Thursday, October 31, 2019
Integral Quantity Data types Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Integral Quantity Data types - Essay Example Yes, we can represent integers bigger than what int allows. Basically, integers have limit up to 2,147,483,647, and if we want to show number greater than this we have two options. We can use long or BigInteger. In this scenario, the limit for long is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. For storing space and increasing the time of execution of program Java provides two data types (TutorialPoints, 2014; Oracle Corporation, 2014). Yes, for representing arbitrarily large integers we can use two other options: BigInteger and BigDecimal. However, it is not default because we write small programs in which our integer values can easily store and take less space. Hence, if BigDecimal or BigInteger becomes default it will require more space and the program execution will require additional time. Due to this reason there is not a single representation of integral quantities (TutorialPoints, 2014; Oracle Corporation,
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Regulating Soldiers Body Temperature, Uniform Technology Summary Essay
Regulating Soldiers Body Temperature, Uniform Technology Summary - Essay Example A soldier may end up experiencing different health issues as a result of changes in climate in the areas they train and operate. These health issues can be divided into heat and cold based health issues. Heat related issues include heat cramps, syncope, fatigue and stroke and cold related health issues include hypothermia as well as frostbite. There are various technologies that can help monitor and change the body temperature of the soldiers with the changes in the climate. These technologies including phase change, hybrid, and evaporative as well as circulatory cooling technologies. Phase change material is a technology that can help in managing soldier’s body temperature if this technology is used to design the uniforms of the soldiers. This technology has several benefits including reduction of sweat, feeling of cold and decrease body temperature if the soldier is experiencing excessive warmth. While managing the temperature of a soldier’s body, this technology even provides soldiers with comfort. The technology is useful for soldier’s clothing because it does not causes issues when it comes in contract with the gears used by the soldiers. The technology lacks toxins; it is not flammable, is quite long lasting and can be reused. In order to use this technology along with uniforms the technology needs wires to function. This can restrict the acceptability of this technology, but if soldier’s uniforms have the ability to create electricity then this technology can easily be used. Another issue associated with this technology is fabric tearing but this problem may be experienced in the long run. Outlast is an existing clothing brand that has already developed uniforms for army professionals with the help of phase change material (PCM) ( 1). The company operates throughout the globe and is developing products that are made with PCM and these materials have been tested and approved by
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Effect of Paclitaxel for Breast Cancer Treatment
Effect of Paclitaxel for Breast Cancer Treatment Effect of paclitaxel along with withnia sominiferia on lactate dehydrogenase enzyme activity changes in 7,12 di methyl benz(a) anthracene induced breast cancer wistar rats Dr.N.Muninathan1*, Dr.P. Mohanalakshmi2,Ambareesha Kondam k., Dr. S. Malliga3 1* – Department of Biochemistry, Meenakshi Medical College and Research Institute, Enathur, Kanchipuram – 631552, Tamil Nadu, India. 2- Department of Biochemistry, Sri Muthukumaran Medical College, Chennai 3- Department of Biochemistry, ESIC Medical College, Chennai Abstract Aim: The purpose of this study is to investigate the changes in the levels of lactate dehydogenase enzyme(LDH) activity and efficacy of combination of paclitaxel along with Withnia Sominiferia against breast cancer in experimental animals. Breast cancer is the commonest cancer among women in all developed countries (except Japan) as well as in North Africa, South America, and southeastern and western Asia. While the incidence of breast cancer appears to be increasing, mortality rates are now declining in at least some western countries. Breast cancer ranks third when both the sexes are considered together and is clearly a significant global public health problem. Design/Methods: Breast cancer was induced in rats by 7, 12 Di methyl benz(a) anthracene (DMBA) at the dosage of 20mgs dissolved in 0.5ml sunflower oil and administered into experimental animals for 28 weeks. In this study, we demonstrated that combination of paclitaxel and withania somnifera revert the changes in the rats f rom lethal dose of DMBA within 30 days. Results: All the isoenzymes LDH1 – LDH5 were observed in cancer bearing animals. Expression of these isoenzymes were found be reduced in paclitaxel and Withania somnifera treated animals. Conclusions: The treatment with combination of paclitaxel and withania somnifera effectively reduced LDH enzyme activity levels. So, from the obtained results it is concluded that paclitaxel and withania somnifera is capable of restoring the breast architecture. Key words: Withania somnifera, DMBA, Paclitaxel, LDH and Breast cancer. Introduction Breast cancer ranks third when both the sexes are considered together (Parkin, 1999) and is clearly a significant global public health problem. There are nearly 8,00,000 new cases of breast cancer worldwide each year .In approximately half of these patients, breast cancer will be the eventual cause of death. Incidence of breast cancer in Indian women is not as high as in western countries (Sinha et al., 2003) .It is the second most common cancer among women in south India. The age standardized rates vary from 22 to 28 per 1, 00,000 women (Sanghvi, 1998). Although the rates appear to be lower than those seen in developed countries, the burden of cancer in India is alarming. Worldwide incidences of breast cancer continue to rise and geographical variations in breast cancer incidence indicate that environment factors contribute to overall risk (Millikan, 1995). Exposure to environmental carcinogens early in life is thought to be one of the first events in the development of breast cancer. Each year breast cancer is diagnosed in 910,000 women worldwide and 376,000 women die from the disease. Most of these cases are in industrial countries e.g., North America (180,000) and Europe (220,000). PAH’s an important class of chemical carcinogens that are widespread in the ambient environment due to fossil fuel combustion for energy production, transportation and industry. DMBA, a potent PAH recognized as an initiator of both skin and liver cancer (Masaaki Miyata et al). The covalent binding of DMBA metabolites to DNA has been implicated as a critical step in the initiation phase of cancers. Paclitaxel (Taxol), a naturally occurring antineoplastic agent has shown great promise in the therapeutic management of certain human solid tumors particularly in metastatic breast cancer and malignancy involves skin, lung and refractory ovaries. It is the original member of the taxane group of anticancer drugs derived from the bark and needles of the pacific yew tree â€Å"Taxus brevifolia†. Paclitaxels antitumor activity was discovered in1960’s during a large scale 35,000 plants-screening program sponsored by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), USA. Withania is widely used in Ayurvedic medicine in India and in Unani and Middle Eastern traditional medicines, where it is highly regarded as a panacea, aphrodisiac, and rejuvenative. Withania sominifera (L). Dunal (Solanaceae) commonly called Ashwagandha (Sanskrit) is an Ayurvedic Indian medicinal plant, which has been widely used as a home remedy for several ailments.(Bhattacharya et al., 1997) The use of ashwagandha in Ayurvedic medicine extends back more than 3000 to 4000 years (Upton, 2000) (Agarwall et al., 1997). It has been widely extolled as a tonic, especially for emaciation in people of all ages, including babies, and enhances the reproductive function of both men and women. It has also been used for inflammation, especially in antitumor, arthritic and rheumatic conditions, for asthma, and as a major tonic to counteract aging and promote youthful longevity (Dhuley., 1998). Materials And Methods 1.1. Chemicals: 7,12 Dimethyl benz (a) anthracene and Withania somnifera were purchased from Sigma chemical company, USA. All the other chemicals used were of analytical grade. 1.2. Animal care and housing: Female Wistar rats, 6-8 weeks of age and weighing 150-200g, were used. The animals were procured from Central Animal House Block, Meenakshi Medical College and Research institute, Kanchipuran, Tamil Nadu, India and maintained in a controlled environmental condition of temperature and humidity on alternatively 12 h light/dark cycles. All animals were fed standard pellet diet (Gold Mohor rat feed, Ms.Hindustan Lever Ltd., Mumbai) and water ad libitum. This research work on wistar female rats was sanctioned and approved by the Institutional Animal Ethical Committee (REG NO. 765/03/ca/CPCSEA). 1.3. Experimental Design The animals were divided in to six groups of 6 animals each. Group I animals served as control, Group II, III, IV, V as animals treated with DMBA (20mg ) per animal in sunflower oil (0.5ml), three times a week for 28 weeks to induce skin cancer. After tumor induction Group III animals were treated with Paclitaxel (33mg/kg b.wt) once in a week for 4 weeks. Group IV animals were treated with Withania somnifera (250 µg/animal) for 30 days. Group V animals were treated with both Paclitaxel and Withania somnifera (as in group III and group IV). These were Group VI Control animals treated with paclitaxel and Withania somnifera for 28weeks plus 30 days. After the experimental period of 32 weeks, the animals were sacrificed by cervical decapitation. 1.4. Biochemical analysis The isoenzymes pattern of lactate dehydrogenase was separated by the method of Dietz and Lubrano (1967). III. Results Plate 1 depicts the Isoenzyme pattern of lactate dehydrogenase in serum of control and experimental animals. All the isoenzymes LDH1 – LDH5 were observed in cancer bearing (group II) animals. Expression of these isoenzymes were found be reduced in paclitaxel (group III) and Withania somnifera (group IV) treated animals. However a much significant reduction in the LDH isoenzyme expression pattern was observed in-group V animals treated with both paclitaxel and Withania somnifera. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) isoenzyme pattern in serum of control and experimental animals Lane 1:Control Lane 2:DMBA treated Lane 3:Paclitaxel treated Lane 4:Withania somnifera treated Lane 5:Paclitaxel and Withania somnifera treated cancer bearing animal Lane 6:Paclitaxel and Withania somnifera treated control animal IV. Discussion: Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) is the most common clinical enzyme used in the cancer patients for prognostic purpose ( Invone et al., 1998). It has an important role in germ cell functions and can predict responses to chemotherapy and the prospects of remission. Human cancer tissues typically exhibit 2-3 fold increases in glycolytic enzymes and LDH activity. Sandhya Mishra et al. (2004) have also reported the increased level of LDH in breast cancer patients. Anderson and Kovatik (1981) reported greater LDH activity in breast cancer conditions. There was a significant increase in LDH level in serum of cancer bearing Group II animals. This might be due to the membrane disruptions that caused the release of these enzymes from the cancer cells or the overproduction by the tumor cells (Helmes et al., 1998). The elevated LDH activity may also have resulted from differences in the rate of synthesis, degradation or the excretion of the enzymes in the mammary cancer bearing animals. Schwartz (1973) has reported that among the isoenzymes LDH5 was six times greater than LDH1 in mammary tumor cells. Flavanoids have proved to possess antitumor effect on various animal models (Ames et al., 1995). The biological and pharmacological activity of Withania somnifera was associated with phenolic compounds mainly to flavanoids, aromatic acids and esters (Burdock, 1998; De catsro, 2001). Antioxidant activity of flavanoids may also be due to their structural features and its action on membrane (Saija et al., 1995; Mathur et al., 2003 ; Mohan et al., 2006). Paclitaxel being rich in flavanoid content possess antitumor and antiproliferative activities that stabilizes the membrane permeability and reduces the release of LDH. V. Statistical analysis For statistical analysis, one way analysis of analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used, followed by the Newman-Keuls Multiple Comparison test. VI. Conclusion From the present study, the effect of Paclitaxel- Withania somnifera combination proved to be effective chemotherapeutic agent against DMBA induced Breast cancer in wistar rats compared to that of paclitaxel or Withania somnifera confirmed analyzing the LDH isoenzymes levels in serum. Reference Agarwal, R., Diwanay, S., Patki, P., and Patwardhan, B ( 1999). Studies on immunomodulatory activity of Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) extracts in experimental immune inflammation. J Ethnopharmacol, 67: 27-35. Ames BN, Swirsky G and Willet WC. (1995). The causes and prevention of cancer. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA., 92:5258-5265. Anderson GR, Kovacik WP Jr. (1981). LDHK an unusual oxygen – sensitive lactate dehydrogenase expressed in human cancer. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 78 (8): 3209 – 13. Bhattacharya, S. K., Satyan, K. S., and Ghosal, S. (1997). Antioxidant activity of glycowithanolides from Withania somnifera. Indian J Exp Biol, 35: 236-239. Budhiraja, R. D., Sudhir, S., and Garg, K. N.( 1983). Cardiovascular effects of a withanolide from Withania coagulans, dunal fruits. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol, 27: 129-134. Burdock GA. (1998). Review of the biological properties and toxicity of bee propolis (propolis). Food and chemical toxicology. 36 : 347-363. Decastro SI. (2001). Propolis: biological and pharmacological activities. Therapeutic uses of this bee product. Annual review on biological sciences. 3 : 49-83. Dhuley, J. N. (1998). Therapeutic efficacy of Ashwagandha against experimental aspergillosis in mice. Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol, 20: 191-198. Dietz AA. and Lubrano T. (1967). Separation and quantification of LDH isoenzyme by disc electrophoresis. Anal. Biochem., 20 : 246-257. Helmes MH, Modia A, Moneim EL, Moustafae MS, Bale EL and Safinoz MEL. (1998). Clinical values of serum LDH, ceruloplasmin and lipid bound sialic acid in monitoring patients with malignant lymphomas. Medical Science Research, 26 : 613-617. Iuvone, T., Esposito, G., Capasso, F., and Izzo, A. A. (2003). Induction of nitric oxide synthase expression by Withania somnifera in macrophages. Life Sci, 72: 1617- 1625. Mathur, R., Gupta, S. K., Singh, N., Mathur, S., Kochupillai, V., and Velpandian, T.( 2006). Evaluation of the effect of Withania somnifera root extracts on cell cycle and angiogenesis. J Ethnopharmacol, 105: 336-341. Millikan R, De Voto E, Newman B. and Savitz D. (1995). Studying environmental influences and breast cancer risk: suggestions for an integrated population based approach. Br.Cancer Res.Treat., 35: 79-89. Mohan, R., Hammers, H. J., Bargagna-Mohan, P., Zhan, X. H., Herbstritt, C. J., Ruiz, A., Zhang, L., Hanson, A. D., Conner, B. P., Rougas, J., and Pribluda, V. S.( 2004). Withaferin A is a potent inhibitor of angiogenesis. Angiogenesis, 7: 115-122. Parkin DM, Whelan SL, Ferlay, Raymond L, and Young J. (1997). Cancer incidence in five continents. Volume VIII.IARC. Scientific Publications, 143 IARC, Lyon, 858-1009. Rasool, M. and Varalakshmi, P.( 2003). Immunomodulatory role of Withania somnifera root powder on experimental induced inflammation: An in vivo and in vitro study. Vascul Pharmacol, 44: 406-410. Saija A, Scalese M, Lanza M, Marzullo D, Bonina F. and Castelli F. (1995). Flavanoids as antioxidant agents: Importance of their interactions with biomembranes. Free Rad.Biol.Med., 19: 481-486. Sandhya Mishra DC, Sharma and Praveen Sharma. (2004). Studies of Biochemical parameters in breast cancer with and without metastasis. Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry. 19(1) : 71 – 75. Sanghvi LD. (1998). Report on cancer epidemiology. 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Friday, October 25, 2019
Tension in Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night Essay -- Do Not Go G
Tension in Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night  Dylan Thomas’s poem "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night", is an urgent plea from Thomas to his dying father, and all men not to give in to death. Thomas uses himself as the speaker to the make the poem more personal. The message of the poem is very inspirational. Throughout the poem, Thomas uses different imagery and language to illustrate the tension between action and inaction.  The first stanza helps summarizes the meaning of the poem, urging old men to fight death. In the first stanza of the poem Thomas uses assonance, †Old age should burn and rave at close of day; / Rage, rage against the dying of the light.†(2-3) The use of age in the second line, and rage twice in the third depict assonance. Here Thomas is trying to disprove the notion that old age is a time to rest, and a time to look back with wishful regrets on one’s experiences. The middle four stanzas are examples of various types of men, their trials of life and the whisper of death upon them. In ...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Inquiring Minds Want to Know Essay
Abstract This paper defines Penton Media’s sampling plan and research design for their study on if their reader service cards are still successful in getting buyer’s attentions. There are five questions that develop the sampling plan and Penton Media’s answers to these questions are described in this paper along with the strengths and weaknesses of their decisions. Their research design is also explained in the eight categories given. Finally, the strengths and weaknesses of their research design are given. Case Assignment 2 Penton Media has designed a research study to determine if the reader service cards are still a sustainable form of bringing in customers. Penton Media came up with a sampling plan in order answer this research plan. Their sampling plan answered five questions and has both strengths and weaknesses. They also formulated a research design, which includes eight categories of options to answer their research question. Their research design also includes strengths and weaknesses, and these will be further examined in this paper. Sampling Plan According to Cooper and Schindler (2014), the sampling plan includes five questions. These questions include (p. 344): What is the target population? What are the parameters of interest? What is the sampling frame? What is the appropriate sampling method? What size sample is needed? Once you have answered all these questions, you can determine the appropriate sampling design for your study. Penton Media has created their sampling plan from these questions. The target population for Penton Media’s study is the people who read their business magazines. Their subscribers consist of 1.7 mission people in the US, so they originally tested out the survey via phone with a small selection of subscribers. They then sent out a second preliminary survey to 300 subscribers. From the first and second surveys, they construed a final survey and mailed it out to 4,000 of their business subscribers. From the total number of surveys sent out, they received 710 completed surveys. The parameters of interest in this study include the readers who are actually buyers for their company. Penton Media only chose to use the surveys from subscribers actually doing purchasing activities, so this would be considered a non-probability based sampling study. According to the case study presented by Cooper and Schindler (2014), â€Å"The survey sample was constructed using stratified disproportionate random sampling with subscribers considered as belonging to one of 42 cells (seven industry groups by six job titles)†. Strengths The strengths with Penton Media’s sampling plan include the parameters of interest and sampling frame. Their parameters of interest focus on the group of readers whose job is to buy for their company. Since this group of people directly match who they should be targeting, Penton Media is on the right track. Their sampling frame is also precise because it narrowed their list of people to send out the surveys to people working in the business fields as decision makers. Weaknesses The weakness of this study is the sample size. Penton Media chose to only send out 4,000 surveys when they actually have 1.7 million readers. This size seems small since only a little over 17% of the surveyor’s returned the survey. Sample size should be a representation of the whole, and .04% of the population isn’t a great representation. Research Design Several options are available to researchers when deciding with their research design will be. They include exploratory or formal studies, type of data gathering, extent of control, purpose, time frame, scope, environment, and perception. A researcher should ponder these options before designing their study. Penton Media was deliberate in their choices and based their answers to research design options on their research question. A formal study was designed to provide the answer to directly answer their research question. For data gathering, a communication study was used in the form of a survey. Ex post facto extent of control was used since Penton Media can’t change the results and have to report the results they receive. The purpose was chosen as a reporting study as they are compiling data and providing a summary of the survey results. This study’s time frame is cross-sectional with a survey being sent out once for the formal results. The topical scope is statistical because it wants to compare characteristics and draw conclusions. Field conditions were used in this study because there is no change in the surveyor’s environment. Finally, the participant’s perceptions are not changed and they are aware of the research being conducted. Strengths The strength of this study is in the ex post facto design where Penton Media has to report from the survey results. There is no way that Penton Media can change or modify the results so this makes the research more reliable and dependable. Another strength is that the participant’s environment and perceptions aren’t changed or affected. This makes for more honest and trustworthy results. Weaknesses A communication study is great for the research question that Penton Media is trying to answer. However, they could also get more data from their advertisers. Since many companies keep a record of how a customer finds out about their company, it would be worthwhile to also get statistics from them. This would complete the study and bring more results to complete the research question. Conclusion Penton Media has made some good decisions regarding their sampling plan and research design. They have answered the five questions to determine how they should set up their sample and made good decisions on target population, parameters of interest, sampling frame and method. However, they should have chosen a large sample size to represent the population. Penton Media also made good choices in their research design. Their choice of a formal, communication, reporting, statistical study with ex post factor design, cross-sectional time frame, field conditions and unchanged perceptions are key to their success. Sampling plan and research design are key and Penton Media certainly made good decisions for their study. References Cooper, Donald R. and Schindler, Pamela S. Business Research Methods. New York: Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 2014. Print.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Coexistence of Life and Death in Baraka, by Ron Fricke
