems, they use hydro jets, and high pressure hydraulic pumps connected to steel cables for trench-less sewer line replacement. Systems Copper piping system in a building with in tumescent fire stop being installed by an insulator, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The major categories of plumbing systems or subsystems are: Potable cold and hot water supply Traps, drains, and vents Septic systems Rainwater, surface, and subsurface water drainage Fuel gas pipingFor their environmental benefit and sizable energy savings hot water heat recycling units are growing in use throughout the residential building sectors. Further ecological concern has seen increasing interest in grey-water recovery and tr eatment systems. Self-leveling silicone fire stop installation in mechanical service penetration in 2 hour rated concrete floor. Fire stopping is required where mechanical pent rants traverse fire-resistance rated wall and floor assemblies, or membranes thereof. This work is usually done worldwide by the insulation trade and/or specialty fire stop sub-contractors.Regulation Much of the plumbing work in populated areas is regulated by government or quasi-government agencies due to the direct impact on the public's health, safety, and welfare. Plumbing installation and repair work on residences and other buildings generally must be done according to plumbing and building codes to protect the inhabitants of the buildings and to ensure safe, quality construction to future buyers. If permits are required for work, plumbing contractors typically secure them from the authorities on behalf of home or building owners.In the United Kingdom the professional body is the newly Chartered Institut e of Plumbing and Heating Engineering (educational charity status) and it is true that the trade still remains virtually ungoverned; there are no systems in place to monitor or control the activities of unqualified plumbers or those home owners who choose to undertake installation and maintenance works themselves, despite the health and safety issues which arise from such works when they are undertaken incorrectly – see Health Aspects of Plumbing (HAP) published jointly by the World Health Organization(WHO) [8] and the World Plumbing Council (WPC) [6].WPC has subsequently appointed a representative to the World Health Organization to take forward various projects related to Health Aspects of Plumbing. Starting up a plumbing business Well, if you are starting your own business involving skilled workers working with pipes, tubing and plumbing fixtures for water systems and drainage, then you should know exactly where your plumber is. If you wish to launch your own plumbing busi ness, the first thing that you should decide on is what kind of plumbing business you wish to start: service-oriented or product-oriented.If you are a business entrepreneur and you want to start a product-oriented plumbing business, you basically act as a supplier of pipes and tubing paraphernalia. You can also sell tools and other equipments to supplement your plumbing supply business. On the other hand, a service-oriented plumbing business can go two ways: a plumbing and heating business, and a fix-‘er-upper. The former is a business arrangement where you set up the necessary components of plumbing, heating and drainage in any architectural structure. The latter, on the other hand, is the most common type of small business plumbing type.The fix-‘er-upper (from the term fix her up) is when a house owner calls up a plumber to fix a broken sink or a clogged toilet, etc. This kind of business can still be categorized further as contractor and small business plumbing. For p urposes of discussion in this article, we will detail what business entrepreneurs need to do in order to start a fix-‘er-upper plumbing business. Obviously, you would need a plumber for this trade, preferably a skilled plumber who can install and repair piping systems, plumbing fixtures and water heaters.If you are a contractor, you need to know where to find reliable and trustworthy plumbers. Try to hire ones that have the most experience and are able to do quick work with minimal supervision. If you have inexperienced workers, it would be best to apprentice them with your veteran plumbers on their first few runs. As a contractor, it is your duty to buy the equipments and tools your workers need, get them to your clients when called and bill your clients accordingly. The plumbing business is a lucrative trade, if and when your plumbers can get to a job on time.Starting a plumbing business like this entails registering your business, acquiring a plumbing business license and e ven maybe acquiring plumbing business software so that you can bill your clients immediately and precisely. Transportation is important. The other type of fix-‘er-upper plumbing business involves just you, provided of course that you are a plumber. As a micro-entrepreneur, you can start this business from home; you don’t even need a complicated business set up as long as you’ve got the skills and tools to do the job.A successful business of this sort still needs to be registered and licensed, so don’t overlook that. Your business success