Friday, May 31, 2019
Essay --
It was my first prison term leaving the country, and I was excited. The summer of Saudi was hot, and I couldnt stop thinking about going extraneous for the first time. My family and friends were helping me pack the last of my luggage, and I was on my way to the airport. As I made my way through the gates and into the plane, I could neer imagine the experiences that were to come. It all started with my airport and Canadian immigration services, then meeting my host family and the people of Canada, and last but non least the school experience. As I left Saudi Arabia, it was a bittersweet feeling. I left from Riyadh to Vancouver via London. My experience at the airport in London for the first time was very difficult. So when I was in Riyadh airport, my father and mother gave me advice to study hard and be a good student. All my friends were with me to say their last good byes because it was my first time leaving alone. Before I got on the plane, I met a new friend who I didnt even deal would end up at the same university as me in Canada. Its a small world because I did not expect this. We became good friends and our acquaintance continues until today. When I arrived at Heathrow airport in London, I felt this empty feeling, like I was missing something already. My mind started to go blank and the little side that I knew, I forgot. So it was very difficult for me to talk to any airport staff and ask them where I should go. Then I became nervous because I didnt know what to do. I was praying that somebody would be able to help me. Suddenly, I found a guy who looked like an Arab and I approached him to ask him for his help. I found out he was Egyptian. He was very kind to me and was able to guide me to my terminal a... ...tely, my test was not very good so I was put in the beginners level. I struggled at the beginning, but as time went on, I became more comfortable and started speaking little by little. The more I round, the better my communication in English became. One year passed and I became comfortable in the city, with my host family, and new international friends, all because I spoke better English. My experience of leaving Saudi Arabia has made me a better person. Of course at the beginning it was very difficult, but Im fleur-de-lis now that I was able to get a scholarship to study in Canada and learn English. Maybe if I didnt get this opportunity, I would not feature met the people I met and become friends with them. The best thing I can say about leaving my country is that now I have friends from all over the world and I would not change anything for that experience.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Affirmative Action :: essays research papers
Affirmative pull through has been frivolously debated throughout the past 135years. Citizens of the United States question whether the government shouldgrant certain advantages to carrys that boast endured bigotry in the past. This plan goes by the name of Affirmative Action. Affirmative Action is afederally subsidized program that encourages universities and othereducational institutions, to contain a greater number of minority students.Throughout the years, Affirmative Action and the different advocates havechanged, but racial inequality remains stagnant. Affirmative natural action has various proponents and opponents, both of whom seekthe eventual goal of an integrated, educated middle class society. Theopponents of Affirmative Action argue that it is not the responsibility ofthe current bulk to make up for prior actions and imposing thesetypes of programs would be a form of so-called, reverse discrimination. Theproponents argue that it is everybodys responsibility to create a society,which gives everybody an equal luck regardless of race, and the onlyway to ascertain this goal is through Affirmative-Action programs. How canthis nation come together and disregard the color of a persons skin? forget wereach this goal by subsidizing programs that assist minorities, or shall wesit and wait for time to establish equal opportunity for all?The history of Affirmative Action dates back to the days when the nationattempted to rebuild its society after the civil war. Reconstructionattempted to establish virtuous relations between the flannel Europeans andblack Africans that made up a large part of the American society. The nationwas torn on how to establish these relations.Many call Reconstruction the poor point of race relations in the UnitedStates. This era included the ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment,defining national citizenship so as to include blacks. This Amendment passed social intercourse in June 1866 and was ratified, despite rejection by mo st Southernstates (July 28, 1868). In response to the newfound freedom of AfricanAmericans, whites incited numerous accounts of violence. White hatred of theblack race created an era that experienced the most lynchings in the historyof the United States. Whites also began using contemporary forms of laborexploitation to maintain control of their socio-economic advantage. Something needed to be done so that the nation would not split at its seams. One side argued that time was the only solution to racial problems. Creatinggovernment programs would make Africans dependent and give them an unfairadvantage. They were said to be fat state subsidies that unfairly penalizedinnocent whites and taught blacks self-destructive habits of indolence andindependence. This argument was sustained by the Democratic Party who
Compare and contrast the attitudes to war as reflected in for the :: English Literature
Compare and contrast the attitudes to war as reflected in for thefallen and the dart off.For the fallen and The Send-off are poems written demonstratingattitudes towards war. Whilst banyan conveys an idealised, romanticpicture of war that depicts the soldiers as heroic and courageous,Owens attitudes towards war are more pessimistic in nature. Owen usesappearance versus naive realism to show the corruption and misery of war.Binyan and Owen convey their attitudes through the language, structureand poetic devices they employThe attitudes to war in for the fallen are patriotic andromanticised. The opening lines, with proud thanksgiving, fall out noticegrandeur, prestige and honour. Binyan conveys the ideas that fomentingfor your country, and serving in the war is honourable. To emphasisethe honour of vieing in the war banyan employs a metaphoricalrepresentation of England as the capital mother. a mother for herchildren, through personifying England as a mother it is almost likeEngl and has nurtured and shaped her children which are symbolic of thesoldier which depicts the view that it was the soldiers duty to fightfor their country. The repetition of the words for her, evokes guiltin the readers as banyan illustrates the attitude at the time beingthat England has done so much for the soldiers that it was expected ofthem to halt back to their country.Contrasting to the patriotic and idealised image of war and servingyour country the representation that Owen conveys of war, is eerie anddaunting, the darkening lanes. The imagery of the darkening lanecould reflect the lives of the solders sent to war, it counsels thattheir remainder were almost inevitable and they were bound to final stage beforethey wee even sent off. The use of the word darkening eliminates anyhope the readers may grant and illustrates Owens attitude that theyreno hope in fighting and without hope there was no purpose or point infighting. Owen also expresses certain picture in the soldiers asthey are sent into a world which they know nothing about.Similarly Binyan demonstrates the same naivety and innocence of thesoldiers that served in the war. They went with songs to the battle,suggests that the soldiers were unprepared and asleep of the harshrealities of war, which is reflected in the behaviour. Binyandemonstrates that the soldiers entered the battle field withaspirations, the fact that they were ready to fight for their countryagainst the odds uncounted, and went almost willingly with songs,demonstrates honour. Binyan follows this with, they were young,which emphasises their naivety and innocence the soldiers werevulnerable unless remained true of eye, steady and aflow, whichCompare and contrast the attitudes to war as reflected in for the English LiteratureCompare and contrast the attitudes to war as reflected in for thefallen and the hop out off.For the fallen and The Send-off are poems written demonstratingattitudes towards war. Whilst banyan conveys an idealised, romanticpicture of war that depicts the soldiers as heroic and courageous,Owens attitudes towards war are more pessimistic in nature. Owen usesappearance versus humans to show the corruption and misery of war.Binyan and Owen convey their attitudes through the language, structureand poetic devices they employThe attitudes to war in for the fallen are patriotic andromanticised. The opening lines, with proud thanksgiving, suggestgrandeur, prestige and honour. Binyan conveys the ideas that fightingfor your country, and serving in the war is honourable. To emphasisethe honour of fighting in the war banyan employs a metaphoricalrepresentation of England as the capital mother. a mother for herchildren, through personifying England as a mother it is almost likeEngland has nurtured and shaped her children which are symbolic of thesoldier which depicts the view that it was the soldiers duty to fightfor their country. The repetition of the words for her, evokes guiltin the readers as banyan illustrates the attitude at the time beingthat England has done so much for the soldiers that it was expected ofthem to give back to their country.Contrasting to the patriotic and idealised image of war and servingyour country the representation that Owen conveys of war, is eerie anddaunting, the darkening lanes. The imagery of the darkening lanecould reflect the lives of the solders sent to war, it suggests thattheir death were almost inevitable and they were bound to death beforethey wee even sent off. The use of the word darkening eliminates anyhope the readers may abide and illustrates Owens attitude that theyreno hope in fighting and without hope there was no purpose or point infighting. Owen also expresses certain photograph in the soldiers asthey are sent into a world which they know nothing about.Similarly Binyan demonstrates the same naivety and innocence of thesoldiers that served in the war. They went with songs to the battle,suggests that the soldiers were un prepared and unsuspecting of the harshrealities of war, which is reflected in the behaviour. Binyandemonstrates that the soldiers entered the battle field withaspirations, the fact that they were ready to fight for their countryagainst the odds uncounted, and went almost willingly with songs,demonstrates honour. Binyan follows this with, they were young,which emphasises their naivety and innocence the soldiers werevulnerable hardly remained true of eye, steady and aflow, which
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
There Are No Children Here Essays: Style -- There are No Children Here
Style of There argon No Children Here There Are No Children Here In Kotlowitzs description of the harsh realities of the Chicago projects, three stylistic elements stand out his precise narration, his bluntness, and his questionable objectivity. These three elements blend to stool a unique style that is particularly well-suited for There Are No Children Here. If there is one thing on which critics agree when discussing this book, it is that Kotlowitz is a brilliant narrator. He has a keen eye for the daily particulars of this dangerous neighborhood. Adding to this strength is the fact that he spent years in one particular Chicago project, earning the perpetrate of his informants. What ensues is a story that is told masterfully. Kotlowitz conveys not only the hardships that Lafeyette and Pharaoh face, but the effect of those hardships on the boys, as well. For example, after the two children dive under cover during a drive-by shooting, two are visibly affected. The younger b rother, Pharaoh, laments, I worry about dying, dying at a young age. The older of the two, Lafeyett...
