Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Imagination In Frankenstein English Literature Essay
The Imagination In Frankenstein English Literature Essay The importance of imagination in the romanticism period was all about establishing who you were as a writer. The imagination in Frankenstein is that Dr. Frankenstein created an eight foot tall monster out of miscellaneous body parts, turning mans greatest fear of death and turning it into life, trying to make a perfect man and the advancement of the human kind. As the quote The labours of men of genius, however erroneously directed, scarcely ever fail in ultimately turning to the solid advantage of mankind. (Shelley 33-34) from Frankenstein is talking about the increasing role of science during the romanticism period. During the romanticism period the role of science and technology was increasing and very important to that time period because they were coming out of the neoclassical period which was all about the ending of the Renaissance time when it was all about art, self-awareness, religion, humanism, and art. The celebration of the individual is about inspiring the achievements of the misunderstood, heroic individual outcast. The celebration of the individual in Frankenstein is about the monster that Victor Frankenstein created. No one wanted to be friends or even be around the monster, so therefore the monster became angry, bitter and lonely. The quote, All men hate the wretched; how then, must I be hated, who am miserable beyond all living things! Yet you, my creator, detest and spurn me, thy creature, to whom thou art bound by ties only dissoluble by the annihilation of one of us. (Shelley 81), from the monster, he is telling his creator Victor Frankenstein how hated he is by everyone and how alone he is. After the monster talks to his creator about how miserable and lonely he is, he tries to reason with Victor Frankenstein by telling Victor that he would stop his killing streak of revenge and exchange peace for a companion of like origin. The monster said to his creator, If you will c omply with my conditions, I will leave them and you at peace; but if you refuse, I will glut the maw of death, until it be satiated with the blood of your remaining friends. (Shelley 81), after the monster said this to Victor had refused the monster of any deal that the monster wanted to make, and so therefore the monster did what he said he would do and started to go after all of Victors friends and family. The romantics, which were the authors, stressed the awe of nature in art and in language and the practice of nobility through a connection with nature. The awe of nature in Frankenstein is best explained by this quote, It was the secrets of heaven and earth that I desired to learn; and whether it was the outward substance of things or the inner spirit of nature and the mysterious soul of man that occupied me, still my inquiries were directed to the metaphysical, or in it highest sense, the physical secrets of the world. (Shelley 23), which is connecting nature through the language of that time period. The language of that time period is greatly influenced by the writers imagination, emotion, and experience. Mary Shelleys writing style was greatly influenced by her imagination and emotion more than anything else. Mary Shelleys writing style was also gothic in the sense that it when she was writing the novel Frankenstein she had put a supernatural event, which was Victor Frankenstein c reating the eight foot tall monster. The writing style of William Wordsworth is different than Mary Shelleys because his is more influenced by emotion and feelings, his poem It is a beauteous Evening (Wordsworth 281), calm and free has strong emotion of dying and death, it is an emotional piece because it is talking about the death of his daughter. The writing style of Samuel Taylor Coleridge is based on the emotion of pain and disease. In his poem Love the quote And that she nursed him in a cave; And how his madness went away, When on the yellow forest-leaves A dying man he lay;- (Coleridge 110-113) has the emotion of love and of death at the same time which is different than that of Mary Shelleys Frankenstein because the emotion of love is not used as much as the emotion of death or the gothic sense that she uses of a monster with inhuman strength. Jean-Jacques Rousseau was one of the most significant thinkers of the state of nature, like most writers during that time, they were writing the poem, short stories, novels, and essays about or relating closely to nature. Jean-Jacques writings were about nature, because he believed that humans were born naturally good, curious, and content with satisfying are basic needs; but it is or society that corrupts us to desire status, idleness, and luxuries. (Jeffrey D. Wilhelm 676) Mary Shelleys writings were about the emotion of sorrow, death, and having no to love you back. Mary Shelleys writings are different than Jean-Jacques, because Jeans writings are a little happier toned and incorporate more nature than supernatural beings, in I his writing the Confessions. I am resolved on an undertaking that has no model and will have no imitator. I want to show my fellow-men a man in all truth of nature; and this man is to be myself. (Rousseau 5) in the first two lines of the novel he is saying that I will not have a follower and I will illustrate the truth about nature for all men. As in Mary Shelleys writings are more gothic and emotionally filled with sorrow. In a fit of enthusiastic madness I created a rational creature and was bound towards him to assure, as far as was in my power, his happiness and well-being . . . I refused, and I did right in refusing, to create a companion for the first creature. He showed unparalleled malignity and selfishness in evil; he destroyed my friends . . . Miserable himself that he may render no other wretched, he ought to die. The task of his destruction was mine, but I have