The coexistence of life and death in Baraka, by Ron Fricke Why do people crowd a city and create problems for themselves? In 1992, Ron Fricke released the film Baraka, a film with no dialogue, and an inspiring soundtrack played over provocative scenes, typically comparing natural humans in their habitat to human damage and crowding. In two scenes, a big, dirty apartment complex is shown in contrast to a large, unclean cemetery, creating juxtaposition between the two. In the first scene, there are numerous buildings, showing that as the world population increases, conditions worsen as humans fight for space. The Kowloon walled city has a twisting series of stairways, alleys, and cat walks. These buildings, wrapped around an old military fort, are all at least 10 stories high, and dotted with clothes lines, water barrels and trash. The site was evicted and demolished in 1992. In the distance, a bustling city pays no attention to the stained, dirty concrete buildings, where 33,000 occupants face daily poverty in 250 square foot apartments. What is the result of such overcrowding? The industrial revolution of the 19th century showed us the answer. A substantial amount of residents lived around the factories, to shorten their commute. As population density increased, conditions soon became deplorable. To solve this problem, 19th century leaders introduced public transportation, which spread people out, and created a sustainable environment. In a following scene, the camera pans out to La Ciudad Blanca, Ecuador, an enormous grave yard, with multi level complexes of dirty white graves. Each grave has a personal adornment, from their loved ones. From candles to pictures, the decorations make every box look a little more humanized. It is strangely beautiful, with the messages and the grass growing through cracks in the pavement. This scene shows that as a world, when we get overcrowded, we must overcrowd other aspects of life. This really shows that death is a part of life as life is a part of death. These two juxtaposed scenes show how overcrowding is an issue and it’s hard to put a face on a statistic. The idea of putting a huge city and a huge cemetery together makes a point, that the present city solution has been adopted in cemeteries. The cycle of poverty comes into play, when so many are trapped in one place, with no room to improve; they end up in the same spot after life, and leave their children in the same rut. This idea was explored in Sandra Cisneros’s book, The House on Mango Street, where Esperanza realizes the only way out of the cycle is through hard work and higher education. The film Baraka teaches us many lessons, including the fact of overcrowding, and the harm it has caused, and will cause. In the walled city, thousands of people went without basic sanitation, and lived in 250 square feet or less, often working all day to provide for there families. When trapped in this cycle, you will end up in the same state of poverty as you were in during life. Hard work is the key of success and getting out of poverty.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Convicted Felon
Convicted Felon Convicted Felon Convicted Felon By Maeve Maddox A person who commits a felony is called a felon. A felony is a serious crime; what constitutes a felony differs from state to state, but in every state, crimes fall into three categories: infractions, misdemeanors, and felonies. 1. Infraction An infraction is a petty offense punishable by small fines. An infraction cannot result in a jail sentence, so the person accused of one is not entitled to a jury trial. In some states, a traffic violation is an infraction; in others, a traffic ticket may be a civil offense. 2. Misdemeanor A misdemeanor is a criminal offense that can be punished by up to a year in jail. Instead of receiving a jail sentence, offenders who commit a misdemeanor may be punished by the payment of a fine, restitution, probation, and/or community service. Defendants charged with a misdemeanor are entitled to a jury trial. In some states, selling cigarettes to a minor is a misdemeanor. 3. Felony A felony is the most serious category. A felony involves serious physical harm or threat of harm, for example, assault with a deadly weapon, forcing a person to participate in prostitution, attacking a family member, attacking a stranger, etc. Felonies are further classified according to the perceived level of seriousness: Class A Felonies, Class B Felonies, etc. Felons are often referred to in the media as â€Å"convicted felons†: Baltimore Convicted Felon Exiled to Over 9 Years in Prison Convicted felon bails on job Angry sheriff questions how convicted felon escaped again Convicted felon shoots dogs at Gulfport residence The AP Stylebook defines felon as â€Å"a person who has been convicted of a felony, regardless of whether the individual actually spends time in confinement or is given probation or a fine instead.†Once a person has been convicted of a felony, the person is a felon. As the AP points out, referring to a felon as â€Å"a convicted felon†is redundant. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Creative Writing 101Try to vs. Try andSentence Adverbs
Monday, October 21, 2019
The Indian Education System Merits Demerits Essays
The Indian Education System Merits Demerits Essays The Indian Education System Merits Demerits Essay The Indian Education System Merits Demerits Essay Essay Topic: Education The Vedas, Puranas, Ayurveda,Yoga, Kautilyas Arthasahtra are only some of the milestones that the traditional Indian knowledge system boasts of. There are evidences of imparting formal education in ancient India under the Gurukul system. Under the Gurukul system, young boys who were passing through the Brahmacharya stage of life had to stay at the Guru or the teachers home and complete their education. Although the ancient system of education has produced many geniuses and still a major area of research. Women and people of lower castes gradually lost their right to educate themselves. The spread of Jainism, Buddhism, Bhakti and Sufi movements did have some liberating effects on the condition of the women. But it is the English language and the reformation movements of the 19th century that had the most liberating effect in pre-independent India. Thus, the Britishers, although rightly criticized for devastating the Indian economy, can also be credited for bringing a revolution in the Indian education system. II. Types of Education There are different types of education in India. Every individual has the right to choose a method (As mentioned below) for his education. Universities play a major role in the lives of students in India. There are universities focusing on the study of medicine, arts and language, journalism, social work, business, commerce, planning, architecture, engineering, and other specialized studies. Most Indian universities teach in English Medium and conduct special language classes for those weak in English. With 343 universities and 17000 colleges, India offers a wide spectrum of courses that are recognized globally. Apart from undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral courses, there are many training and diploma-level institutes and polytechnics that cater to the growing demand for skill-based and vocational education. The quality education that India offers is within the reach of every income-group considering the reasonable fee structure. With 66 distance education institutions functioning in 60 universities besides 11 open universities, India has an enlarged outreach of distance education as well. Present Condition of Education in India:Â Soon after gaining independence in 1947, making education available to all had become a priority for the government. As discrimination on the basis of caste and gender has been a major impediment in the healthy development of the Indian society, they have been made unlawful by the Indian constitution. The 86th constitutional amendment has also made elementary education a fundamental right for the children between the age group- 6 to 14. According to the 2001 census, the total literacy rate in India is 65. 38%. The female literacy rate is only 54. 16%. The gap between rural and urban literacy rate is also very significant in India. This is evident from the fact that only 59. 4% of rural population are literate as against 80. 3% urban population according to the 2001 census. In order to develop the higher education system, the government had established the University Grants Commission in 1953. The primary role of UGC has been to regulate the standard and spread of higher education in India. There has been a marked progress in the expansion of higher education if we look at the increase of higher educational institutes in India. The higher education system in India comprise of more than17000 colleges, 20 central universities, 217 State Universities, 106 Deemed to Universities and 13 institutes of National importance. This number will soon inflate as the setting up of 30 more central universities, 8 new IITs, 7 IIMs and 5 new Indian Institutes of Science are now proposed. Education System in India: The present education system in India mainly comprises of primary education, secondary education, senior secondary education and higher education. Elementary education consists of eight years of education. Each of secondary and senior secondary education consists of two years of education. Higher education in India starts after passing the higher secondary education or the 12th standard. Depending on the stream, doing graduation in India can take three to five years. Post graduate courses are generally of two to three years of duration. After completing post graduation, scope for doing research in various educational institutes also remains open. Prominent Educational Institutes in India: There are quite a good number of educational institutes in India that can compete with the best educational institutes of the world. The Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs), Indian Institutes of Science, National Law Schools, Jawaharlal Nehru University are some such institutes. Education for the Marginalized in India: As education is the means for bringing socio- economic transformation in a society, various measures are being taken to enhance the access of education to the marginalized sections of the society. One such measure is the introduction of the reservation system in the institutes of higher education. Under the present law, 7. 5% seats in the higher educational institutes are reserved for the scheduled tribes, 15% for scheduled castes and 27% for the non creamy layers of the Other Backward Classes (OBCs). Under the Indian constitution, various minority groups can also set up their own educational institutes. Efforts are also being taken to improve the access to higher education among the women of India by setting up various educational institutes exclusively for them or reserving seats in the already existing institutes. The growing acceptance of distance learning courses and expansion of the open university system is also contributing a lot in the democratization of higher education in India. Despite all the efforts to develop the education system in India, access, equity and quality of education in India continue to haunt the policy makers till this date. This has mainly been due to the widespread poverty and various prejudices. The inability to check the drop out rates among the marginalized sections of the population is another cause of worry. However, the renewed emphasis in the education sector in the 11th five year plan and increased expenditure in both primary and higher education can act as palliatives for the Indian education system. Education has become a career necessity in todays business world. College graduation will qualify you for many jobs that would not be available to you any other way. Your career advancement should be easier because some job promotions require a college degree. Education will help you develop your skills in reasoning, tolerance, reflection, and communication. These skills will help you resolve the conflicts and solve crisis that come up in the course of a personal or professional life. Education will also help you understand other peoples viewpoints, and learn how to disagree sensibly. A satisfied life depends upon the rational resolution of conflicts and crises. Of course, these critical skills can be developed without going to college, but the college environment has proven to be a good place to practice, learn and polish skills that will last you a lifetime.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Last Minute ACT Strategies 12 Guides You Must Read