Personal Narrative - Music and I Essay -- Personal Narrative Writing
Music and IEver since I was a small child, I have loved music. The strong, steady beats, the riveting melodies, and the lyrics that vary between heart-warming and heart-wrenchinghave always had an unexplainable affect on my life. Music seems to have the ability tochange certain aspects of my world. If I am in a foul mood, an angry girl band can makemy rotten attitude even more irresistibly awful. When I am happy, either sort of upbeat,dance-to-me agreeable of music enhances my joy that much more. I love to study to classicalmusic, daydream to classical music, even sleep to classical music. through with(predicate) my teenyears, I became a fan of the often melodramatic country music that is still preset on myradio today. No matter what kind of music it is, when I turn it on, my mood morphseasily into whatever kind of music I am listening to.Music has absolutely been an enormous area of my life and who I am. However,this is not to say that I have much musical natural endowment. I d id perform in the choir in elementary school, and I played the flute for four years through middle school, but one day I came to a simple decision. When it comes to music, I am a much better sleep togetherer of it than a producer of it. When I am alone in the car, my sing-along-to-whatever-is-on-the-radio voice is fab-u-lous. However, as soon as any else climbs into the car with me my talent suddenly dwindles. My larynx doesnt seem to appreciate an audience when it is trying to perform. Thus, my musical enjoyment stems directly from listening.My love for music has existed for as long as I can remember. When I was a child,my mom and I had a special song that she would sing to me if I was sick, sad, orsometimes just as a treat before bed. To this day, You are My S... beings. Although each person has a distinctly uniquetaste of music, people still like to listen to it and enjoy it. My own personal experiences and attitudes to music have stemmed from my own life and relationship s.My new husband and I just finished putting up our genuinely first Christmas treetogether. I was pleasantly amazed when he flipped on the radio to Christmas tunes andbegan singing along to them with me. These holiday songs are only another(prenominal) recitation tome of how powerful music is. As soon as we starting singing while we were putting upornaments on the tree, our moods were lifted easily from the stress of looming finals andanother Christmas working in retail. Although this is the first year I wont be spendingChristmas at home, I know that all I leave have to do is listen to the old familiar notes of Holy Jolly Christmas to feel right at home.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Music and Musicians in the Renaissance Essay examples -- Exploratory E
euphony and Musicians in the renascenceIf music be the food of love, romance on Orsino, Twelfth NightIn the Elizabethan Era (1558-1603) and the Jacobean Era (1603-1625), there was a fondness for spectacle and pageantry. At court, trumpets and drums resounded to announce mealtimes in town, these instruments were used by theatre troupes to herald upcoming performances (Renaissance & Baroque Society of Pittsburgh, 2003, and Folkerth, 2002). Music, then, is applied boldly and lavishly in everyday life and in drama, an unreal of life.Musical Instruments The major classes of musical instruments used in the High and Late Renaissance include plucked strings, bowed strings, brass, double reeds, other winds, keyboards, and percussions (McGee, 1985). Lutes, drums, and trumpets were ofttimes used, but the instruments that were especially popular during the Renaissance include the bass viol, treble viol, viola, violin, tenor sackbut, cornetto, bass sackbut, curtal, tenor shawm, bass recorder, and harpsichord (McGee, 1985).Instrumental Music From the betimes Renaissance to the High Renaissance, there was a movement from vocal music to a combination of vocal and instrumental music (Brown, 1976). There are septette categories of instrumental music 1) vocal music played by instruments, 2) settings of pre-existing melodies, 3) variation sets, 4) ricercars, fantasias, and canzonas, 5) preludes, preambles, and toccatas for solo instruments, 6) dance music, and 7) songs composed specifically for lute and solo give tongue to (Brown, 1976). Italy dominated the stage for instrumental music at this time, and it was not until the last decades of the sixteenth century that English instrumental music became popular (Brow... ...cobean periods.Works Cited Brown, Howard M. Music in the Renaissance. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1976.Folkerth, Wes. The Sound of Shakespeare. London Routledge, 2002.McGee, Timothy J. Medieval and Renaissance Music A Performers Guide. Toronto University of Toronto Press, 1985.Novak, Elaine Adams. Staging Shakespearean Theatre. Cincinnati, Ohio Betterway Books, 2000.Renaissance & Baroque Society of Pittsburgh. Shakespeares Top 40. Available http//, March 2003.Shirley, Frances Ann. Shakespeares Use of Off-Stage Sounds. Lincoln University of Nebraska Press, 1963.University of Victoria. Elizabethan Court Musicians. Available http// program library/SLTnoframes/literature/courtmusicians.html, date unavailable. Accessed March 4, 2003.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Deception Point Page 90
Face-to-face with him, Rachel felt like a teenager standing(a) on the doorstep with a new boyfriend. Thanks. No problem at all. Really. Something inside her sensed Tolland wanted to kiss her.After a beat, he glowering shyly away. I know. You want to get to shore. We should get to work.For now. Rachel smiled softly.For now, Tolland repeated, taking a oceant at the computer.Rachel exhaled, standing close behind now, savoring the privacy of the menial lab. She watched Tolland navigate a series of files. What are we doing?Checking the database for big ocean lice. I want to see if we can find any prehistoric marine fogys that match what we saw in the NASA meteorite. He pulled up a await rogue with bold letters across the top PROJECT DIVERSITAS.Scrolling through the menus, Tolland explained, Diversitas is essentially a continuously updated index of oceanic biodata. When a marine biologist discovers a new ocean species or fossil, he can toot his horn and grapple his find by uploading data and photos to a central databank. Because theres so much new data discovered on a weekly basis, this is really the simply way to keep research up-to-date.Rachel watched Tolland navigating the menus. So youre accessing the Web now?No. Internet access is tricky at sea. We store all this data onboard on an enormous array of optical drives in the other room. Every time were in port, we tie into Project Diversitas and update our databank with the newest finds. This way, we can access data at sea without a Web connection, and the data is never more than a month or two out of date. Tolland chuckled as he began typing search keywords into the computer. Youve probably heard of the controversial music file-sharing program called Napster?Rachel nodded.Diversitas is considered the marine biologists version of Napster. We call it LOBSTER Lonely Oceanic Biologists Sharing Totally Eccentric Research.Rachel laughed. Even in this tense situation, Michael Tolland exuded a wry humor that eased her fears. She was beginning to realize shed had entirely too little laughter in her life lately.Our database is enormous, Tolland said, completing the initiation of his descriptive keywords. Over ten tera-bytes of descriptions and photos. Theres information in here nobody has ever seen-and nobody ever will. Ocean species are simply too numerous. He clicked the search button. Okay, lets see if anyone has ever seen an oceanic fossil similar to our little space bug.After a few seconds, the bury refreshed, revealing four identifyings of fossilise animals. Tolland clicked on each listing one by one and examined the photos. None looked remotely like the fossils in the Milne meteorite.Tolland frowned. Lets try something else. He removed the word fossil from his search string and hit search. Well search all living species. Maybe we can find a living descendant that has some of the physiological characteristics of the Milne fossil.The screen refreshed.Again Tolland frowned. The computer had returned hundreds of entries. He sat a moment, stroking his now stubble-darkened chin. Okay, this is too much. Lets refine the search.Rachel watched as he accessed a drop-down menu marked habitat. The list of options looked endless tide pool, marsh, lagoon, reef, mid-oceanic ridge, sulfur vents. Tolland scrolled down the list and chose an option that read Destructive Margins/Oceanic Trenches.Smart, Rachel realized. Tolland was limiting his search only to species that lived near the environment where these chondrulelike features were hypothesized to form.The page refreshed. This time Tolland smiled. Great. Only three entries.Rachel squinted at the first name on the list. Limulus poly something.Tolland clicked the entry. A photo appeared the creature looked like an oversized horseshoe skreigh without a tail.Nope, Tolland said, returning to the previous page.Rachel eyed the second item on the list. Shrimpus Uglius From Hellus. She was confused. Is that name for real?Tolland chuck led. No. Its a new species not yet classified advertisement. The cuckoo who discovered it has a sense of humor. Hes suggesting Shrimpus Uglius as the official taxonomical classification. Tolland clicked open the photo, revealing an exceptionally ugly shrimplike creature with whiskers and fluorescent pink antennae. capably named, Tolland said. But not our space bug. He returned to the index. The final offering is He clicked on the third entry, and the page came up.Bathynomous giganteus Tolland read aloud as the text appeared. The scoot loaded. A full-color close-up.Rachel jumped. My God The creature staring back at her gave her chills.Tolland drew a low breath. Oh boy. This guy looks kind of familiar.Rachel nodded, speechless. Bathynomous giganteus. The creature resembled a giant move louse. It looked very similar to the fossil species in the NASA rock.There are some subtle differences, Tolland said, scrolling down to some anatomical diagrams and sketches. But its damn close. E specially considering it has had xcl million years to evolve.Close is right, Rachel thought. Too close.Tolland read the description on the screen Thought to be one of the oldest species in the ocean, the rare and recently classified species Bathynomous giganteus is a kabbalisticwater scavenging isopod resembling a large pill bug. Up to two feet in length, this species exhibits a chitinous exoskeleton segmented into head, thorax, abdomen. It possesses paired appendages, antennae, and compound eyes like those of land-dwelling insects. This bottom-dwelling forager has no known predators and lives in barren pelagic environments previously thought to be uninhabitable. Tolland glanced up. Which could explain the lack of other fossils in the sampleRachel stared at the creature on-screen, harebrained and yet uncertain she completely understood what all of this meant.Imagine, Tolland said excitedly, that 190 million years ago, a brood of these Bathynomous creatures got buried in a deep oce an mud slide. As the mud turns into rock, the bugs get fossilized in stone. Simultaneously, the ocean floor, which is continuously moving like a slow conveyer blame toward the oceanic trenches, carries the fossils into a high-pressure zone where the rock forms chondrules Tolland was talking faster now. And if part of the fossilized, chondrulized crust broke off and ended up on the trenchs increasing wedge, which is not at all uncommon, it would be in a perfect position to be discoveredBut if NASA, Rachel stammered. I mean, if this is all a lie, NASA must(prenominal) have known that sooner or later someone would find out this fossil resembles a sea creature, right? I mean we sound found outTolland began printing the Bathynomous photos on a laser printer. I dont know. Even if someone stepped forward and pointed out the similarities between the fossils and a living sea louse, their physiologies are not identical. It almost proves NASAs case more strongly.Rachel suddenly understood. Panspermia. Life on earth was seeded from space.Exactly. Similarities between space organisms and earth organisms make pure scientific sense. This sea louse actually strengthens NASAs case.Except if the meteorites authenticity is in question.Tolland nodded. Once the meteorite comes into question, then everything collapses. Our sea louse turns from NASA friend to NASA linchpin.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Insulin and American Diabetes Association
Diabetes is an endocrine unsoundness that affects the blood lucres of individuals throughout the united States. It is star(a) of the leading travails of death. There are three incompatible character references of diabetes type 1 diabetes, gestational diabetes, and type 2 diabetes. Hispanics are the second highest minority diagnosed with diabetes. Hispanics are less(prenominal) likely to seek health check care beca consumption of cultural beliefs and lose of insurance. There is also a genetic connection to Hispanics and diabetes.Type 1 diabetes, once know as juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes, is a chronic prepare in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin, a hormone needed to allow booty (glucose) to enter cells to produce might (Mayo Clinic, 2013). This diabetes is common during adolescence but is possible during adulthood. There is no cure for type 1 diabetes but there are medicines that whoremonger jock an individual that is multitudeing wi th this malady. Signs and symptoms for type 1 diabetes is increase thirst, frequent urination, hunger, weight loss, plunkigue, and blurred vision.(Mayo Clinic, 2013)Risk factors for type 1 diabetes are famlial history, location, genetics, and viral exposure. Exposure to Epstein-Barr virus, coxsackievirus, epidemic parotitis virus or cytomegalovirus whitethorn trigger the autoimmune destruction of the islet cells, or the virus may directly infect the islet cells (Mayo Clinic, 2013). gestational diabetes occurs during gestation. It is when sugar levels are high be understanding the body is non able to produce and use all the insulin it needs during pregnancy . The cause of gestational diabetes is still unknown.Pregnant women are usually tested for gestational diabetes between 24 to 28 weeks but doctors could recommend early testing if the big(predicate) woman shows signs of diabetes. If it is not controlled, the un natural pip-squeak could be affected by the high sugar levels. The glucose passes through the placenta and causes the babys pancreas to produce much insulin to tending control the sugar levels. The increase of energy that the glucose gives the unborn child is too much so instead of the baby using it up, it is stored as fat. This increase of fat may cause macrosomia.Macrosomia may cause problems during deli really because it increases the babys weight and size. Also, the extra insulin that the babys pancreas makes may cause newborns to give up real low blood glucose levels at yield and are also at higher risk for breathing problems . According to American Diabetes Association (2013), babies that are born with low levels of sugar are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes later in life. Type 2 diabetes is a chronic experimental condition that affects the way your body metabolize sugar (glucose).When an individual has type 2 diabetes their body does not produce enough insulin or their body ignores the insulin it has produced. This is commonl y in adulthood but there is an increased of cases in adolescent because of the obesity is increasing. If type 2 diabetes is untreated, it can be life threatening or cause other health complications. Some complications that may occur are heart disease, neuropathy, nephropathy, eye damage, foot damage, osteoporosis, and Alzheimers disease. An individual can manage the condition by feeding well, exercising and maintaining a robust weight .Risk factors that will contribute to a individual getting type 2 diabetes are their weight, fat distribution, inactivity, familial history, race, age, and if they had gestational diabetes or prediabetes. Prediabetes is a condition in which your blood glucose levels is higher than normal, but not too high to be classified as diabetes . tend plays a factor in type 2 diabetes. African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, and Asian American (Pacific Islanders) are more susceptible to it. According to the American Diabetes Association (2013), there are 25.8 million children and adults in the United States living with diabetes.Of those 25. 