failed. (Shelley 193) is a great quote to explain the interest in the common man and childhood. The quote shows the natural goodness in Victor from Frankenstein, by refusing to create a companion for the creature that has killed all his friends and family. Victor did the right thing by not giving the monster what he wanted; but instead letting the monster kill the ones closet to him while he was trying to kill the monster. The novel Frankenstein is both a romantic and gothic horror novel; because the novel also is supernatural but it is also connected to nature. The Byronic hero is monster; because the monster is arrogant, emotionally conflicted, has a troubled past, self-destructive, and treated as an outcast. The monster is the Byronic hero because he is an idealized yet imperfect character; he had his flaws because he was considered an outcast among everyone else, because he was hideous and no one would show him love or happiness, so he became bitter and angry at everyone that was happy and loved. The monster killed every one of his creators friends and family, then went and killed himself because his creator had died.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Freudian Theory and Consciousness: A Conceptual Analysis Essay
The portrayal of duality and the disturbing violence of the alters, in both works, can be approached with the psychoanalytic concept, and the structural theory of the mind promulgated by Freud. This is because both characters manifest the different sides of the structural theory of the mind. Based on Freud’s theory there are three subtypes of the self that go hand in hand to build our personality. â€Å"The id is the primitive, instinctive component of personality that operates according to the pleasure principle.†The superego is the self that operates according to moral principles. Ego, a required moderator, negotiates with the id and superego in order to satisfy the desires of both in a manner that is socially acceptable. If these three aspects of an individual from the whole self, the result is DID. This takes place in both storylines, as Tyler and Hyde embody the â€Å"aggressive tendencies†of the id. Both main characters, that superficially exist as single entities, bring the reader to question the notion that good cannot exist without evil. The Narrator in Fight club characterizes the ego in the psyche, which mediates the impulsive and sexual self of the id with the social norms of the world. He eventually fails to find a compromise between the two and chooses to identify with the superego. Consequently, unconscious impulses form a discrete entity that is Tyler Durden. The id is manifested in Tyler’s need for primal violence, and high sex drive. He claims that â€Å"self-improvement isn’t the answer, maybe self-destruction is the answer†. Eventually, The Narrator finds himself in the center of â€Å"organized chaos†, and has lost all power over his id. Similarly, Dr. Jekyll represents the ego, dominated by social norms. Jekyll says â€Å"It was on the moral side, †¦, that I learned to recognize the thorough and primitive duality of man†. He has a strenuous time juggling between the requirements of his aggressive instinct and his rational self. Consequently, he gives in to his impulses and decides to separate the two, and bring Mr. Hyde into being. He claims that â€Å"man is not truly one, but truly two.†Mr. Hyde, like Tyler Durden, has no social or moral principles, and seeks â€Å"instant gratification†. By the end, Jekyll, â€Å"represented by the proclaimed and implicit morals of the Victorian society†, loses control of Hyde. The pleasure the alters take in brutality and aggression, ultimately leads to their own destruction by suicide. Aside from the similarities in the personalities and behaviors of the characters, Stevenson and Palahniuk choose many comparable themes and symbolism to help them portray dual personalities in their work, such as the prominent theme of isolation, devolution, as well as the motif of sleep, and the nocturnal city. Fight Club and Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde are further linked by the continually prevalent themes of isolation and devolution. The theme of devolution and atavism is reinforced by several factors in both works. Just as humans have the tendency to evolve, they also have the ability to evolve and become more primitive, especially as society forces us to repress such animalistic tendencies. Tyler and Mr. Hyde both return to their primitive and more animalistic state of being as the restrictions placed by society pushes them to their breaking point. This is evident as both characters have a more violent and destructive nature than The Narrator and Dr. Jekyll. Isolatio n is also significant in developing the theme of devolution. The Narrator and Jekyll both live isolated lives, with Jekyll insisting that he wants to lead â€Å"a life of extreme seclusion†. Both characters live their lives devoid of friends or family to communicate with. Jekyll isolates himself from his old friends and spends his days in his lab, while Hyde sneaks in and out of the house. Similarly, The Narrator moves to an abandoned house with no one to communicate with. The theme of isolation helps the alters â€Å"manipulate and absorb the bodies of the main characters for whatever purposes they so desire.†This helps them satisfy their needs for violence and destruction.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Do Women Enjoy Equal Right in Nepal Essay