Last Minute ACT Strategies 12 Guides You Must Read SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips It's the week or the day before your big ACT test date, and you want to have the best chance possible at raising your score. At PrepScholar we've written hundreds of free guides to help you succeed on the test, but some guides are especially helpful right before your test. By reading these guides, you'll make sure you're in the best shape possible on test day. General ACT Strategy What You Must Bring to the ACT on Test Day In this guide, we explain exactly what you should bring (your admissions ticket, #2 pencils, lots of snacks, etc.) and what you need to leave at home (the iPhone glued to your hand, a #1 pencil, your mom). Test Day can be stressful. Make sure you’ve got the right supplies. Should You Guess on the ACT? 5 Guessing Strategies Short answer: ALWAYS GUESS ON THE ACT. For the long answer, read the strategies our experts recommend. And no, â€Å"always guessing ‘C’†did not make our list. The Best Way to Review Your Mistakes from ACT Questions In your last study time before your ACT test date, don't worry about taking another full-length practice test. Instead, review your mistakes from the past so that you can avoid them on test day. This guide tells you how you should be reviewing your mistakes to get the most out of your time. How to Get a Perfect ACT Score, by a 36 Full Scorer If you’re looking for a top ACT score (33-36), take advice from someone who scored a 36- me. In this post, I break down all you need to know about striving for perfection on the ACT. It’s challenging, but definitely not impossible. ACT Science Strategy Time Management Tips and Section Strategy on ACT Science You can see the light at the end of the Test Day Tunnel. All that stands between you and the rest of your Saturday is the dreaded Science section (and possibly an essay, but more on that later). In this guide, we give tips on how to finish strong and within the time limit. The Only Actual Science You Have to Know for ACT Science By now, you’ve probably figured out that the ACT Science section is basically a reading test with bigger words and more technical pictures. You don’t actually have to know a lot of science in order to do well; in this guide, we’ve outlined the core topics that show up again and again in this section. ACT Reading Strategy How to Stop Running Out of Time On ACT Reading It’s not just about watching the clock on Test Day. It’s about how to maximize the time you do have. You won’t learn to speed read by Saturday, but our experts have outlined strategies to buy you time on test day. ACT Math Strategy The 31 Critical ACT Math Formulas You MUST Know You’ve probably memorized hundreds of formulas in math classes. Whether or not you remember them†¦ Well, that’s a different story. In this guide, we review the 31 formulas you must know in order to ace ACT Math. How to Stop Running Out of Time on ACT Math On test day, you’ll have 60 minutes to answer 60 math questions. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that this will be challenging. Luckily, PrepScholar experts have outlined the top strategies for taking advantage of every second. ACT English Strategy The Complete Guide to ACT Grammar We’re not going to lie. It’s a long guide, but every single question you’ll face in the ACT English section will be based on this material. How can you not read it? ACT Writing Strategy How to Write an ACT Essay: Step by Step Example Writing a cohesive essay in 40 minutes sounds impossible, but our experts have broken it down into an easy-to-remember, step-by-step process. Practice this at least once or twice before test day to make sure you’ve got it down. ACT Writing Tips: 15 Strategies to Raise Your Score In this guide, we’ve outlined what ACT wants you to know about the Writing section, some secrets they’d rather not share, and a step-by-step process that can definitely help you improve your writing score. Want to improve your ACT score by 4+ points? Download our free guide to the top 5 strategies you need in your prep to improve your ACT score dramatically.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Ecology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ecology - Essay Example Poor and rich nations both have impacts over the other income range also but the poor nations only affect about a third of the shock as related to the rich nations. 1. To see maps of the pattern of acid rain deposition in parts of Europe and in the U.S., respectively, read the articles, Acid Rain (noting the map in the section "How Big a Problem Is It") and What Is Acid Rain A. The most advanced region in terms of environmental control has the lowest amount of acid rain deposition and the direction of the wind also plays an important part in determining the natural balance of gases in a country's atmosphere. Although global warming is a universal problem, U.S. and UK has much more control over it because there industrial areas are situated in specific regions and they have the power to reduce their acid rain causing agents. A. China's ennvironmental capacity for the pollutants of coal burning have far exceeded the safe level. Hence, the countires having problems due to China's coal burning can exceed to as far as Japan, Philipines as sulfur dioxide, a major acid rain causing pollutant, has the capability to travel far distances before settling into the earth.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Discuss the perceptions of Amerindians in popular culture (literature, Essay
Discuss the perceptions of Amerindians in popular culture (literature, theater, TV, film,etc). with particular attention as to how this perception has changed over time - Essay Example The misconceptions and beliefs that people tend to carry as an integral part of their value system tend to influence a lot as to how the two races and cultures view and interact with eachother. The views and decisions arrived at on the basis of the stereotypical ethnographic perceptions of other cultures and races do give way to, too many misunderstandings and misconceptions. It goes without saying that the Amerindians have been the victims of such trends. To begin with the European-Americans heaped a generalized and collective identity on the Amerindians under the guise of a monolithic term ‘Indian’.2 Realistically speaking, the Amerindians never preferred themselves to be identified under a single umbrella identity. They rather preferred to be known more in terms of their tribes and ethnic beliefs. It was under the influence of such a generalized approach towards the Amerindians that they were more or less portrayed in a negative way by the European-Americans. The remnants of this belief system had a marked influence on the projection of the Amerindians in the future popular culture, be it the literature, cinema, or TV. Almost all the earlier Western Films portrayed the Amerindians as hopeless and stupid savages, who were unhygienic, immoral and illiterate and people who simply cannot be trusted by the Whites.3 Some of the recent films like Dances with Wolves did project the Amerindians as wise and humane. Yet, the iron y is that the perception of the Amerindians in such films is more or less patronizing, inaccurate and to a great extent superficial. However, in recent times, with the augmenting of interest in the Amerindian diversity and way of life, the popular culture perceptions pertaining to the Amerindians have started to get more realistic. The popular interest has started to grow around the Amerindians’ way of life and the beliefs and values of the varied Amerindian tribes. A great deal of this change could be attributed to the educated and
Review of CTS Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Review of CTS - Assignment Example The universe of knowledge relies completely on competence and visions of the seeker that is why the state of production, reproduction or spreading of knowledge is in constant state of unrest and instability. (Milward, 2009) In the beginning Andrew provided us with the insight of university’s true meaning in diverse nations, during different eras. Differing in its Prestige, from a provider for social elite’s acculturate to a part of aristocratic culture of Rome and Greece, thus underlining the history of education as combination of social stature and contemplation. The initiative of university as a symbol of power or privilege, hidden its true ideology of universalism. As evidence the author provides us with the insight to see what the word Schole depicts, it is Greek for leisure or free time, providing the evidence for education’s aristocratic origin. He defines the position of university as a two edged sword. Where its usefulness or ideologies depends on the one who is holding its material sources, either making it a registered institution of truth, wisdom, science, excelled legitimacy and independence or a mere means of production of controlled thoughts.(Millward,2006).A system t hat turns the student into client’s or customers and classroom into mass production factories. it was not until mid of the 12th century the university assumed the form of an autonomously oriented institution. The word university was coined in middle ages (Universitas) where as studium generale was the initial term being used for Paris, Bologna Oxford etc. The distinction between these terms also highlights’ the difference between teaching and scholarship/research. However, the fundamental knowledge server role of university did not change over time. The fastidious indication of this role changed dramatically such as teaching is a dissemination of knowledge, to which students respond in conventional manner. But today’s plug and play generation wants to switch this
English Literature Religion in the Parable of the Sower by Octavia Essay
English Literature Religion in the Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler - Essay Example In the novel, Lauren criticizes the American Christian tradition. Lauren, who is the daughter of a Baptist teacher, has lost faith in her father’s God, the God of Christianity. Her feelings are clear in the novel when she writes, â€Å"At least three years ago, my father’s God stopped being my God. His church stopped being my church†(Butler, page 7). According to Lauren, the Christian God is nonsensical regardless of the environmental and social problems. She, therefore, merges what she learnt from her biblical scripture as the truth due to her experiences of suffering, hatred, violence, and murder. Lauren’s way of thinking becomes understandable when she reflects on a storm that was raging in the Gulf of Mexico which claimed lives of hundreds of people. Lauren writes, â€Å"Is it God? Most of the dead are the street poor who have nowhere to go and who don’t hear the warnings until it’s too late for their feet to take them to safety. Whereà ¢â‚¬â„¢s the safety for them anyway? Is it a sin against God to be poor? We’re almost poor ourselves†¦.How will God my father’s God behave toward us when we’re poor (Butler, page 15)?†She inquires how the relations between poverty and suffering mirror her knowledge that it is the unfortunate who suffer most in her society. But she does not truly think there is a God in heaven that punishes the unfortunate. She considers the Christian God is just a justification for others’ poverty while others flourish. The blame for poverty and lots of suffering is put on God so that those in authority do not have to be accountable for it.Lauren continues with her criticism when she writes that the Book of Job â€Å"says more about my father’s God in particular and gods in general than anything else I’ve ever read†(Butler, page 16). Lauren summarizes the Book of Job as follows: â€Å"In the Book of Job, God says he made everything and h e knows everything so no one has any right to question what he does with any of it. Okay. That works.