8 million people 11. 8% of them are Hispanics. Hispanics wipe out a higher browse because of their lack of access to quality health care, social and cultural factors, or genetics. The United States Department of Health and Human Services estimates 1 out of every 3 Hispanics do not maintain health insurance . Without health insurance Hispanics are least likely to visit doctors for preventive care. This increases their chances to developing a disease that could have been prevented with correct interference or changes in life style.Hispanics are raised to be self-reliant, which may be the reason 42% of them say they have had zero visit to a medical provider . Many Hispanic parents feel guilty about putting their own health needs above those of their families and they feel their time and cash could be better spent than using it for preventive care . They did not go to see the doctor until they are very ill or they use house remedies to help with their illnesses. Sometimes, house remedies worked temporary and then the illnesses comes back stronger than before.At this time, Hispanics might seek professional help. If they do seek medical oversight, the doctors find array of illnesses. The doctors attention to the more severe ones and ask them to go back. Since, Hispanics are less likely to see the doctors when they believe they are healthy, they will not go back for a follow-up. Then the cycle may start all over again. A culture factor is Hispanics perceive their weight different than other cultures. The researchers found about 25% of the overweight Hispanic women perceive their weight as normal when in fact they are overweight .The Hispanic culture perceives curves as an lovely feature in women. They are blind to the fact that the curves may be a sign of illnesses much(prenominal) as diabetes. Since Hispanics have a high rate of individuals with diabetes, the predis position of their family members of being diagnose with diabetes is much higher. Studies have shown that when a youth is diagnosed with diabetes there is a 45%-80% chance that one of their parents has diabetes and 74-100% has a first or second degree relative with type 2 diabetes .Diabetes is an illness that greatly affects the Hispanic culture. There are organizations that are nerve-wracking to create programs to help families and individuals deal with it. The National Council for La Raza are focusing their efforts on implementing more healthy shopping programs like the Comprando Rico y Sano (Buying luscious and Healthy) to help Hispanics make better and more economical choices when grocery shopping. The National Diabetes Prevention Programs is focusing more on finding ways for the ginmill of diabetes by getting agencies to help with the cause.They encourage collaboration among federal agencies, community-based organizations, employers, insurers, health care professionals, acade mia, and other stakeholders to prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes among people with prediabetes in the United States. Diabetes is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. It could easily be prevented by making healthy life changes such as losing weight and eating healthy. If a person is diagnosed with diabetes, they needed to take measures to help control their condition and make a better choice when it comes to their health.Insulin and American Diabetes AssociationDiabetes Diabetes is an endocrine disease that affects the blood sugars of individuals throughout the United States. It is one of the leading causes of death. There are three different types of diabetes type 1 diabetes, gestational diabetes, and type 2 diabetes. Hispanics are the second highest minority diagnosed with diabetes. Hispanics are less likely to seek medical care because of cultural beliefs and lack of insurance. There is also a genetic link to Hispanics and diabetes.Type 1 diabetes, once known as juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes, is a chronic condition in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin, a hormone needed to allow sugar (glucose) to enter cells to produce energy (Mayo Clinic, 2013). This diabetes is common during adolescence but is possible during adulthood. There is no cure for type 1 diabetes but there are medicines that can help an individual that is dealing with this disease. Signs and symptoms for type 1 diabetes is increased thirst, frequent urination, hunger, weight loss, fatigue, and blurred vision.(Mayo Clinic, 2013)Risk factors for type 1 diabetes are famlial history, location, genetics, and viral exposure. Exposure to Epstein-Barr virus, coxsackievirus, mumps virus or cytomegalovirus may trigger the autoimmune destruction of the islet cells, or the virus may directly infect the islet cells (Mayo Clinic, 2013). Gestational diabetes occurs during pregnancy. It is when sugar levels are high because the body is not able to produce and use all the insulin it needs during pregnancy . The cause of gestational diabetes is still unknown.Pregnant women are usually tested for gestational diabetes between 24 to 28 weeks but doctors could recommend early testing if the pregnant woman shows signs of diabetes. If it is not controlled, the unborn child could be affected by the high sugar levels. The glucose passes through the placenta and causes the babys pancreas to produce more insulin to help control the sugar levels. The increase of energy that the glucose gives the unborn child is too much so instead of the baby using it up, it is stored as fat. This increase of fat may cause macrosomia.Macrosomia may cause problems during delivery because it increases the babys weight and size. Also, the extra insulin that the babys pancreas makes may cause newborns to have very low blood glucose levels at birth and are also at higher risk for breathing problems . According to American Diabetes Association (2013), babies th at are born with low levels of sugar are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes later in life. Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition that affects the way your body metabolize sugar (glucose).When an individual has type 2 diabetes their body does not produce enough insulin or their body ignores the insulin it has produced. This is commonly in adulthood but there is an increased of cases in adolescent because of the obesity is increasing. If type 2 diabetes is untreated, it can be life threatening or cause other health complications. Some complications that may occur are heart disease, neuropathy, nephropathy, eye damage, foot damage, osteoporosis, and Alzheimers disease. An individual can manage the condition by eating well, exercising and maintaining a healthy weight .Risk factors that will contribute to a individual getting type 2 diabetes are their weight, fat distribution, inactivity, familial history, race, age, and if they had gestational diabetes or prediabetes. Prediabetes i s a condition in which your blood glucose levels is higher than normal, but not too high to be classified as diabetes . Race plays a factor in type 2 diabetes. African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, and Asian American (Pacific Islanders) are more susceptible to it.According to the American Diabetes Association (2013), there are 25.8 million children and adults in the United States living with diabetes. Of those 25. 8 million people 11. 8% of them are Hispanics. Hispanics have a higher rate because of their lack of access to quality health care, social and cultural factors, or genetics. The United States Department of Health and Human Services estimates 1 out of every 3 Hispanics do not have health insurance . Without health insurance Hispanics are least likely to visit doctors for preventive care. This increases their chances to developing a disease that could have been prevented with correct treatment or changes in life style.Hispanics are raised to be self-reliant, which may be the reason 42% of them say they have had zero visit to a medical provider . Many Hispanic parents feel guilty about putting their own health needs above those of their families and they feel their time and money could be better spent than using it for preventive care . They did not go to see the doctor until they are very ill or they use house remedies to help with their illnesses. Sometimes, house remedies worked temporary and then the illnesses comes back stronger than before.At this time, Hispanics might seek professional help. If they do seek medical attention, the doctors find array of illnesses. The doctors attention to the more severe ones and ask them to go back. Since, Hispanics are less likely to see the doctors when they believe they are healthy, they will not go back for a follow-up. Then the cycle may start all over again. A culture factor is Hispanics perceive their weight different than other cultures. The researchers found about 25% of the overweight Hispanic women perceive their weight as normal when in fact they are overweight .The Hispanic culture perceives curves as an attractive feature in women. They are blind to the fact that the curves may be a sign of illnesses such as diabetes. Since Hispanics have a high rate of individuals with diabetes, the predisposition of their family members of being diagnose with diabetes is much higher. Studies have shown that when a youth is diagnosed with diabetes there is a 45%-80% chance that one of their parents has diabetes and 74-100% has a first or second degree relative with type 2 diabetes .Diabetes is an illness that greatly affects the Hispanic culture. There are organizations that are trying to create programs to help families and individuals deal with it. The National Council for La Raza are focusing their efforts on implementing more healthy shopping programs like the Comprando Rico y Sano (Buying Delicious and Healthy) to help Hispanics make healthier and more economical choices when gr ocery shopping. The National Diabetes Prevention Programs is focusing more on finding ways for the prevention of diabetes by getting agencies to help with the cause.They encourage collaboration among federal agencies, community-based organizations, employers, insurers, health care professionals, academia, and other stakeholders to prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes among people with prediabetes in the United States. Diabetes is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. It could easily be prevented by making healthy life changes such as losing weight and eating healthy. If a person is diagnosed with diabetes, they needed to take measures to help control their condition and make a better choice when it comes to their health.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Throughout history there have been two main kinds of virtue
Through discover history there have been cardinal main kinds of virtue. One is Platos, in which virtue is associated with attributes such(prenominal) as justice, wisdom, courage and moderation, and the otherwise is Machiavellis, in which is associated with being the best at any given task. Many reasons could account for this drastic change in the explanation of virtue put forth by Machiavelli, but the most important would be found in a consideration of the time period in which Machiavelli lived. This paper will explore how and why Machiavellis impression of virtue came to be so different from the genius Plato had originally put forth.There is rich evidence to suggest that Machiavelli was familiar with the works of Plato. He was an avid reader of many subjects, especially those of a political nature. He was also an admirer of ancient Roman society and must have been exposed to many ancient authors. There was also the fact that for all their intellectual advances in art, law, ph ilosophy and medicine, the metempsychosis Italians were indebted to the ancients. Their practice of imitating those thinkers of ancient history led the Italians to rediscover many facts about the world, which were once only know to the ancients. Even so, Machiavelli chose to radically change the concept of virtue to an idea that is shape uply the opposite of what Plato had in mind. (Wootton xiii)The concept of virtue that Plato had in mind was most readily laid out in the Republic. Although it is mentioned several(prenominal) times throughout the book, virtue generally comes to mean an attribute of the concepts already explained above. Specifically, with regard to justice, which the Republic is most concerned with, virtue means being just. For the citizens of a introduce to be perfect(a), they must be just to their fellow citizens and the articulate itself, and for the state to be just, it must attempt to run the most virtuous state as possible.In the beginning of Book I, Socra tes gets into a debate with about of his fellow citizens about the meaning of justice. After Polemarchus picks up where Cepaluss argument left hand off, Thrasymachus, who is getting fed up with Socrates consistently refuting the arguments of all who try, attempts to give his own definition of justice. He demands that Socrates give his own account of justice. But after some words, Socrates persuades Thrasymachus to put forward his concept of the virtue of justice. The account of justice that Thrasymachus finally gives is that justice is the advantage of the stronger. It is a sort of mite is right argument in that whoever is ruling, and whatever they demand of their subjects must be obeyed. If the citizens do not obey, then they are being unjust. (Grube)The view of Thrasymachus is somewhat similar to Machiavellis view. In The Prince, Machiavelli lays out his concept of virtue (which he calls virt) in chapter 6, which is entitled About new kingdoms acquired with ones own armies and o nes own skill virt. In the chapter, one is left with the impression that virt means that quality which one is endowed with when they are the best at what they are doing. Thus a soldier is virtuous when he is successful in defeating an army, or gaining a new principality.As Machiavelli put it, The virtuous man is the man who has those qualities that lead to success in his chosen activity. For Machiavelli, a person need not be good to be virtuous. After all, Machiavelli condoned lying, treachery, cowardness, murder, anything necessary as long as it leads to victory in the chosen field. This idea of virtue is a