Our country, Nepal is popularly known as a traditional nation. It gives more priority to its customs and traditions rather than other subjects of matter. This country has been ruled and operated by majority of men since the beginning of humanity. Men play the vital role in each sector of development. History of Nepal is the evidence that all the development works are carried out by majority of men and less women. Even though, there is equal importance of male and female in development of nation, females are kept aside in development as well as social matter. In each and every sector, men play a main role and women are in inferior position. The main cause of such vast differences is the lack of education and public awareness. Such differences start from the early period of males and females life. In point of view of Nepalese people, females are regarded as a curse and males as boon. They do not like bearing female baby as they have to get her married and provide dowry. So, they take it as burden. That’s why, when they bear a boy and a girl, they give higher priority and more love to boy and the girl is kept within the four walls of home. Thus, no matter how talented they are, they never get a chance to develop. The condition of women living in our country is really miserable. Women living in our society are still under the shadow of darkness. They are bounded by the traditional concept of conservative society. They are busy mostly in kitchen and household works. Though, women occupy more population in Nepal, they have less participation in the high level jobs and some other important matters related to their life. They can experience very few legal rights and even our society places them in an inferior position. This was often justified as being the result of biological differences between the sexes. Women were thought to be more emotional and less decisive than men. They are not given sufficient opportunities to improve themselves and are discouraged to go ahead. No matter whatever progress they make, they are still suppressed by this traditional society. Moreover, they are somehow experiencing basic rights, but they are deprived of social rights in many ways. Furthermore, they are regarded as the symbol of creating, protecting and nursing. They bear and grow-up children. They have many more responsibilities like biological, social and national. But, still their condition in our nation is backward. They are so because of male domination, traditional, social structures, unequal laws, lack of awareness, poverty and lack of government protection for them. Women in our society have been confined only to household chores, rearing children, preparing food, collecting fodder for cattle and family sanitation. Especially, they do not have freedom for movement and for adopting job. They are deprived of higher studies and property rights. They are not encouraged for social exposure. Furthermore, they had been the victim of domestic violence from their husbands, brothers, mother-in-law and even relatives. Their appeal is not uprightly accepted even by the administrator. Sometimes, they are even beaten, kidnapped and killed. Hence, they are really living a sorrowful life. CBS (Central Bureau of Statistics) and the report of UNDP shows that women’s participation in developmental works of Nepal is of low grade. Their rate of involvement in different sectors like education, civil service, participation in teaching and legal practice is very low. Though many NGOs (National Government Organization), INGOs (International Government Organization) and governmental organizations are working for the rights of women, their condition has not been improved significantly. Therefore, in first place, the women themselves must raise voice for their rights. Government, stakeholders, NGOs and INGOs has to take certain measures to uplift the condition of women in every nook and cranny of Nepal. Awareness programs must be conducted in their favor. Rallies with slogans like â€Å"GENDER EQUALITY†, â€Å"EDUCATION FOR ALL†, and etcetera must be spread all over our country. Thus, women must be provided with rights equal to that of men. Reference; The present status of Nepali women – Ashmita Bhattarai
Thursday, January 2, 2020
What Is Love Baby Don’t Hurt Me an Analysis of a Crown of...
Whatt is Love? Baby Don’t Hurt Me An Analysis of A Crown of Sonnets Dedicated to Love A Crown of Sonnets Dedicated to Love is a poem series by Lady Mary Wroth, but this essay will focus only on the first sonnet of the sequence. Wroth had a particular writing style that appears within this poem. This sonnet follows the Shakespearian formula rigidly and uses it quite effectively, though it isn’t just a sonnet. The poem itself addresses love and the many roads it can lead to, and not many of them are truly desirable. Surprisingly, the poem does not use literary elements like alliteration and assonance to make the poem interesting, instead it harnesses repetition and rhyme to compel the readers. The sonnet feels seamless, which can be†¦show more content†¦To the left, her love will be mired by suspicion, whether she will be the one haunted by suspicions or her lover is not stated. Either way, she will not find happiness by going down that path. In the next line, the speaker says that she wishes to go back and that her shame is agreeing with that ide a. Alternatively, her shame could be driving her to return to the point she now finds herself. Finally, the speaker says that standing still and not making a choice is the hardest thing to do because she finds herself mourning the fact that she can’t make a decision. Throughout this part of the poem, Wroth does not use the repetition of sounds to accentuate the poem. Rather, she uses the recurrence of emotions and direction to add weight to the poem. The theme of action and stillness that Wroth utilized in her works is pervasive throughout this poem, because the speaker never did actually move; it was the emphasis on the direction that drove the poem forward. To the right, forward, left, and so on give the reader the impression that the speaker is spinning. Though there isn’t much in the ways of alliteration, assonance and whatnot, there is one particular line that has alliteration in it; â€Å"Thus let me take the right or the left-hand way†¦.†(line 9) The ‘t’ sound is used repeatedly in this line, though whether
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