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Public speaking and democracy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Public speaking and democracy - Essay Example While one may argue that the importance that is given to demagoguery in a democratic setup subverts the role of an intelligent citizen by tricking him and showing disrespect to the wisdom and trust of an electorate, it is also true that extremely important points are made during speeches that serve to move people to the side of righteous causes and also to rightly channelize the anger of a nation for productive purposes. This has been seen time and again in the history of the United States of America. A successful democracy, America has always placed a great amount of importance on the ability of its public figures to engage in oratory. It is no coincidence that most of the American presidents were excellent orators and could move masses to their point of view time and again and in the process, win their trust and love. The importance that is placed on oratory in a free democracy may also stem from the basic right to speech that citizens are provided with in a democratic nation. The right to express oneself from a public platform in order to communicate one’s views to another person or group remains the highest expression of one’s right to free speech. ... People also share a great interest in the contents of political speeches, with replies and counter-arguments being a part of the discussions that permeate the lives of a modern man in a democratic state. These events are also a site where the political leaders who give speeches are able to demonstrate the strength of the numbers of people that follow their views, apart from being an opportunity to win more followers and thus increase their base of supporters. This would enable them to not only win elections, but also to sustain the trust that people have in them. In many cases, an emotional and moral mandate of the population is necessary before a government undertakes any action of grave importance, something that may have a profound effect on the lives of the people of a country. This may be made possible through a powerful verbal assertion of the reasons that a leader may have for undertaking that particular action. This also demonstrates the effectiveness of public speaking as a tool in a democracy for the purpose of maintaining communication between the holders of executive authority and the electorate. In a democratic nation, public speaking is a tool that political and other leaders may use in order to stay in constant contact with the masses. This may help to impart to the masses the feeling that the state is being looked after in a good manner. This also enables the government in power to block allegations that may be leveled against it by people of differing viewpoints. The act of public speaking, thus, enables a citizen of a democratic country to express dissent that may then be shared by many sections of the society. It may also be used to attract attention to a certain problem that may have otherwise gone unnoticed by the
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The Battle For Berlin Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
The Battle For Berlin - Research Paper Example There was a huge difference between the strength of German and Russian forces in all aspects, which also played its role in the defeat of the German army. The Russian forces were superior to the German army in terms of equipment and troops, which helped them defeat German forces and race towards the city of Berlin. The major countries, which sent their forces to carry out attack on Berlin, were Russia, Poland, Romania, and Czechoslovakia. â€Å"The Red Army played the dominant role in the defeat of the Reich, demoting the Anglo-American war effort to secondary or tertiary importance†(Davies 2006). Over 2.5 million men including 78000 Polish army men attacked Berlin defeating the German army all over. Russian forces, known as red army in the World War II, fired over two million artillery shells in different parts of Berlin, which not only destroyed the buildings and homes but also killed a large number of German civilians. Germans were though equipped with portable anti-tank w eaponry in order to destroy the Russian tanks but they failed to make a good use of those weapons. Russian army used to destroy whole buildings in occurrence of a single fire from those buildings. The huge difference between the manpower and equipment showed its effects on the battle between the two forces. German army although fought bravely but it could not meet the strength of the Red army. Russians rolled down relentlessly from the east and the northeast of Berlin. After sustaining as many as 325,000 causalities, Berlin surrendered on 2nd May 1945, which marked an end not only to the battle but also to the World War II. Importance of Battle for Berlin in World War II and Contributing Factors The battle of Berlin was of extreme importance not only for the Soviet Union but also for the European sector. Russia was a real power at that time and that was one of the reasons of war because Russia wanted to show its power in the World War II. The battle of Berlin was also of great polit ical importance because it was not only important for the unity of alliance but also it provided help to Russia on the Oder East of Germany. The main causes of the battle of Berlin were the unresolved issues of the World War I. Those issues created tensions between the countries, which led towards the World War II and eventually towards the battle of Berlin. In addition, the military aggression shown by Nazi Germany and Japan on Poland and China strengthened the way towards Second World War. The Soviet Union wanted to disarm Germany because it was posing threat to various other countries. For this reason, Soviet Union allied with the United States, Britain, and France in order to launch a combined attack on Germany. Germany was becoming a great threat to the unity of alliance, so in order to keep it away from further invasions; Soviet Union decided to attack the city of Berlin in order to take full control of Germany. The battle of Berlin gained significant importance at the end of the World War II. The battle not only resulted in ending the World War II but also played its role in securing most of the European countries from Nazi Germany. Germany and Russia were the two major forces of the world war and both of them were aiming to get success at the end of the war. It is natural that in the war, one group wins and the other one faces a
Public speaking and democracy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Public speaking and democracy - Essay Example While one may argue that the importance that is given to demagoguery in a democratic setup subverts the role of an intelligent citizen by tricking him and showing disrespect to the wisdom and trust of an electorate, it is also true that extremely important points are made during speeches that serve to move people to the side of righteous causes and also to rightly channelize the anger of a nation for productive purposes. This has been seen time and again in the history of the United States of America. A successful democracy, America has always placed a great amount of importance on the ability of its public figures to engage in oratory. It is no coincidence that most of the American presidents were excellent orators and could move masses to their point of view time and again and in the process, win their trust and love. The importance that is placed on oratory in a free democracy may also stem from the basic right to speech that citizens are provided with in a democratic nation. The right to express oneself from a public platform in order to communicate one’s views to another person or group remains the highest expression of one’s right to free speech. ... People also share a great interest in the contents of political speeches, with replies and counter-arguments being a part of the discussions that permeate the lives of a modern man in a democratic state. These events are also a site where the political leaders who give speeches are able to demonstrate the strength of the numbers of people that follow their views, apart from being an opportunity to win more followers and thus increase their base of supporters. This would enable them to not only win elections, but also to sustain the trust that people have in them. In many cases, an emotional and moral mandate of the population is necessary before a government undertakes any action of grave importance, something that may have a profound effect on the lives of the people of a country. This may be made possible through a powerful verbal assertion of the reasons that a leader may have for undertaking that particular action. This also demonstrates the effectiveness of public speaking as a tool in a democracy for the purpose of maintaining communication between the holders of executive authority and the electorate. In a democratic nation, public speaking is a tool that political and other leaders may use in order to stay in constant contact with the masses. This may help to impart to the masses the feeling that the state is being looked after in a good manner. This also enables the government in power to block allegations that may be leveled against it by people of differing viewpoints. The act of public speaking, thus, enables a citizen of a democratic country to express dissent that may then be shared by many sections of the society. It may also be used to attract attention to a certain problem that may have otherwise gone unnoticed by the
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
World War II Essay Example for Free
World War II Essay In retrospect, there is no doubt that Japanese Americans were discrimated against during World War II. From almost the first moment they arrived in this country, many white people had negative feelings about them. With the negative feelings of wartime escalating, the Japanese internment seemed just the thing to do in order to be proactive in the war. At least that is what government officials told themselves and sold the American public on. The government was able to intern the Japanese because of a long history of prejudice, wartime hysteria, and economic motives. The Japanese were discriminated against in many ways. One way is that they were the only group interned during World War II. Japan did bomb Pearl Harbor, but these were Japanese Americans that were interned with absolutely no proof that they were ever plotting against the United States. The United States was also pitted against Germany and Italy and these citizens were never interned. This is because those people has assimilated and become part of the population at large. Interning Germans would have included interning people like icon Joe DiMaggio’s father. The Japanese were much easier to identify and single out as a group. They could not assimilate because government policies had singled them out and they were not allowed to marry or otherwise mix with the general population. Many United States citizens had always harbored negative feelings toward the Japanese. As early as 1900, the San Francisco mayor James Duval Phelan spoke out publicly against the Japanese. He said, â€Å"The Japanese are starting the same tide of immigration which we thought we had checked twenty years ago†¦Personally we have nothing against the Japanese, but as they will not assimilate with us and their social life is different from ours, let them keep a respectful distance†(Yancey 15). ). By 1905, being greatly influenced by all the sensationalism in the newspapers, Western legislators made statements like â€Å"Japanese laborers, by reason of race habits, mode of living, disposition and general characteristics, are undesirable†¦They contribute nothing to the growth of the state. They add nothing to its wealth, and they are a blight on the prosperity of it, and a great and impeding danger to its welfare†(Daniels 11). This is to say nothing of the fact that they were stripped of all their civil liberties when they were interned. They were herded like cattle into first assembly centers and then internment camps. They could pack only what they could carry; they were forced into tight quarters with little or no privacy. They were surrounded by armed guards and barbed wire fences. They had basically no rights for as long as four years. Most of the Japanese Americans did not struggle or resist in any way. They went along willingly with the government orders because they wanted to prove their loyalties to this country. They resisted this discrimination by doing exactly what was asked of them. Once they were in the internment camps, they went about coping with their lives the best way they knew how. Typically this included how to improve their situation. they formed. Mary Tsukamoto describes a typical day at the camps. â€Å"A typical day in an internment camp such as Jerome would begin with families getting up. Remember we did not have any water in our rooms. We just had one light bulb and a small stove. We had to get dressed and go to the