far cry from that of Plato or Christianity, which had been the official religion of Italy for twelve hundred years. (Wootton)In the same chapter, Machiavelli highlights certain people who, in his opinion have been the most virtuous throughout history. He lists, Moses, Cyrus, Romulus, Theseus, and others like them, to make his case. He dismisses Moses skill because it is a skil l derived from following the direct book of instructions of God. But he then goes on to discuss the others because they have all acquired existing kingdoms or founded new ones.Machiavelli admits that, the fo chthonians of new states have immense difficulties to overcome, and dangers beset their path, dangers they must overcome by skill and strength of purpose. But as he then goes on to say, the most virtuous, once they have overcome the dangers, and they have begun to be idolized, having got rid of those who were jealous of their superior qualities, they are established, they are powerful, secure, honored, happy. (Wootton)To understand why Machiavellis concept of virtue may have been so different from that of Plato, one need look no further than to Machiavelli himself and the time period in which he lived. In the sixteenth century, Italy was divided into many different, competing states. There was a near constant shift in alliances between the differing states that lead to having t o be constantly aware of the possibility of danger from a neighboring state. There was no authorized security in Italy there were powerful people constantly vying for more power, and many of them willing to gain that power by any means necessary. at a lower place this system of chaotic statehood, diplomatic officials, and soldiers and political advisors had to constantly be alert for any new crisis that might move previously friendly states to war. (Wootton)In most of these states in Italy, torture was accepted as a legal means of obtaining confessions for crimes, or pursuing investigations into crimes. In 1513, Machiavelli had the unfortunate circumstance of scrape uping himself under question in regards to his supposed plotting against the Medici family, who were then in control of the new government in Florence. He was tortured on a contraption known as a strappado. This device is, at its simplest, a rope thrown over a high beam.The prisoners hands are fasten behind his bac k and he is then lifted up several feet in the air. If allowed to hang there for several hours or several days, he considers himself lucky. The other way of using the strappado is to allow the prisoner to fall until his feet almost touch the ground and then pull the rope tight. The result is generally two dislocated shoulders, and extreme pain. Machiavelli had this happen to him six times in the same investigation. Italy in the sixteenth century was not a pleasant place to live. (Wikipedia)Machiavellis political career had mostly to do with military planning. As a civil servant, his most important achievement was in 1505-6, when, in Florence, he nonionized a militia to replace the mercenaries upon which Florence had traditionally relied. He was at the same time a diplomat and responsible for traveling to several different neighboring states in attempts to keep the peace. (Wootton)In 1494, Italy was invaded and continued to be invaded on and off throughout the rest of Machiavellis life. And as diplomat and war advisor, his job was to find alliances in any way possible. This is the reason Machiavelli thought it so important not for a ruler to live his life by principle, but powerfully.The Prince is an guinea pig of the way a tyrant would hold on to power. In modern day democratic theory, some people would argue that the need for all development to be made available to the public is necessary for the public to be able to decide which path in a particular situation the state should follow. According to The Prince the people should have no say in the direction of government and should never influence the rulers thinking, unless it would add to the rulers virtue.When considering the age in which Machiavelli lived and the events and responsibilities he had in life, it is easy to understand why he would view virtue so radically different than Plato. When Machiavelli was so involved with the planning stages of military strategy, doing his best to not have Florence invaded by a hostile power, it may have been necessary to do and say things he knew were lies. And being in an environment like that, and trying to be good at what he was doing, led Machiavelli to develop a concept of virtue that was completely distinct.Works CitedGrube, G.M.A., ed. Republic. 1st ed. capital of Indiana Hackett, 1992.Strappado. Wikipedia. 08 Apr. 2006http//, David, ed. The Prince. 1st ed. Indianapolis Hackett, 1995.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Capitalism and United States Essay
There are many aspects of FDRs New contend that must be analyzed in order to determine if this collection of economic programs helped or hurt Americas effort in remainder the Great Depression. The Great Depression caused both a decline in national moral and economic productivity unprecedented in United States history. The antecedently prestigious capitalistic economy was brought to its knees on Black Thursday in October of 1929. Roosevelt had taken office with the intent to quickly relieve a nation from hoovers do-nothing approach within his first 100 days as president. He knew he had to act fast in order to do the demands of the people that could be, in part, credited because of their invest workforcets in the stock commercialise with unstable funds.There was a rebellion in full swing. As recorded in A Peoples History of the United States, Desperate people were not waiting for the government to help them they were helping themselves.After the stock market crashed, the flaws in the capitalist system were more predominantly brought to surface. The system had been given a bad name among a growing socialist nation in times of desperation. To a socialist critic, the system could be depicted as unsound by nature neglecting human needs in the pursuit of pear-shaped corporate benefits. The New Deal was set in place to save capitalism from itself. In order to do this Roosevelt felt that passing a numerate of social programs would keep the market economy from, once again, self destructing. Through his efforts, Roosevelt had consequently formed class warfare.The faces of business leaders had become the faces of bloodthirsty, evil men which appealed largely to an American public looking for someone, something, or anything to blame for the pain they were going through. Finding that happy-medium between relieving the economic crisis of the American people and not freehanded the public something they could view as a government fall-back was something that the country had never had to deal with before on this large of a scale.Throughout Roosevelts execution of instrument of his social programs concerns surfaced from conservative Americans. Roosevelt did not want welfare to be seen as a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit. FDRs New Deal, low a growingly socialist system, in ways got the country back on its feet and may have been the fix that America was looking for at the time. At the selfsame(prenominal) time however, it could have been the spark to the gradual lazy, entitled attitude that we experience today in the United States.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Cirque Du Soleil Essay
1. corrie du Soleil does not have a product, they have a diverse, creative, critical thinking, artist works company a circus without animals. Within this company, this show bothows their featured unique artists, to tap into their creative side and do magic for an audience. corrie du Soleil aims to create the greatest shows onstage all around the world.The core for a functioning Cirque du Soleil is behind the scenes, with artists and cater. Recruiting these people seems to be a challenge for this ever diverse world we live in. Recruiting and hiring these staff members for Cirque du Soleil is difficult because not many people will just run away to the circus. This lifestyle is an ever changing one, with artists of different cultures and diverse backgrounds. It cannot everlastingly be an easy mix for everyone to get along. It takes a special kind of person with that magic in their eyes, that will keep evolving and keep being an addition to the ever changing show.Although it is the same lifestyle these employees will be part of, they service two completely different jobs. Artists perform for the audience, whereas staff is simply on that point to serve the artists of necessity. Recruiting for this job takes time, the director Cantin has even traveled to twenty countries in search of local talent. In terms of recruiting and hiring staff, again asking someone to displace themselves, for little pay, to cater to extremely unique artists demands can be a challenging proposition. Creating extensive rewards for these employees is key. The owners of this company have taken time to understand what the needs argon of their staff and artists.Compensation such as free meals and board, as well as the opportunities to improve a talent or passion atomic number 18 aspects of this company where they continue to grow positively. From this article I would say that this company takes extensive time to evaluate and understand the needs of everyone they have on board. In the sma ll market Cirque du Soleil services, it is essential every performer or staff member is fit for the company. This market seeks out individuals who are qualified mentally, and physically for the strenuous changing show and lifestyle. They search for people who are ready to hit the ground running and jump into shows. Here employees are encouraged to ascertain their magic and embrace their talents, in fact Cirque provides outlets to bring your talents to the next level. They wantemployees to be able to continuously develop as well as have clear heads of stereotypes. % quit %15%quit x current population 15% x 475 = 71.25 = 72Artists left 475-72=403Future demand dNeeded (500-403= 97)Keeping employees happy enough to stay is and will continue to be a problem for Cirque du Soleil. This problem will affect safekeeping because, if employees are not happy, they will leave. If employees leave, there may not be enough staff to sustain the upcoming show, alone the show must go on. This prob lem could potentially lead to a default product, a poor performance. Cirque provides an environment with different experiences constantly with no fixed structure but to allow artists to tap fully into who they are. By designating a heavy amount of time for managing the artists needs and analyzing what what would make there experience even split. Cirque du Soleil aims to create an environment with the best possible conditions that you dont want to leave. By retaining employees core artists to the Cirque shows have and can obtain more than hands on experience out in the world. Recruiting employees cost money and time.When artists are better at their job they provide stability within the company for a better transitional environment for new employees. Employees will effectively be able to teach each other the ropes, or provide support for one another. The purpose is for artists to learn together. With the wide diversity of ethnicity, or gender it can be problematic to find employee who are non stereotype. Those who are open to all cultures. Compensation and benefits however is variable because income becomes an issue. Cirque has a variety of shows and venues that do not always provide steady pay. With that being said its hard to keep up with the reward benefits Cirque boasts about, such as providing new experiences. By giving the artists more say, a greater employee output is achieved, with higher job satisfaction, keeps employees.To solve its retention problems Cirques benefits heavily outweigh their drawbacks. Ultimately providing the best work environment than anyone in their competing market. Finding talent i is the second current problem Cirque is facing. Cirque du Soleil has created a name for themselves serving as a business that lets you play to your full potential as an artist. In doing so they created an even more diverse product that makes it hard to find that diamond in the rough in cities and continents. This problems affects staffing mostly be cause they have created a name for themselves that their brand is a prodigality good, possibly making artists perceive their company as unachievable. Perspective employees want to work with the best performers around.Now that the company has made a name for themselves, they are hiring staff with more direct experience instead of performers with potential. With a changing and diverse work force this poses a problem within staffing. In creating diversity, gaps in language and background quickly becomes an issue. Training and development problems are solved by having current employees that have open mindsets about other cultures, providing a more welcoming environment. People coming from different socioeconomic backgrounds I would imagine feel secure in knowing they at least have paying(a) meal and board. The shows performances cannot continue to increase levels of diversity without new talent.The current employees care about quality of their product. By having varying levels of skil l and ability this could be fire for new artist morale. Also by having a good training system to develop and articulate performances would provide a great benefit to spot employees. The movement to keep the excitement alive is on
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Today’s Prejudice Racial Discrimination in Everyday Life