is actually dependent on two things: how well you do your job (that your clients will seek and refer your services often) and how well you advertise your trade. As a plumbing business owner, you know that your services will not have a running start unless people know that you are a plumber, and that your services are available. Plumbing business cards are essential.If you can’t afford these as of yet, putting up fly ers and home-made posters can do most of the advertising for you. However, nothing beats word-of-mouth advertising. So tell your friends and family members that you are starting a plumbing business and ask them to help refer you to potential clients. Know the local requirements In addition to understanding the general guidelines for setting up any small business, you must explore the specific professional, legal and regulatory guidelines that are required to set up and operate a plumbing business in your locality.Licensing Professional licensing and certification requirements must be obtained to start and operate a plumbing business. Each state may have a different name for its licensing agency, but typically they have a name like The Department of Business ; Professional Regulation or the Construction Industry Licensing Board. Seek assistance from local business development providers You can also seek guidance and assistance from organizations in your area such as the local chapter of score or a local Small Business Development Center. Seek assistance from trade groupsBefore setting up a plumbing contracting business, find out if there is a local chapter of a national trade association like the Plumbing Heating Cooling Contractors Association (see link below) who can provide you with information about the requirements of setting up a plumbing business in your area. After being established, a membership in such organizations can provide you access to business and management training, along with professional development resources. Marketing a plumbing business It takes time and effort to grow any small business.As is the case with most service industries, plumbers tend to find most of their customers through word of mouth. The key to great word of mouth referrals is to provide great service at a reasonable cost to your current customers. Traditionally, telephone Yellow Page listings are important to developing business for residential repair and maintenance bus iness. Internet advertising, especially search advertising, is becoming more and more important to any professional service provider like plumbers. You need to know how to make sure that potential customers find your company's name when they search for a plumber in your vicinity.Franchise and cooperative marketing plumbing businesses Rather than create a totally new plumbing business, some plumbers consider buying a franchise of a national or regional franchise plumbing company. (Be sure to read the SmallBusiness. com Guide to Franchising for important suggestions and background on things you should explore when considering becoming a franchisee. ) In some locations, independent contractors may enter into joint marketing cooperatives that allow them to gain referrals and other marketing services in exchange for a recurring fee or commission. Plumbing Business PlanIf you are to open A Plumbing Business you will need to do a lot of things! We have no doubt that if you are to open A Pl umbing Business you will understand everything about the Plumbing Business but we can help you with a simple checklist of the things that every business has to do. Decide whether to buy an existing business, start a new business, or buy a franchise. Decide on the form of business: partnership, limited company, corporation or sole proprietorship. Estimate how much cash you will need to start your business advertising, fixtures, decorating, inventory, fees, working capital, etc. and estimate your monthly expenses.If the business will be incorporated you must decide where. If you will form a partnership, draft the partnership agreement. Check local laws in regard to zoning, permits, and licenses your business may require. Obtain a minute book, corporate seal, and stock certificates. Conduct a market analysis to determine the viability of your enterprise. Select and reserve a corporate name (first and second choices). Select officers and directors (names, addresses, and Social Security numbers). Develop marketing, advertising, and public relations plans. Develop a capitalization / borrowing / credit / debt service plan and cash flow plan ObjectivesThe objectives for the first three years of operation include: To develop a company whose primary goal is to exceed customer's expectations. To increase sales so in four to five years Don can hire another master plumber. To create a sustainable business, surviving off its own cash flow. Profitably carry out quality Hydraulic projects within Australia whilst:  · Producing workmanship in excess of our clients requirements.  · Completing projects earlier than the contracted completion dates.  · Ensuring the health and safety of employees and the general public.  · Minimising disturbance to and effects on the environment. Providing secure and satisfying employment for all employees. A sample of a company’s plumbing plan Company Summary Water Tubes Plumbing, soon to be located in Eugene, OR, will offer pl umbing services for residential new houses as well as custom new houses. The business will be based out of Don Roto's house. Water Tubes will have four employees by the end of the year. Start-up Summary Water Tubes will require the following equipment and materials: Two trucks (used) fitted with a pipe rack on top. Assorted pipes (different diameters and materials). Assorted fittings.A 30 gallon bucket to store fittings. Pipe wrenches. Reciprocating saw. Circular saw. Whole hog (high torque right angle drill). Cordless screw gun. Propane torch. Cast iron pipe cutter. Extension cords. Pipe dope (Teflon tape in paste form). Computer with CD-RW, printer, Microsoft Office, QuickBooks Pro. Desk, chair, and filling cabinet, and assorted stationary. Mobile phone. Please note that the items which are considered assets to be used for more than a year will be labeled long-term assets and will be depreciated using G. A. A. P. approved straight-line depreciation method.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Cuban Collection Against the US Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Cuban Collection Against the US - Essay Example After the collapse of the communist U.S.S.R. in 1991 Cuban military capability has diminished to a great length, and the government uses Direccion General de Intelligencia (DGI) to provide security against an interference of the internal affairs of the country from the U.S. The Cuban regime knows it too well the threat they face from the United State government and have sent DGI agents to gather intelligence and prepare the regime to counter any philosophical ideas in the country social, economic and political structures. This was evidenced by the arrest of the Cuban Five in 1998 in the U.S, Ana Montes in 2001 and Gwendolyn & Walter in 20093. This demonstrates how the Cuban prioritize on spying on the U.S government even with the defeat of communism. According to the House Committee on foreign relations, Cuba posed a threat to American citizen. Ms. Ros Lehtinen argued that the Castro regime threatened the U.S. national security interest with its state sponsored terrorism operation just 9 miles away from American shores4. The committee members also discusses the Cuban espionage operation by the Wasp network in the country’s military installations. Moreover, the Cuban regime has had used its spy agent to attack the U.S cyber system. The tension between Cuba and the United State is so severe that many CIA agent have died while in Latin America as a result of their counterpart in the U.S colluding to provide classified information to the Cuban regime. The Cuban regime has also used its doctors to spy on its behalf when they are shipped all over the world5. Fidel Castrol has been a stabling block of U.S President that have assumed office since he seized power in 19596. The U.S tried to remove Castrol from power in the early 1960 through spying and other scheme, but it failed in all its operations. For this reason, the DGI and foreign contracted CIA agent
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 289
Assignment Example However, technological innovation is analyzed as a changing network of agents interacting in an industrial area and in an institutional infrastructure involved in generating, diffusing and utilizing technology. Technology innovation is the process that that brings improved and developed technologies widespread. The reason of technological innovation is to analyze and later develop a particular technology field in structures and processes that support it. The components of technological innovations are called structures. These are representations of the static aspect of the system as it stabilizes over time. They consist of technical infrastructures and artifacts where they are integrated. They also involve the techno-economic that includes the costs, reliability and safety. However, the designing of a cost- effective technological innovation has become quite a challenge as the world has become more interconnected (Graetz, 2013).There are two things that are clearly uncontested by economists. The first thing is the importance of technological innovations in relation to the economic growth. In 1957, Robert Slow demonstrated how significant economic growth per hour of work in the United State s in 1909 and 1949 could be attributed to the advances in technology (Graetz, 2013). Development of intellectual property (IP) is an essential element to national wealth building. Therefore, the government supports the advances in technology in the form of IP legal protection, providing loans and grants and guarantees to both the profit and no-profit making organization research institutions. In addition, they tax benefits for research and development for the innovations. In cases of a closed economy, the citizens and the residents will reap the reward to direct their taxes to spur. Studies have addressed the effects of increased research and development on employment pattern and
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