middle of the block to use the toilet, wash up and take showers. Usually there were people waiting in lines. After you brushed your teeth and cleaned up, you had to go to a separate building for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They had two sessions. If you were late or forgot your ticket, you could not eat. We stood in line for the food, which was served on metal trays, and we sat at long wooden tables with benches. There really wasnt much to do the rest of the time. My dad ran the recreation center for our block. Mother organized and coordinated YWCA (Young Womens Christian Association) and USO activities. The USO was organized to welcome Nisei soldiers who were visiting their families. At night we would stay in our room. We didnt have TV in those days. And we did not have a radio†(Tsukamoto). In Farewell to Manzanar, Houston points out other details, like the kitchens being badly ventilated so that food spoiled quickly so that many people constantly had the â€Å"Manzanar runs†(Houston 27). There were many other ways in which Manzanar totally upended their lives before the camps. Because they had to endure this unusual treatment, they were discriminated against. One of the ideas Tsukamoto highlights is that people had to wait in line for everythingâ€â€to eat, to use the bathroom, etc. Life was basically one monotony after another although internees did all kinds of things to improve their environments from beginning educational courses to starting baseball leagues to planting gardens. They actually built baseball fields themselves and formed leagues to play baseball. They did everything they could to make their lives seem as normal as possible. They formed their own neighborhoods inside the walls of these camps that functioned much like neighborhoods on the outside with their own beauty shops, produce stores, newspaper, etc. It has been proven in retrospect that the Japanese were discriminated against. According to information from the web site densho. org, â€Å"In 1983, however, a U. S. congressional commission uncovered evidence from the 1940s proving that there had been no military necessity for the unequal, unjust treatment of Japanese Americans during WWII. The commission reported that the causes of the incarceration were rooted in â€Å" race prejudice, war hysteria and a failure of political leadership. [2] Works Cited Recommendations section, Personal Justice Denied: Report of the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians. (1982. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1997), page 459. Tsuakamoto, Mary. And Justice for All: an oral history of the Japanese detention camps. Houston, James. Farewell to Manzanar, Japanese American Legacy Project. http://www. densho. org
Monday, October 14, 2019
Issues Of Construction And Demolition Waste Environmental Sciences Essay
Issues Of Construction And Demolition Waste Environmental Sciences Essay Construction waste is becoming a serious environmental problem in many countries in the world. Construction and demolition (C and D) debris frequently makes up 10-30% of the waste receive at many landfill sites around the world (Fishbein, 1998). The construction industry has long been regarded as one of the major contributors of negative impact to the environment, due to the high amount of waste generated from construction, demolition, renovation and activities associated with construction. The construction industry plays a significant role in Malaysias development both in terms of infrastructure and economic development. Waste minimization and effective waste management is a most pressing issue nowadays. Construction is a unique industry. The success or failure of a project is relying on the accuracy estimation done throughout the course of the project. In this chapter, the timber or wood and asphalt are usually used in the construction industry will be reviewed follow by the discus sion to carry out by researcher in recycling technical for construction and demolish waste. Besides that, this chapter also carries out and identifies products produce from construction and demolishes waste in construction site. 2.2 Definition of Construction and Demolition Waste Waste is defined as the-by product generated and removed from construction, renovation and demolition workplaces or sites of building (Cheung, 1993). Solid is defined as all wastes in solid form which are useless or unwanted and in general arise from human activities. Construction wastes are wastes generated from building, demolition and renovation works for individual housing, commercial buildings and others. Solid wastes also can be defined as those wastes from human activities. Solid wastes can be classified as municipal waste such as, paper, plastic, food waste and so on. Industries wastes include construction and demolition waste, hazardous waste and others (Kiely, 1997). Construction waste are in the forms of building debris, rubble, earth, concrete, steel, timber, and mixed site clearance materials, arising from various construction activities including land excavation or formation, civil and building construction, demolition activities, roadwork and building renovation (Shen et al. 2004). Normally construction wastes are the wastage such timber from fabricated formwork, steel when steel bar cutting and so on. Even though prefabricated assemblies such as windows and doors, which are packaged in large quantities of cardboard, metal or plastic strapping and wood tend to produce a significant amount of waste (Dolan, 1999). Construction waste could be classified in the form of solid, liquid, gas or combination of all these. Due to the huge use of construction raw materials in the industry, there is certainly a need to evaluate the environmental impact of waste generated from the construction site activities. Construction and demolition (CD) waste is produced during new construction, renovation and demolition of structures such as residential and non- residential buildings, and public work projects such as highways, bridges and so on (United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2000). Construction and demolition waste includes bricks, concrete, soil, rock, masonry, paving materials, lumber, shingles, glass, plastic, aluminum, steel, drywall, asphalt, plumbing fixtures, wood or timber, cardboard and so on. The construction and demolition (CD) industry generates a significant quantity of waste (Table 1), although estimates of total amounts vary in England. Table 1. Quantities of waste from various sources in England (Lawson et al. 2001) 2.3 Construction Demolition Wastes in Malaysia Our country, Malaysia is same as other country, because Malaysia also have been created construction wastes substantially during the process of renovation, new construction, demolition and refurbishment such as bricks, concretes, steels, timbers and etcetera. At each stage of new construction, renovation, demolition and refurbishment have created different type of wastes. 2.4 Relationships between Construction and Demolition (CD) Waste Although construction wastes are similar to demolition wastes, they are often cleaner, because the waste materials usually have not been painted or mixed with other materials. Construction wastes are also generated in distinct stages as construction progresses. For example, framing and sheathing produces large quantities of wood waste; drywalling produces waste sheet rock; pallets, metal, plastics and cardboard during plumbing and mechanical installations. The sequential nature of construction allows targeted recovery of specific recyclable materials as a construction project proceeds. In remodeling projects, manual demolition provides the potential for a high degree of source separation. Demolition waste is more difficult to source-separate than construction waste. Reusable items and certain recyclables are sometimes recovered before mechanical demolition begins. There are two type of demolition which is manual and mechanical. Manual demolition, also known as deconstruction, can maximize the separation and recovery of recyclable materials, but is not always feasible. Mechanical demolition is done by bulldozer or excavator, tends to crush and combine materials, limiting source-separation, unless recovery facilities that sort mixed materials are available. Mechanically crushed materials are commonly land filled, with limited attempts at recovery (Clark Country Washington, 2008) 2.5 Contamination of Construction and Demolition (CD) Waste Waste from new construction is composed primarily of a mixture of unused or damaged raw materials, as well as off-cuts (discarded cut material) and packaging. Demolition waste includes actual building components, such as full length studs and concrete slabs. The largest component of demolition waste is concrete followed by brick, wood and metals. Waste materials from new construction are usually clean and relatively uncontaminated, whereas demolition waste materials are often dirty or contaminated and are mixed with other materials. These differences between construction and demolition (CD) wastes create specific opportunities and challenges for waste reduction. The contamination of construction and demolition (CD) wastes can take various forms: Mixed contamination Mixed contamination is resulting from mixing of materials during excavation from site. Waste concrete removed, for example, from a floor may be mixed with contaminated soil, other materials or other wastes. It will cause the negative impact on the potential for recycling concrete. Surface contamination Surface contamination is materials that have been used in foundations, road construction or in ground works are likely to have been in intimate contact with soil. Surface contamination could also include coatings and sheeting that have been used to protect the materials during their service life but a barrier to reuse. Absorbed contamination Absorbed contamination is contaminants that are soluble and mobile can potentially be absorbed into porous building materials. These contaminants are likely to be preset in groundwater or contaminated surface water. (Lawson et al. 2001) 2.6 Sources of Construction Wastes The construction wastes are usually generated by the construction activities take place. It consist all building materials that being used for construction purposes. Material wastes are unavoidable. One of the reasons to identify the source of construction wastes is to understand the recycling potential of construction wastes. The major construction wastes are bricks, concretes, timbers, glasses, metals, asphalt, plastic and others. Each of them have own characteristic. In this chapter will review two construction wastes which are timber and asphalt. 