Does it Still Exist? Racial Discrimination in day-to-day Life Submitted By Humphrey Osei Owusu Jo-Anne MacLellan SEC A 1000 Tutorial 09 In the 1920s, restaurants in the United States were not the same as the restaurants we visit today. Certainly on that point were servers to serve food and beverages expecting a tip as usual, tho that is not what is different. Look toward the window, there is a sign written in big earn WHITES ONLY AT THIS POINT. During this time, signs granting access to innocences were common, precisely what does this mean for the races that are not white?Whether oneness atomic number 50 admit it or say otherwise, racial dissimilitude will al bearings be part of modern society. The world has faced the issues of difference ever since the beginning of time. Discrimination can be defined as the prejudicial treatment found off of different categories. These different categories apply to religion, race, sexuality and gender. Since the earth was formed, t he world has been brought up by race. After the disc overy of race, the issues of variation start. An example of this is with the settlers of Europe.They looked down upon Native Americans as inferior to them. The Natives want hold been beaten and raped and forced to convert to Christianity by the force of Europeans. Still to this day we calm struggle on the topic of disparity. As mentioned earlier racial discrimination still exists, but we fail to realize that it is happening. Many people believe that discrimination has gotten remedy, but is it re completelyy? In the media, we hear reports about the treatment of minorities in the law. One race can be turned a focusing for job plane if they are more than than qualified for the position.This paper will argue out of all minorities that experience discrimination, African-Americans experience it the worst. This paper will also explain that although several(prenominal) discrimination is at a minimum, institutionalized discrimina tion still exists at an all-time high but heavily concealed. This paper will explore the gist of affirmative doingion through the workforce and education system. It will also explain how people are unaware racial discrimination still exists in our education system, the workforce, and law enforcement What is institutionalized discrimination?Institutionalized discrimination is the indirect treatment of individuals by government, financial institution, schools, hospitals and other large organizations. This kind of treatment includes unsportsmanlike distribution of rights or opportunities to a specific group. This kind of crook targets a race or religion and is part of the way society is structured. These kind of bias were not implemented by some bigot government, they are implemented by people who believe they are doing what they are instilled to do. But the fact of the matter is institutionalized discrimination has a negative effect on minorities who suffer it.Discrimination in th e learning environment is more evident than ever. Education is not solely based on learning, but it is based on social learning, life experience and decision making. Unfortunately for one that is discriminated against, they may value the purpose less than one that is not a victim of discrimination. There are many stories where discrimination against African American scholars occurred and its effects on them. Ruby Bridges, the first b inadequacy electric shaver to enroll in an all-white elementary school, is a prime example of this.Ruby endured shouting crowds spouting death threats and derogatory names plus the other children wanting nix to do with her, making her feel isolated. Another modern example of discrimination is the well-k instantlyn story taking place in Kentucky of a white teacher addressing a black student by the n word causing the teacher to lose his job. The discrimination that is brought on by teacher sends the idea to African Americans that they are not welcome i n the school. Because of their past negative experiences in school it causes African Americans to do poor in school due to their lack of motivation.It is also proven that teachers are harsher with discipline on African American students, particularly harsh on boys. In 2012, the New York Times reported a study impaleing up that claim. The study consists on gathering statistics from 72,000 schools. After that, the results concluded that one in five black boys as well as one in five black girls were more likely to receive and out of school suspension than their white peers. These statistics are reasons why black students have lower scores in contrast to other races. Affirmative action is another policy of discrimination that is as controversial as racial discrimination.This was back in the 60s when black men and women were denied access into public bathrooms, restaurants and even drinking fountains. They were also denied opportunity for employment and education. The policy came in eff ect back in 1964 when Lyndon B Johnson signed the Civil Rights Acts of 1964. The motive behind this policy is to try to eliminate discrimination as much as possible by gift women and minorities a chance. After a few decades, affirmative action plays a role in college acceptances and employment offers.However the objective is now changed from its initial intentions of make upity to now look foring retribution from how blacks were treated. This is how affirmative action can now be interpreted as reverse discrimination. Reverse discrimination is a type of discrimination in a minority group is biased against a majority group. Imagine a white student, who is trying to get into an elite university. This student has a 4. 0 GPA and has all the qualifications into creation admitted. On the other hand, there is a black student, trying to gain admission into the same school with a 2. 0 GPA.However here is a quota that needs to be filled and the percentage of white students is higher than the percentage of blacks and other minority. If the quota has not been filled, that means the black student gets accepted to the school while the black student does not, thanks to affirmative action. Just like with the education system, affirmative action was implemented for minorities to have equal opportunities. Perhaps in the past, Affirmative action was beneficial. But as of the present time, it seems to create more problems. The ones who are for affirmative action believe the purpose is to seek over compensation for inequality.However, affirmative action tends to do more bad than it supposed to be good. For starters, it leads minorities to believe that they dont truly qualify for a job. Besides the skills but got it solely based on their race, leading to feelings of inadequacy. Another problem with affirmative action is that one who belongs into the majority is punished for something they have nothing to do with. The white man is responsible for the scrutiny blacks endured, bu t an individual white man is not. There should be no reason that an honest white man should not be punished for past grievances.Like the phrase says two wrongs dont make a right The inequalities against racial minorities happen to be a thing of the past. It seems like a power trip for minorities to take advantage of this so called policy promoting equality. Racial discrimination is rampant all over the workplace. Surely it is not as extreme as it is from the 1960s, but it is not ignored. In 1964, the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 is signed by then president Lyndon B Johnson. The act outlaws discrimination based on ones skin color, religion or sex while protecting the rights of African Americans as well as other minorities.It created the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission. However according to statistics, it is been proven that 36 percent of minorities experience mistreatment due to their ethnicity. According to an article an example of racial discrimination on the job is can be b ased off a first name. An investigate done in Boston and Chicago determined the more black ones name sounded, the chances of getting a callback were slim. To prove this, researchers sent out resumes to possible employers. Despite being the exact resume, one copy had a black sounding name such as Lakisha, while another copy had a white sounding name such as Emily.This experiment determined that Emily had a 50 percent chance of getting a callback even with an interview included. Discrimination as unfair as psyches name is often kept in the dark. No one would hear on the news reporting a case of discrimination against a name that is as ethnic sounding like Lakisha. But it epitomizes what is wrong with institutional discrimination. Names are chosen for different purposes. Some of those reasons can be for culture, meaning, uniqueness or simply because they like the name.A company should not turn away an applicant for a reason as arbitrary as their name. accordingly one should not bear the scrutiny of having a black sounding name. The use of racial discrimination and law enforcement is the most controversial subtopic out of all three and the most portrayed by the media that black males are usually the target. This is a strategic method police officers use to harass African Americans because of stereotypes associated to their race. This act, better known as racial profiling, is a method used to target individuals for suspicion base off of skin color.Most people are familiar with the scenario with an African-American male driving a luxury car. From the perspective of a police officer, this man does not look wealthy, he is not even wearing a business suit, and chances are his car is stolen. This kind of tactic is an injustice to society, an act of discrimination and it also goes against of the Bill of Rights stating free from cruel and unusual punishment. One of the known accounts of racial profiling comes from the well-known, yet controversial case of the shooting of Trayvon Martin.An unarmed teenager victimized of racial profiling by the neighbourhood watchman targeting him of comical behaviour which after a confrontation eventually leads to Martins death. The case is a reminder that the world has not come a long way from racial profiling. This is an unarmed teen minding his own business, unfairly being labelled as a troublemaker or in the words of the shooter up to no good As much as it is claiming to be non-existent or a thing of the past, the evidence is placed right in front of our faces.I can recall a few times as a kid when I would step into a convenience store with the intention of buying an item, and being watched from the corner of the store clerks eye or being subtly followed as I am being unfairly labelled a perpetrator. In conclusion, part of the name of this paper is titled Does it still exist? a question which pertains to the topic of discrimination. Society has come a long way in comparison to society nearly one hundred yea rs ago. But despite societys changes the answer to that question is a decisive yes..Racial discrimination, not only against African Americans, will always exist. It will always exist through institutionalized discrimination. Attempts can be made to lessen it, but it will always have its setbacks. Affirmative action is one of those setbacks, being disguised as a solution to racial inequality, but in actuality it should not be overly depended on. It is extremely hypocritical to claim that affirmative action promotes equality. When in actuality, the policy basically lowers standards for education and employment.Thereby giving an advantage to a minority group and that skin color is the reason why they have a college education or have a place in the workforce. Even though discrimination is wrong in the fields of education, the workforce and in law enforcement, it is still being practiced in certain countries. What I can take away from social science and race is that you cannot change th e past but you can work on changing the future The source of discrimination is unknown, but as society continues to progress, the more open minded society becomes.One day, the future generation will learn not to judge whether one is good or bad based off of the color of their skin. Work Cited 1. Gerrard, Meg, Frederick X Gibbons, Ross E OHara, Ronald Simmons, and Chih-Yuan Weng. Perceived Racial Discrimination as a Barrier to College Enrollment for African Americans. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin(2010) 77-89. Proquest. Web. 19 Mar 2013. 2. Krysan, Maria, and Amanda Lewis. THE UNITED STATES TODAY Racial Discrimination Is Alive and Well. M. E Sharpe Inc. 48. 3 (2005) 34-39. Print. 3. Barksy, Adam, , et al. Subtle soon enough Significant The Existence and Impact of Everyday Racial Discrimination in the Workplace. SAGE journals. 56. 11 (2003) 1299-1324. Print. 4. Bertrand, Marianne, and Sendhil Mullainathan. Are Emily and Greg More Employable than Lakisha and Jamal? A Fiel d test on Labor Market Discrimination. National Bureau of Economic Research. n. page. Print. 5. Sampson, William Alfred. INSTITUTIONAL DISCRIMINATION. Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Society. 2008. SAGE Publications. 6 Aug. 2011. .
Monday, May 20, 2019
Dissecting Rick Kline’s “Bouncing Roundâ€Obama Talks up Economy…â€Â
Rick Kleins writing deceptively looks standardized he merely pastes together the many sources of opinions he cites. In this article, he starts a sequential process from one initial opinion, followed by contrary view blooms that unravel the authors intended meaning.The reader will even so detect the meaning from relating all the juxtaposed opinions. At times the opinions seem to clash against each different, scarce actually they progress towards a unified point. Generally, the conclusions are non directly said, or not those that had been written, yet the implications of all of them. At times, Klein presents a panorama of many ideas which cancel out one another, and the most promising logical ones stand out sometimes with the stroke of one most convincing opinion.The impressive point here is, the author never seems to impose any opinion on his readers. Hs readers conclude from the wide set about of picks he presents.Formally now, let us classify the major divisions of his art icle on Obama cited in this study.He starts with a rhetorical marvel enumerating probatory military issues defense cuts, war funding, economic stimulus, immigration push which he dissects one by one more extensively throughout the essay. From there the author tackles the issue in the same entrap as the way he laid them down as rhetorical questions.Klein implies his sympathy for Obama all throughout the essay, but again he does this through quoted writers. For example he starts a topic with this quote The hurt financial system. showed tentative signs of strength . quoting a Washington Post article by climb and Merle. Then follow four more endorsements of the economy as showing positive signs. He all the way agrees, but not without giving you some relief of skepticism. And this he does with..A dampener in the next topic Will it work? Paul Krugman, skeptical again. Followed by several carve ups that clearly intend to have some doubts on the economic recovery..And yet the doubt s are meant to subtly enforce the impression that Obama is taking the right track.The subsequent paragraphs are indirect allusions to the difficulties of Obama in negotiating the difficulties ahead. Some problems suggested were the difficulty of asking Congress to step-up the war budget, the risk he is taking in escalating the Afghanistan war, Obamas difficult task of appeasing the world, and his difficulties in dismantling the remnants of American abuse in Guantamano. Again these opinions are not from the mouth of the author. They were culled from several other writers.Then comes his subtle endorsement of Obamas centrist positioning on domestic and international issues, now presented in terms of a Ronald Brownsteins prescription that his solutions are likely to sustain public opinion, if they accommodate diverse perspectives. The next paragraphs from various writers show Obamas difficulties, ending up with a depiction of the hard choice he faced in having to defer immigration is sues for at least a year. And again, Klein presents the pros and cons from other writers mouths.Finally, Klein tackles the significant issue of stimulus package, a key Obama initiativeamong the major items of his initial rhetorical questions. He starts by a defensive posturing of an Obama opponent. The he cites opinions that weaken anti-Obama critics.Regardless of the apparent attempt to not sound like an Obama apologist, the net effect of the opinions presented show that even the criticisms are in effect, playing politics against Obama, in the book of account of another writer which Klein quotes ( ABCs Teddy Davis).This sympathetic tone for Obama is clearly enforced when he cites Bill Sammon from Fox News. this time, radically giving away the authors sympathies He introduced this paragraph now as Such a shame to see partisanship return. Coming not from another writers pen but from Kleins himself, a give away. .The last rhetorical question was a petty subject When the first puppy would be brought to the White House?presented as one of those issues the President was to face. It also ended the article in the spirit of the last rhetorical question Where will Obama have his first Protestant Sunday service?
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Normalization in Montessori Essay
normalisation that I have experience in a Montessori class-room between the ages of 3-4 years old. . In this essay I will be referring to the nestling as he/she.Human beings are born with the desire to exist things, the urge to explore, and the need to master their environment. The class room is carefully prepared to train Children to develop their senses, to stabilize curiosity, to satisfy their childs need-to-know and to protect them.(Kramer.1976)Firstly, the environment must be prepared to digest the of necessity of the children positively and all obstacles to the childs development must be removed. Secondly, the environment had been prepared by the teacher before the children arrived in to the classroom. Thirdly, the teacher is there to direct the children positively in the classroom, and all of these processes prepares the child and contribute to normalization.In the Montessori classroom, another evidence of normalization can be witnessed when the child prepares for an act ivity done Movement and Freedom. The child chooses a table and chair. The child walks to the classroom shelves. Choose his activity. He chooses the practical keep material (The pouring exercise) and carefully carries it back to his seat, placing the tray on his desk. He therefore begins the next turn. In addition, ducking and freedom begin to develop gradually at this stage. The normalize child continue to show tightfistedness with his work and ignore other children in the class-room. For his work is the expression of his brainiac. (Montessori. 1949, P133).Bearing in mind the sensitive period for Order. He carried out his work, according to the presentation already shown to him previously by his teacher. I noticed how he kept on repeating the exercise, by pouring the water from one dispose to another using his manipulative skills. Dr. Montessoris observation about the girl that kept repeating the exercise Forty-Two times, flashed to my mind instantly. I notice how the child look content with what he was doing. This leads to repeat of the exercise over and over again. He remains calm and confident while carrying out the cycle of activity.Finally, after deriving satisfaction with himself and perfection, he checked to see if he made any tone ending (Control of Error). He smiled and carefully returns the (Pouring Exercise) back to the practical life shelve. The child demonstrates a sociable attitude. He smiled, and then turns to other children in the classroom after finishing his activity. Montessori has arranged things so that the control of error is to be found in the materials themselves.(Standing. 1962, P 80).He displays the characteristics of normalization previously listed. He was self discipline and stood up quietly after the exercise, and very graceful in his movement, Order and Language.To summarise my point, In a Montessori classroom, the trust of Montessoris teaching on Normalization is daily practiced everyday in the Montessori environment. T he idea that the environment is prepared, encourage children to work on activities of their own choice at their own time. It helps the child to show the characteristics pass judgment from a normalized child that is -Independent, Respectful, Love of Order, Work, Silence, Mutual cooperation, Obedient and Joy.In Conclusion I believed that Normalization is endlessly practiced in the classroom and this facilitates the child to develop physically, psychologically, emotionally and spiritually. Finally after understanding how to meet all the needs of the child, this normalized child appears in the Montessori classroom.
Online Library System
Chapter 1 The Problem and its earth Introduction As science and technology continues to advance, most of the manual of arms(a) of arms(a) task has been trans pissed into cybernet operation in order to cope up with the trend of the age. The fast pace makes whatsoever invention obsolete in a few years clip. Today people at enquire to the woods and in whatever field of honor of the paper consider the write in coder as a huge champion. For instance, in storing and printing documents in mathematical operation, a computer could provide fast tracking contrive within this ara, unlike in manual operation wherein access is very limited.Inspired by the continuing effort raised by some pre collect agencies in giving opportunities to some people in securing their forthcoming, the questivirtuosors come up with the idea of conducting a deliberate ab knocked out(p) thecurrent depository program depository program library steering Sytem of Asiatic emergence buns College. It is designed for the convenience of the steering on keeping track and storing study. The proposed corpse go forth serve the user in m every ways with and through and through a speedy, slow and dependable arranging. For decades the program library of Asiatic education seat College suave follows the traditional establishment never hindering the production of competitive graduates.But sad to say, a large part of their students hardly visits the library at entirely. Maybe because it is located at the 5th floor of the six-storied building or preferred take holds in the library takes effort and time for the hectic scheduled students of ADFC. The enquiryers planned to become an Online program library circumspection clay they believe it could be the solution to the problem. It pass on certainly reduce con checkption of time, m sensationy, effort and evince. Human shifts provide be lessened and users, whether students or bibliothecs, entrust enjoy a more carefree en vironment devising an Online subroutine library solicitude remains highly recommended. readment of the Problem The Online subroutine library Management System is exclusively designed for Asiatic tuition Foundation College. It aims to declaration the following 1. What are the problems encountered on the current depository libraryManagementSytem? 2. What organization may be proposed to improve the current Library Management System of Asian emergence Foundation College? 3. What are the inputs essential in becomeing the Online Library Management System of Asian Development Foundation College? 4.What are the assessments of the respondents on the discloseed Online Library Management System of Asian Development Foundation College in name of a. Contents? b. Usefulness? Theoretical Framework According to Mike Lance Richards Information bear upon Theory, is a concept of information processing secernates that this theory is primarily concern with the study of memory and on th e evaluation of information. Like computer the tender-hearted mind takes in information and performs operation when adopted and retrieval. Having accurate information in conducting the study it volition help in the process evaluation chief(a) concern. According to Jean Pia break Constructivism Theory, kat onceledge is non about the globe barely or else constitutive of the world. Knowledge is not a fixed about the person through his practice of the object constructs it. A person who has the exact knowledge of a certain activity is so much important. When people work collaboratively in an authentic activity they bring their own framework and perspective to the activity. They crapper see the problems form different perspective and are able to n self-importancetiate and generate meaning and solution through dual-lane understanding. 3According to Charles M. Reigeluth, Elaboration Theory of Instruction deals with the macro level of instruction. It is primarily concerned with t he sequencing of ideas as opposed to the individual ideas themselves and examples relating to them. The sequencing of ideas relates to fundamental and representational ideas or core principles. This theory serves as foundation from which more specific perchance developed. 4 The three theories which are the Information Processing, Constructivism and Elaboration Theories, was utilise by the researcher as cornerstone for their study.First, the Information Processing Theory helps gather accurate information in order to perform their operations. spell Constructivism Theory, researchers, works collaboratively in an authentic activity from different perspective that enables them to generate meaning and solution through their shared understanding, while in Elaboration Theory of Instruction, this serves as their foundation in sequencing of ideas that may be developed a more specific and in analyzing of a specific program. Conceptual FrameworkThe basis for conceptualizing the Online Libra ry Management System of Asian Development Foundation College which is proposed by the researchers is that it contribute help visualize the agency that the aforementioned agreement would be heading to. The researchers used the paradigm shown below which consist of the inputs needed, the process that would take place, and the proposed output of the interpret. Fig. 1. 1 Schematic Diagram of the organic evolution of the Online Library Management System of Asian Development Foundation CollegeSignificance of the meditate The go out of the study on the online room rental and reservation dust is portentous of the following To the Institution The study will provide vital information regarding to their Library Management to see problem relevant to the maintenance, disposal and/or acquisition of needed materials for their foundation garment to make more high-octane and effective in meeting customer needs. To the LibrarianThe librarian of the school library will be greatly benefitte d with this Online library Management System because they will no longer need to manually process any transaction and the brass automatically load the e-books online once the guest want to read the desired book. The librarian have to do is to input the title of the book, publisher, date of publish and upload the PDF format or Microsoft discussion format of the book and it will be save to the hosts infobase. To the Students/InstructorsThey will have a more cheerful time in reading books and dont have to come to the school library to follow or read books instead they will just access the online library counseling of the said institution from the internet. To the enquiryers The researchers are benefited in this study as well mainly for having to develop employability skills, implement a life history history plan, and hone each skills and participant in career pathway in eagerness for the researchers career in the industry. To the Future ResearchersThis study can serve as ref erence to future researchers in conducting similar researches in the future. Scope and Delimitation of the Study The focus of the developers research is to know the current library com missionary post arrangement of Asian Development Foundation College, discover easier ways to improvise the current transcription and develop a computerized variant of it to lessen the burden of work of both students/instructors and of the librarians. The proposed study is about the development of an Online Library Management System of Asian Development Foundation College.The proposed system has the capability to upload, sell and fool e-books online, secure the e-books and make sure that it can exactly be view and not downloaded by any unauthorized guest or client. A search index is in any case subjoined for the users to easily track the ready(prenominal) e-books online. With this system the librarian and the other personnel in-charge of the library will have a less stress in work and the cl ients or students can read e-books anywhere and dont have to get into the school library to latch on or read books. Login account for different users will be created for admitive informationbase protection purpose.The users that can access the system are the librarian, assistant librarian, instructors, on the job(p) students in the library and students of the institution. The system will have a database that includes adding of refreshed e-books, modifying and deleting e-books. The system can able to upload e-books in PDF file or Microsoft Word format. The focus of the developers research is to know the current Library Management System of Asian Development Foundation College discover easier ways to improve the current system and develop a computerized version of it to lessen the burden of work of both the employees and also the students.Definition of Terms For better understanding of the study, the following terms are operationally and conceptually defined. Administrator- Someb ody whose job is to manage the affairs of a business, system of rules, or institution. 5 make- Means a list compiled for some formal purpose, such as the details of an estate loss to probate, or the contents of a house let furnished. 6 calculator- A high speed electronic machine which, performs logical calculation, process, Storage retrieves programmed information. 7selective information raw facts that needs to be touch on. 8 Information Processed selective information or is asequenceofsymbolsthat can be see as amessage. 9 Library- is an nonionized collection ofbooks, other printed materials, and in some cases special materials such as manuscripts,filmsand other sources ofinformation. 10 Librarian- Is a person in alibrary who is accountable for the management of the books . 11 Library management is a sub-discipline ofinstitutional managementthat focuses on specific issues faced by libraries. 2 Management is the act of acquiring people together to accomplish desired goals andobjectives apply in stock(predicate) resources efficiently and effectively. 13 Online indicates a state of connectivity or often refers to theInternetor theWorld-Wide Web. 14 System is a set of interacting or interdependent components forming an integrated whole. 15 Software is a collection ofcomputer programsand relateddatathat provides the instructions for intercourse acomputerwhat to do and how to do it. 16 Theoretical Dealing with theory or supposition rather than practical applications. 