2.6.1 Timber/Wood Wood is produced by trees and sometimes other fibrous plants, used for construction purposes when cut into lumber and timber such as board, plank, and similar materials. Wood can be very flexible under loads, keeping strength when bending and it is also incredibly strong when compressed it into vertically. Wood is a generic building material and used in building just about any type of structure in most climates. There are many different type and quality of woods. This means specific species are better for various uses than other. Deciding the wood used in construction activities is depends on the woods quality. Historically, wood for large building structures was used in its unprocessed form as logs. The trees were just cut into the needed length, sometimes stripped of bark, and then notched in to place. In earlier times, some parts of the world, many country homes or communities had a personal wood lot from which the family or community would grow and harvest trees to build with. These lots would be tended to like a garden. With the invention of mechanizing saws came the mass production of dimensional lumber. This made buildings to put up and more uniform quickly. Thus, the modern western style home was made. Wood is one of the most frequent used by human in the world. Wood and the by-products are found in every area of modern existence, the timber is usually used in construction, furniture and domestic uses to fibre board, chipboard, paper, newsprint and cardboard. As usage for construction material, wood is strong, light, durable, flexible and easily worked. It has excellent insulating properties. In contrast to the substitutes for wood used in structural and architectural such as brick, concrete, metals and plastics, wood can be produced and transported with little energy consumed and the products are renewable and usually biodegradable (Koch, 1991). Wood will continue to be a major construction material in subsequent decades in Southeast Asia. A large part of the volume used for construction will be in the form of lumber and plywood but more reconstituted wood-panel products will be used in the form of fibre boards, particle board and wood-cement boards. The decreasing wood supply from natural forests will be supplemented by wood from plantations and secondary or lesser-used species will be adopted more as construction materials. In future non-traditional materials will also be used extensively. Rubber wood looms as an important source for both household furniture and construction. The palm stem of coconut will be used in a large extent for house construction, particularly for low cost housing. Laminated products will also become important as the supply of large diameter wood declines further. A more extensive use of nontraditional materials will depend largely on advancing technologies in processing to promote productivity and economy. Nowadays, the growing population causes the increase of housing needs. With the demands, countries of the Southeast Asia are decreasing amounts of their forest resources. In the same time, a diminishing natural forest resource is creating a need to find new sources and new processes for wood based construction materials. The present and future use of wood for construction in several ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) countries had suggested that the future requirements must be met from some unconventional sources and with increased use of new technologies. Wood remains the most important construction material that is available in the region in substantial quantities. In the coming years, wood will still continue to be a major construction material, but in a variety of new forms. Number of unconventional sources will be invented due to the declining supply of traditional tropical species. These will also be supplemented through the increased use of plantation trees and lesser known natural species, supported by technological advances in wood processing. Type of Wood in construction Cement Bonded Board This type of wood came in various forms and sizes such as chips, particles or narrow long strips like wood wool that has been bonded with cement to produce panel products for construction. Research on this type of panel was carried out more than 20 years ago in Europe but only now it is being seriously considered in the ASEAN countries. Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand started into commercial production of this material. Malaysia produces wood wool cement boards and particle boards bonded with cement. Cement bonded boards can be used for external walling. It has sound and heat insulating properties and resistant to the attack of insects and fungi. It has great potential for low-cost housing because of its cost competitive with other materials (Anonymous, 1984). Wood cement board is light with a density of only 600 kg/m3. The thermal conductivity of cement-bonded boards is lower than resin-bonded particleboards and is comparable to fibre insulating boards. Glued Laminated Wood Glulam is stand for Glued Laminated Timber. It is made from gluing many small pieces of timber planks together to form deep members. The advantages of using Glued Laminated Timber are strength of the product, the opportunities for creative architectural use especially in curved and tapered beams and excellent fire performance of the product ( Dr Tan et al. 2005). LVL is stands for Laminated Veneer Lumber. It is made from laminating thin sheets of wood which enables very deep and long sections with high strength possible. The other option is the use of Plywood which is made by gluing and pressing thin laminates together to form a sheet. The grain is laminated in alternate directions, which results in strength in two directions. These manufactured products are used in large spans, deep beams and large cross sections that incorporates large span truss. There have many advantages of Laminated Timber for trusses. In terms of material, the product is known for its efficiency and quality. Laminated Timber uses short length and small pieces of wood resources intelligently. On the other hand, the process is subject to certain quality criteria on bonding, finger jointing and wood quality ( Dr Tan et al. 2005). The advantages are also inherent in the process required: Drying In Glulam, not more than 40mm of thickness is used. Drying and even preservative treatment become easier and better quality is attainable. Shape and form Timber could be bent to produce structural members of virtually any shape and size. The final geometry is normally restricted by ease of transportation and handling. Termite, mould and rot General solution is to either specify timber species which are naturally resistant to chemically treat the material accordingly. Proper technical detailing is also essential to minimize exposure to sunlight, collection of water and possible termite attack. Glulam trusses are widely used for large span structures for its aesthetic appeal apart from cost effectiveness and this helps by doing away with false ceilings or other decorative items. Besides that, the other uses include pre-assembled or knock down Glulam components for transportation purposes, pre-drilled holes and also all connection hardware (primered, painted or powder-coated) as specified ( Dr Tan et al. 2005). Palm Wood The possibility of utilizing the coconut palm wood on a commercial scale has been recognized only in the last decade, although usage of wood from palm species has been known by people in the villages since time immemorial. Currently, coconut palm wood has been successfully utilized in a number of coconut growing countries such as the Philippines, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Fiji, the Tonga Islands and others. Coconut timber is suitable for housing components like trusses, purlins, walls, joists, doors, window frames and jalousies. Low density coconut wood materials (from the centre of the stem) should be used only in non-load structures like walls and panels while high density coconut wood (from the perimeter of the stem) can be used for load-bearing structures like trusses and joints. High density coconut wood could also be used as posts, power and telecommunication poles, trusses, floor tiles (parquet), girts, floor joists, purlins, balustrades and railings and other load bearing structu res. When coconut logs are to be used in ground contact under exposed conditions (for examples as posts or as poles for electrical wires) they must be properly treated. Medium density boards can be effectively used for walling, horizontal studs, ceiling joists and door or window frames. As a regulation, if density of coconut wood is below 400 kg/m3, it is should not be used as structural framing materials. However, they can be used in the internal parts of a building as ceiling and wall lining in the form of boards and shingles. A problem related to structural application of coco wood is the difficulty of nailing and subsequently splitting of high density wood finishes. Coconut wood can be a promising material for the manufacture of furniture and other handicrafts due to its beautiful grain and attractive natural appearance. High value coconut wood products which include furniture, decorative interior walls, parquet floors, various novelties and curio items like walking sticks, ash trays, hammer handles, egg cups, plates, bowls, vases and so on. Comparable to the traditional wood species commonly used in the furniture industry as far as appearance is concerned. Thus, with effective product promotion, quality furniture and other high value coconut wood products can have a potential share not only in the domestic but also in the world markets. Coconut wood has potential for the manufacture of high value and export quality finished products. (Asia Pacific Forestry Sector Outlook: Focus on Coconut Wood, 1997). 2.6.2 Asphalt Asphalt or bitumen can sometimes be confused with tar, which is a similar black thermo-plastic material produced by the destructive distillation of coal. During the early century, when town gas was produced, tar was a readily available product and extensively used as the binder for road aggregates. The addition of tar to macadam roads led to the word tarmac, which is now used to refer to road making materials. However, since the 1970s, when natural gas succeeded town gas, asphalt (bitumen) has completely overtaken the use of tar in these applications. Asphalt is used for the oil refinery product used to pave roads and manufacture roof shingles. 2.7 Waste Management Planning Good planning is the most important part of construction waste management. Like anything else in construction, recycling is straight forward if you have a good blueprint, but becomes much more difficult and expensive if its an add-on. Good planning allows to identify all recyclable materials and know how going to manage the site before the job starts. Good planning addresses how each waste material will be handled, what containers will be used and when theyll be on site, and where each material will be marketed. Good planning allows to assess the costs and benefits of recycling and decide which materials to source separate, which to recycle as mixed debris, and which to discard as trash. Good planning covers communications, training, and troubleshooting, and lays out tracking and reporting procedures. The Waste Management Plan is the document that lays out the start-to-finish strategy for job site recycling. It is prepared directly from the drawings and specifications for the job, an d a good plan will closely follow these documents. The Waste Management Plan should includes estimating types and quantities of wastes generated during each phase of the job, identify how each waste will be managed and marketed, provide an estimate of the overall job recycling rate, lay out plans for training, meetings, and other communications related to job-site waste management and provide troubleshooting instructions and contact information. The Waste Management Plan is the cornerstone for successful construction waste recycling and reduction. It is a comprehensive document that provides all of the information needed by any individual on site to understand and achieve the waste management goals for the project. All of this can and should be done before you break ground or during the planning stage so that recycling is incorporated seamlessly into overall performance of the job. Its best if the Waste Management Plan is written and signed off on by all parties (owner, architect, a nd contractor) a month or more before site possession or the first day of site work. This allows time for all parties to participate in developing the plan, allows contractors and subcontractors to integrate recycling into their setup and work plans, and assures that training can be provided to supervisors and workers. The Waste Management Plan is also a living document, used as a day-to-day reference just like blueprints and specifications. This fact cannot be overemphasized. Handling procedures or markets may change during the course of a job, these changes should be noted in modifications to the plan. As waste materials move from the site, information on waste and recycling tonnages and costs will be gathered. These should be matched against initial projections, variances should be analyzed, and a running recycling rate should be calculated. Besides that, also should be publicized the recycling rate to laborers and trades. Its a good way to help boost morale, and keep workers str iving to achieve recycling goals (Construction Materials Management Guidelines, Feb1994). 2.8 Construction Waste Management Construction waste management may be defined as the discipline associated with the control of generation, recovering, processing and disposal of construction wastes in a manner that is in accord with the best principles of human health, economic, engineering, aesthetics, and other environmental considerations (Tchobanoglous, 1993). Construction waste management is becoming more pressing problem in worldwide. The management of construction waste is not only of governments responsibility but also responsibility of the developer of the particular land area. There are two ways to manage the waste will be discussed later. 