17Notes 1http//www. oppapers. com/essays/Abstract-For Online Library Management System/610544, June 26, 2012 2Ibid. 3Ibid. 4http//www. itcompany. com/forums/essays/Online Library Management System/775489, June 26, 2012 5http//www. wikipedia. com 6Ibid. 7Ibid. 8Ibid. 9Ibid. 10Ibid. 11Ibid. 12Ibid. 13Ibid. 14Ibid. 15Ibid. 16Ibid. Chapter II recapitulation of related Literature & Studies This chapter includes the purpose of the review of the related literature and studies. The chapter h ighlights literature and studies relevant to the development of the proposed system. Related Literature ForeignAccording to Irwin O Brien in his journal entitled Writing in Production and Library Management System manual information processing systems are simple and inexpensive if the organizational information requirements are simple and the amount of data to be processed is limited. As information requirements become more mixed and the volume of data increases, the speed, accuracy, reliability and economy of using computers for information processing becomes a necessity. It only takes seconds for a computer to perform millions of data processing functions that human being would take years to complete.In this context, all information provided for by the computer is timely. Also, computers can consistently and accurately process large volumes of data according to building complex and repetitive processing procedures for a long period of time without failure. However, except for low volume tasks, electronic information processing is more economically justifiable than manual processing1. According to Davidson and Schneider clarified in their in force(p) System for Library Applications, that Expert systems need not be complex to function well.They further explained that what is trade good with simple programs is that they allow modifications to be made by subject areas, by simply changing the databases accessed by the program2. According to Godwin Udo in his journal entitled Library Management described that telecommunications technology as a critical organizational asset that can help a institution like school get to important competitive gains in the area of library management. It is little wonder that business experts commonly conjure library management as a vital element that can spell the difference mingled with success and failure in todays keenly competitive institutions. Local According to Wilhelma G. Borja, nowadays, computers are popular in the Ph ilippine schools, Offices and homes. Computers make retrieval and trenchant of information easier and quicker. Needed information, which used to take weeks to get, can be retrieved in a matter of minutes. The author added that the computer aid researchers which, in turn, can help in upgrading the quality of basic education, boost the countrys science and technology education programs, and upgrade programs in vocational technical fosterage. 4 In addition to this, Roman D.Asis said that the manual library management system is simple and in expensive if data requirements are simple and the amounts of data to be processed are limited. As information requirements becomes more complex and the volume of data increases the speed, accuracy, reliability, and economy of using computers for library management system has become a necessity. In other words, the major limitations of manual library management system include its inability to handle large volume of work and its reliance to cumberso me and tedious method. 5 Eugenio F. BansalasofCentral Colleges of the Philippines, during the academic year 20082009, Library Director of the Central Colleges of the Philippines has expressed that it is difficult to meet materials to help brand-new human race library managers cultivate their professional development. Most of the research and writings on library management have focused on academic libraries and only recently has there been more cheer in the administration of public libraries.The skill and style of public library managers the directors, branch managers, and discussion section and dish out managers who are leading these institutions strongly affects the culture of a public library. Library round looks to these managers to help them sail through the rapid changes that are occurring in public libraries as these changes in technology, roles, and user expectations strongly bowdlerize their daily routines of public service.Contemporary library managers need a wide r array of skills and attributes than their earlier and more traditionalcounterparts and will need to seek continual professional development to remain effective as public libraries transition into the 21st century. These managers will also need to distinguish between management and leadershiphip skills and learn to identify and mentor leaders within their staff who can assist in the transition. 6 Related Studies ForeignAccording to Tereence Pratt which was cited unpublished undergraduate thesis by Reynaldo Ragrag, that the term computer suggest that its primary purpose is to perform mathematical calculations on to compute in the sense of the word on the other mechanical aid to make difficult, tedious or dangerous task easier in a universal human. 7 According to Arthur W. Clark cited on the unpublished undergraduate thesis by Michael Sanchez, the impact of new technology during the period of 1955 1975 saw the formation of new public library units and merge of cooperative type org anization.In the mid 1970s even more rapid changed has occurred in the areas of automation and computerization and this change is expected to accelerate in decades ahead. Library routines have been increasingly automate by computerized circulation system. 8 According to Johannes Gutenberg many library functions previously performed manually are now available for automated information storage and retrieval systems. For instance, staff can create their own records and databases.Information retrieval has taken on new dimension, and database searching has become an art within the profession. 9 Local In exploration, we find new techniques, new knowledge, even develop new substances, gadgets, equipment, processes or procedures, imagination and skill is employed by the researcher. The commodities, new devices, operate, in technology are needs of man for a better fuller life which is the concern of the research. These useful arts are the products of the technological environment and the end-user is society in general.The distill was stated by Josefina Estolas in her dissertation. 10 Science and technologies are essential for national development and reach. The State shall give priority to research and development, invention, and their utilization, and to science and technology education since computer power was the critical resource, force of processing became the main goal. Emphasis was placed on automating populateing process such as manage and view e-books online, as cited by Jeffrey A. Hernale on the unpublished undergraduate thesis by Francisco D. Salvacion. 1 Libraries in the Philippines started in the late 16th and early 17th century by Spanish religious orders MuseoBiblioteca de Filipinas inaugurated on October 24, 1891 is the forerunner of the National Library of the Philippines March 9, 1990. American move Library was established by the American Circulating Library Association headed by Mrs. Charles Greenleaf. Miss Nellie Young Egbert was the set-ba ck Librarian of the American Circulating Library in the Philippines. The school of Library and Information studies of the University of the Philippines or UP-SLIS is the oldest library in the Philippines.Formally established in March 1961 as the Institute of Library Science, It can trace its roots to 1914, making it one of the first Library Schools in Asia. It is an independent degree- harmonizeing unit of the University of the Philippines Diliman, and offers program in the field of Library and Information Science. both University Librarian, since the University Library was established in 1922 has grappled with four basic concerns the book fund, staff development library services and Information Technology.Now, the UP Diliman has trial access to ebrary, an online database of 170,000 electronic books and other authoritative titles from more than 425 leading publishers and aggregators in various discipline. 12 Notes 1O Brien, Irwin, Pc Magazine (New York USA, Feb 12, 1998)Vol. 10July 2, 2012 2Davidson and Schneider, Pc Magazine(New York USA, Dec 10, 1998)Vol. 12 July 2, 2012 3Godwin Udo, Journal(Library Management) pg. 10-15 July 2, 2012 4Ibid. 5Ibid. 6Ibid. 7Tereence Pratt et, al. , A Proposed Online Library Management System forAsian Development Foundation College. (Unpublished Undergraduate thesisAsian Development Foundation College, 2006) p. 35 July 2, 2012 8Ibid. 9Ibid. 10Josifina Estolaset. al, Online Library Management System of Asian Development Foundation College (Unpublished Undergraduate thesis, Asian Development Foundation College,2006) p. 30July 2, 2012 11Ibid. 12Ibid. Chapter III Methods and Procedures This chapter contains the methods and procedures in preparation for and in developing the Online Library Management System of Asian Development Foundation College.This chapter includes the discussion of research design, research local anaesthetice of the study, validation of the instruments, research instruments, respondents of the study, research procedures, statistical treatment of data, data gathering technique. Research Design The study used a descriptive survey method of research. A direct interrogatory or a personal interview was the tool used in data gathering with a prepared questionnaire as guide, the researchers personally went and ask information about their library management in sexual congress to the proposed Online Library Management System of their institution.It was utilize to get relevant information on the present manual system of the library management so that it could be improved, defining the element of the system quantitatively, describing the nature of the problems encountered in the present manual system and analyzing which best software could be developed to solve the problems cited by the respondents in the study. The researchers use this method because it is light-colored and more convenient to use in study. Research Locale of the Study The study was conducted in Asian Development Foundation Co llege located at P.Burgos St. TaclobanCity. This was conducted during the firstsemester of the school year 2012-2013. business relationship A young but notably growing institution, whose birth came into reality because of the conception and effort of a Filipino Chinese family residing in TaclobanCity. The institution serves student populace not only from Tacloban City but also from the entire vicinity. Organized on October 24, 1984 well-timed for the birthday celebration of its President and founder, businessman capital of Chile Chua, the school began operations with pre- dim-witted courses.Pupils were then housed in the only two available classrooms. The following year, the institution introduces its elementary department, with a progressive grade level offering. Its first elementary graders were graduated in the year 1990. That equivalent year, parents and supporters of its graduates and pupils manifested their recognition and esteem of the institutions remarkable performance and clamored for the opening of secondary school.Based on their heartfelt and formal petition, permission to operate was granted by the department of education, culture and sports. Hence, the official establishment of Asian Development Foundation Secondary School in the school year 1990-1991. An unquestionable special blow of such level was the inclusion of complete computer subjects in the curriculum, the very first in region VIII. The offering of undergraduate courses stated in 1994 through a permit to operate approved on April 27 of the same year.Degree courses which are now available include the following Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Bachelor of Science in Accountancy, Associate in Computer Science, Associate in Computer Secretarial, Associate in Commercial Science, Bachelor of Science in Commerce, Major in Banking and Finance, Economics, Management, Accounting Management, entrepreneurial Management and Legal Management. The Asian Development Foundation continues t o advance towards its impressive endeavor through the technical administration of Chua Family with the support of serious involvement of other school officials.This is manifested by the construction of a new 5-storey building which now houses the Collegiate and Graduate school, in addition to the existing school compound in Bliss, Sagkahan in the ADF-extension at the corner of Salazar and Veteranos Street, all located in the city. Tracking back to its humble beginning, it can be gleaned that the Asian Development Foundation is thinking big as it makes headway towards the fulfillment of its mission as a competent learning institution. VisionAsian Development Foundation College as an educational institution commit to the development of able professionals, leaders, progressive, efficient and answerable citizens of the country and the world. Mission Asian Development Foundation College as directed towards the developments of its constituents through 1. Academic excellence, research c ommunity service 2. Optimum access to dynamic intellectual, spiritual, moral, and cultural life, and 3. Responsive and innovative pursuit for human growth. This is the geographical map of Asian Development Foundation College, the research location where the study was conducted.Fig. 3 Geographical Location of the Research Locale Respondents of the Study The direct respondents of the researchers equanimous data about activities of the library are the librarian and her staffs. It is through them that the researchers were able to know the format of the librarys day-to-day work. some other group of respondents were the instructor and student from the different level of each department namely Computer Science, Commerce & Accountancy, Liberal Arts and Computer Engineering. Research InstrumentsThe research instrument used in the study is a selfstructured questionnaire for the respondents at ADFC campus to gather their opinions about this proposed Online Library Management System for ADFC library. Validation of Instruments With the permission of the chairman of the Computer Science Department at Asian Development Foundation College, the researchers validated the questionnaires at Eastern Visayas State University. The researchers validated the questionnaires by letting the EVSU librarian answer the questionnaire. This procedure was infallible to determine which item on the questionnaire has to be revised or omitted.Research Procedure In order to get the necessary data for the research, the researchers interviewed the librarian of the ADFC campus and distributed the questionnaires to the student respondents of each department and retrieved the questionnaires after the respondents had answered all the questions being asked. The researchers had used three techniques that would really help a lot in developing the Library Management System. One of the techniques is through a format interview, in which the researchers asked the librarian of the library activities, problem s and difficulties encountered.Second technique is through questionnaires, which was distributed to the respondents. The third technique is direct observation, in which the researchers observed the operation of the library activities. Statistical Treatment of Data Percentage Formula The formula used was P=pic c Weighted mean this was used to determine the respondents assessments in terms of contents and improvement of the system. Weighted Mean Formula The qualitative comment of the weighted mean was determined using the following scales Limits of Scale Qualitative Description 4. 