2.8.1 Reuse The reuse of waste material is one of the important form of pollution prevention. It is because these changes reduce the amount of waste generated year to year. Source reduction and reuse are regularly undertaken in developing countries, while these are only beginning to be practiced widely in industrialized countries. Several obstacles have stop waste prevention efforts including manufacturing decision and consumer buying patterns. For an example, manufacturers have little incentive to consider the cost of waste collection and disposal when designing a product because the consumers do not take these factors into consideration when making purchase decisions. 2.8.2 Recycling Recycling construction and demolition (CD) waste is defined as using or reuse a material or residual component of a material (Holt, 2001). Besides that, recycling also reprocessing of a reclaimed material and converting it into a new material or use. Recycle construction and demolition (CD) waste can be accomplished in various ways. Deconstruction is one method of recycle construction and demolition (CD) waste. Deconstruction is the disassembly of structures and reuse of their parts. It is believe that there is value in salvaged materials. However for traditional recycle construction and demolition (CD) waste methods are modifying materials remanufacture. There are many constructions and demolition (CD) waste can be recycled. The expanding the market recycle construction and demolition (CD) waste are depend on the recycled and salvaged goods in the market place, labour costs for removal, sorting and processing and relative disposal cost (Patterson, 2005). 2.8.3 The Important of Recycling There are some benefits of recycling, including saving energy saving land space, saving money, creating new jobs, reducing air and water pollution and preserving habitat for wildlife. It takes less energy to process recycled materials than it does to use virgin materials. For an example, it takes less energy to recycle paper from waste material than it does to create paper from new woodland, because there is no longer a need to cut down a new tree, process the wood from the tree and make it into paper. Energy from non-renewable resources is protected and saved for future generations, money is saved when less energy is used. This is also can mean that more competitively priced goods and often pollution and emissions are reduced when less energy is used. Recycling reduces trash in landfill sites, which cuts down on the cost of waste disposal and the clearing of more land for new landfills when the current landfills become too full to store any more waste. Recycling is an easy and less expensive alternative to clearing more land for new landfills. For an example, composting, recycling kitchen waste and yard waste into compost provides a means of free nutritious soil for gardening. Recycling would allow human to reuse the materials over and over again. Decomposing waste often release noxious gases and chemicals as it decomposes at landfill sites. These gas and chemicals create air pollution. When the chemicals leach into the groundwater, this will creates water pollution and water is c ontaminated. In 2000, recycling of solid waste prevented the release of 32.9 million metric tons of carbon equivalent (MMTCE, the unit of measure for greenhouse gases) into the air. Imagine how much pollution could prevent if instead of landfills had recycling centers. Human could breathe cleaner air and drink cleaner water. If the human created more recycling opportunities, this would create more jobs and no one would have to lose their jobs either. Recycling also preserves wildlife. When fewer trees are cut down to make virgin material or to make space landfills, habitat for wildlife remains. More habitats for animals mean less animal extinction. Despite what some may say, recycling is important and it can make a difference. The people may not be able to solve their landfill and pollution problems anytime soon, but at least they can help keep them from getting worse. Recycling is a easy way to do. Start with paper or plastic or both and take them to a recycling bin near your home. For an example, if any people have to go grocery shopping fill up a car with a box of recyclable paper and dump it at the recycling bin near the store. Many grocery stores now have these bins available. If not ask them to start or participate in your neighborhoods curbside recycling program. If there isnt one available get one started in the neighborhood. In 2001 United States residents, businesses and institutions generated more than 229 million tons of municipal solid waste (MSW) (EPA, Municipal Solid Waste in the United States: 2001 Final Report). This waste adversely affects the economy and the environment. Conventional methods of disposal involve land filling. These landfills have limited capacity. As waste generation increases, new landfills must be built. Landfills are expensive to build and operate. The landfills are also highly subsidized by local governments and require significant land that then is no longer viable for wildlife habitat or residential, commercial, or recr eational development. Waste negatively impacts the environment. Degradation of the natural landscape occurs through leaching from improperly lined landfills and from the extraction of resources for new materials. To reduce the amount of waste generation, communities have instituted recycling programs across the country. Recycling has economic and environmental benefits for communities. First, recycling reduces the need for new landfills and associated costs. Second, recycling can support industrial development as the recycled materials serve as raw materials for manufacturing and other uses. For an example, recycled soda bottles are used in carpet manufacturing; steel contains 85 percent recycled content and recycled paper is milled for new paper products. By supplying raw materials to industry through the reuse of materials, recycling conserves resources by reducing the need to extract virgin resources or introduce new chemicals into the environment. By not disturbing existing natu ral resources and by reducing noxious manufacturing processes, recycling prevents emissions of many greenhouse gases and water pollutants. From a community and environmental preservation perspective, recycling conserves green space, protects habitat, and improves quality of life for residents in natural resource locations. Recycling also saves energy through avoided extraction and manufacture processes. This can be a particularly powerful strategy when one realizes that only 10 percent of all materials extracted are used in final products. This means that 90 percent of natural resources extracted for consumer use are disposed of as waste. From an economic perspective, such high values of unused material represent inefficiencies in the market. Missed opportunities exist where inefficiencies are present. Recycling contributes to the economic base of communities. There is significant job creation and business development potential associated with recycling. Jobs in this field involve more than simple collection and separation. The remanufacture of recycled materials supports more than one million manufacturing jobs. As companies seek to find new uses for recycled materials, research and development of greener technologies require skilled individuals and significant capital investment. A wide variety of jo b skills are needed to develop this industry. Hence, the more robust are the recycling activities which include collection, separation, research, manufacture and resale and the more recycling can advance economic development. The popular phrase, reduce, reuse, recycle has become a household mantra with millions of households separating their plastics, paper, cans and glass and using curbside pick-up, drop-off centers, buy-back centers, and deposit refund programs. Certainly within these material streams, a larger percentage of recycling is possible. Further, these materials are only part of the waste stream. There are other materials that may have more impact when recycled. Construction and demolition (CD) debris materials are easily recyclable using existing infrastructure and make up larger concentrations of waste volume than cans, bottles, paper and so on. (William McDonough and Michael Braungart. 2002. Cradle to Cradle. New York: Northpoint Press). Construction and demolition waste is currently recycled at a rate of 20-30 percent. Project-based studies indicate that the potential for recycling is much higher more than 70 percent. While many construction and demolition materials are suitable for recycl ing, there are external factors that influence the spread of construction and demolition recycling. The value of recycled and salvaged goods in the marketplace, labor costs for removal, sorting and processing, and relative disposal costs all play a role in expanding or contracting the market for reuse and recycled goods. Recycled and salvaged goods must be price competitive and perceived to be as desirable as or even more desirable than products produced from virgin materials. Competitive pricing is impacted by subsidies, incentives on virgin materials, and market demand. Recycled goods or secondary materials do not benefit from similar policies that could facilitate their widespread use and resultant competitive pricing. Desirability for recycled materials is a reflection of the value placed upon these goods. This desirability can be affected by industry and consumer market knowledge and acceptance. However, hesitancy to use recycled goods on the part of bui
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Photographic Influence on Degas Work :: Art
Photographic Influence on Degas Work What, if any impact did photography play in the role of arts ‘evolution’, in particular, what impact did photography have in the works of the impressionist painters. Two obviously conflicting opinions arise through texts by ‘Aaron Scharf’ and ‘Kirk Vanerdoe’. Scharf argues that the impact of ‘snapshot photography’ and the invention and wide distribution of portable camera’s had a significant influence on the works of the painter ‘Degas’. Vanerdoe takes the opportunity to question what makes an influence significant, and tends to see the creation of Impressionism stem from earlier art movements. Then comes the question, what, if any arguments are valid, what arguments are opinions and what can be sieved down to fact. The truth of it all is that many of these opinions that are displayed can neither be proved nor disproved, and therefore any analysis must be taken with a grain of salt. However it appears as though Vanerdoe has taken the less hospitable route, resulting at times to personal attacks, as well as blanket statements of which may not answer a question raised by Scharf, but rather simply a personal attack. It is in these statements we see a very passionate Vanerdoe, but also lose faith in his ability to keep together a reasoned and structured argument. Vanerdoe’s beginning argument for example, ‘Â ¹this line of thinking however is inaccurate and misleading’ the basis for his essay, and way of thinking to come. It is from this we see Vanerdoe try and reason that, photographical influence isn’t substantial enough, yet no attempt at defining substantial has been made, that therefore leads me to conclude that, substantiality in the case of Vanerdoe’s essay must continue as a buzz-word. I would asses the word substantial as the dictionary does ‘Considerable in importance’ and therefore Vanerdoe considers that the photographic influence is not considerable in importance. What levels of significance then does photography play in the role of art work of Impressionism and in particular Degas? So one would then at this point, try and define, to ones self exactly what constitutes a substantial impact. I would put forward that a substantial impact would be one, which remnants are visible through the completed work. Substantiality would then be based on whether or not the aesthetic or meaning of the photograph still influences. Therefore I decree that substantiality can be undervalued, but not overvalued. That would send me in the direction of Scharf’s argument.
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