0 5. 00 powerfully Agree(SA) 3. 40 4. 19 Agree(A) 2. 60 3. 39 Neutral(N) 1. 80 2. 59 Disagree(D) 1. 00 1. 79 Strongly Disagree(SD) Chapter IV Presentation, compendium, and interlingual rendition In this chapter, the interpretation and analysis of the data gathered from the respondents is being discussed. There are two tables provided to blow up the explanation about the data gathered. The f ollowing is the table that shows the result in the percentage by using the formula P =pic100 where P is the percentage, f is the frequency and n is the total number of respondents. It represents the problem that has been encountered by the students and likewise by the instructors.A total of 390 respondents participated in the survey, 6 from the employee and 384 from the customers. Table 1 Distribution of Responses on the Problems Encountered on the Current Manual Library Management System of ADFC Problems Encountered Respondent Average Rank (384) No. % vague processing of 197 51. 30% 75. 5% 3 acceptation books Slow retrieval of books 249 64. 85% 82. 43% 1 Redundancy of work in 235 61. 20% 80. 6% 2 recording the status of books Bulky and nonunionised 177 46. % 73. 05% 4 files of the book records in the library Unsystematic procedures 78 20. 31% 60. 16% 5 in recording files in the library Table 1 show that certain problems do really e xist in the current Manual Library Management System of Asian Development Foundation College. step up of 390 respondents from both staff and students, 197 of them answered Slow processing of borrowing books, 249 of them also said, Slow retrieval of books, 235 of them answered Redundancy of work in recording the status of books, 177 of them answered Bulky and unorganized files of the book records in the library, 78 of them answered Unsystematic procedures in recording files in the library. A total of 390 respondents participated from both students and instructors in the survey.The researcher used the System Development life-time Cycle, because it is a common methodology for system in many organizations, featuring several figures that mark the progress of system analysis and design effort. The specific steps and their sequence are meant to be adapted as required in every project. System Development vitality Cycle used in an organization is an orderly set of activities conducted an d planned for each development project. In fact System Development Life Cycle is a traditional methodology used to develop, maintain, and replaced information systems. Fig. 4. 1 System Development Life CycleThe first form of the System Development Life Cycle is travail naming and Selection. This first soma is initializing that before anything, all information must be carried out for identifying and analyzing, its flow or the whole system work well. In this flesh, the researchers identify what system to be proposed that will fit to the said establishment. The second phase is Project Initiation and Planning is explained and an argument for continuing with the project is presented a small plan is also developed for conducting the remaining phrases of the System Development Life Cycle for the proposed system.This phase gives its presented data into a particular form here the planning of all operation has been done. In this second phase a detailed plan is developed by the research ers for conducting the remaining phases of the System Development Life Cycle for the proposed system. The third phase is Analysis in which current system is studied and alternative replacement system is proposed. This phase has been utilized to analyze the proposed system is accurate for development or it needs more plans, and it needs critical study to generate initial design to match the said requirements.This phase the researchers analyzed the proposed system if it is accurate to develop and matching the requirements. The fourth phase is Logical Design in which all functional features of the system elect for development in analysis are described independently in any computer platform. This phase indicated that the system can be tied to any hardware, and it is negotiable to be implemented on any hardware and system software. In this phase the researchers decided what features to be added to the system to make it functional and flexible to any hardware and software.The fifth phase is Physical Design. This phase that all plan and structured system designed will convert in a specified programming language so that the author of various parts of the system can perform its physical operation that is necessary to facilitate and capturing data. The fifth phase is where the researchers or specifically the system designer added the physical design of the system. The sixth phase is slaying in which the information system is coded, tested, installed, and supported in the organization. This phase is to mplement the system specification will now come up into a working system it will be tested and used. Documentation and program training is finalize during implementation. During this phase the researchers tested and installed the system properly and come up to a working system. The researchers finalized the program training and documentation. The final phase is Maintenance where in performance of efficiency and effectiveness is determined. This was the time consuming and effort devoted, just to maintain its capability of performance as desired so when an error arises the team who made the project will do the changes.By using this cycle the sequence of the following phases can be easily understood, and error will be easily detected if there are any problems. For this cycle helps a lot in this job in a specified assignment. Table 2 Distribution of Responses of the Input Needed to Develop the New System Inputs Needed Employees (6) Rank No. % rule book Title 6 100% 4 Book Author 4 66. % 9 Book publication 6 100% 4 calculate by Title 6 100% 4 Search by Author 6 100% 4 Search by Subject 6 100% 4 Book issued/Borrowed 5 83. 3% 8 Availabilty of the book 6 100% 4 Book Quantity 6 100% 4 Table 2 uses the percentage formula P =pic100. A total of 6 respondents from the employees participated in the survey. It represents the possible inputs needed by the respondents and the staff in the proposed system. It shows that all criteria minded(p) through the inputs are needed in the system. Table 3. 1 Assessment of the Respondents on the Usefulness of the Online Library Management System of Asian Development Foundation College Usefulness of the System Employee variant 1.The system will reduce the burden of work of the staffs and management. 5. 0 SA 2. The system allows for a faster and SA more accurate data processing. 4. 75 3. The Online Library Management System is more efficient than the 4. 7 A manual system. 4. The system is user friendly. 3. 84 A Overall Weight Mean 4. 44 SA Table 3. 1 represents the usefulness of the newly proposed system in Asian Development Foundation College and based from the evaluation of respondents answers, two criteria were interpreted as Strongly Agree (SA). The system will reduce the burden of work of the staffs and management got the highest roam with an average of mean of 5. 00 followed by the measuring stick The system allows for a faster and more accurate data processing. with an average mean of 4. 75. On the other hand, the two other criterions were interpreted as Agree (A). The criterion The Online Library Management System is more efficient than the manual system has an average mean of 4. 17 meanwhile the criterion. The system is user friendly gained an average mean of 3. 84. Table 3. 2Assessment of the Respondents on Content of the Online Library Management System of Asian Development Foundation College Content of the Computerized Sales and Inventory System Employee Interpretation 1. The system contains the necessary information of the Library management in ADFC, Tacloban City. 4. A 2. The system is easy to access. 4. 5 SA 3. The necessary information is well presented and organized. 5. 00 SA Overall Weight Mean 4. 3 SA Table 3. 2 shows the result the results on the assessment of the respondents in relation to the content of the newly proposed system. And based from the table, the criterion The necessary information is well presented and organized has the highest remark which is 5. 00 and is interpreted as Strongly Agree (SA). Next to it is The system is easy to access which got an average mean of 4. 5 and interpreted as Strongly Agree (SA). Last in rank which only got an average mean of 4. is The system contains the necessary information of the Library Management in Asian Development Foundation College, Tacloban City and is interpreted as Agree (A) by the respondents. Based from the boilersuit weighted mean it is interpreted as Strongly Agree (SA) and got an average mean of 4. 53. CHAPTER V practiced Requirements This Chapter presents the requirements that would be needed to develop the system. These requirements are called technical requirements because these require a lot of skill and training to be able to come up with them. These requirements include.Project Rationale, Project Objectives, Project Description, Constraints of the System, Project Team Organization, Table of Activities, application Network, Gantt Chart, Pert Chart, Data Flow Diagram, System flowchart, Input Process Output Chart, Program Flowchart, Training Plan, quiz Plan, Security Plan, Maintenance Plan, Screen Design and Source Codes. Project Rationale It is been observed that the users and operators anticipate for future development, keeping in mind that technology is not a goal in itself but rather a means to an end of manual operations.At the library of Asian Development Foundation College, manual procedures were still observed, thus the team proposed to computerized the process making the purpose of reducing human errors to eventually increase the efficiency. The rule behind this research focuses on the appropriate application that will help possibly in managing the library as well as giving appropriate answers to the questions needed in maintaining the data about books, borrowing and returning of books, and providing the students a list of available of books in the library.Project Objectives The Onli ne Library Management System of Asian Development Foundation Colleges main objective is to provide library functions and services to students or faculty members of the school. Another is to allow a faster and more accurate processing of data to reduce the librarian and her staffs burden of work. Necessary book information must be presented well and organized to add user friendliness to its users. admission fee to the system must be easy but must not compromise the systems security. Project DescriptionThe system was designed and developed primarily for maintaining records of books present in the library and its details. Book information are entered in Book inventory and students or faculty members who borrow or return books are entered in student and faculty registry together with their personal information. To grant access to a guest the system asks for information necessary for validation like Id number etc Books stored in the system can be viewed online. Search filter features ar e present to guide users on searching books.Information about the student or faculty members was also provided. Constraints of the System The Online Library Management System of Asian Development Foundation College does not generate receipts after every transaction. Because of the librarys rules and regulations the system cannot do reservations, another is, students can only borrow one book at a time. Project Team Organization Ego less Team Structure The group decided to have an ego less team structure in order to build a fair and unbiased project making.They decided this in order that each member will participate or will develop their initiative for the project making all the members of the group were assigned as team leader, programmer, system analyst, encoder and researcher. pick up 5. 1 Team Organizational Structure Job Description System Analyst The one who responsible in analyzing the development of the system and suggest some improvements. Leader The one who leads and orga nizes the group. Programmer The one who is responsible in translating the system plan into program that can be understood and interpreted by the computer.Encoder The one who is responsible for encoding any type of data into the computer, specially the data for the documentation of the study. Researcher The one who is responsible in researching and collecting data needed in the research. Table of Activities Table 1 term Date Date Predecessor ID Name In Weeks Started Finished A System Planning 0. 06/19/12 06/23/12 Selection of research topic 0. 1 06/19/12 06/20/12 A1 Library research 0. 06/20/12 06/23/12 A A2 System Analysis 2. 1 06/25/12 07/10/12 B Interview 0. 06/25/12 06/27/12 A2 B1 Documentation 1. 5 06/28/12 07/10/12 B1 B2 System Design 3. 07/12/12 08/06/12 C Interface Design 2 07/12/12 07/26/12 B1 C1 Database Design 1. 07/27/12 08/06/12 C1 C2 System carrying out 4. 08/07/12 09/17/12 D Progra m Coding 3 08/07/12 08/28/12 B2, C2 D1 System Testing 0. 3 08/29/12 09/01/12 D1 D2 System Debugging 2. 2 09/02/12 09/18/12 D2 D3 Time Estimation in Weeks Table 2 Time estimate in ID Weeks ET TE TL Slack minute O R P (O + 4R + P) 6 Time Path A1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 0 ( A2 0. 1 0. 3 0. 5 0. 3 0. 4 0. 4 0 ( B1 0. 2 0. 2 0. 4 0. 2 0. 6 0. 6 0 ( B2 1. 3 1. 5 1. 6 1. 5 2. 1 2. 1 0 ( C1 1. 5 2 2. 2 2 2. 6 3. 8 1. 2 x 1. 5 1. 3 3. 9 5. 1 1. 2 x C2 1 1. 3 D1 3 3 3. 1 3 5. 1 5. 0 ( D2 0. 3 0. 3 0. 3 0. 3 5. 4 5. 4 0 ( D3 2 2. 2 2. 4 2. 2 7. 6 7. 6 0 ( operation Network Gantt chart pic PERT Chart Data Flow Diagram Admin substance abuser System Flowchart pic Program Flowchart pic pic Training Plan The developers are willing to give ten hours of training to the systems administrators or other u sers. Before the training starts the developers would need two computer sets (networked) with complete system requirements.For the first two hours the training would focus on the systems installation procedures the next two would cover server management and maintenance, the next two hours is for MySQL database management and the last four hours are for the systems general operating procedures. Training will cover 1. Installation of required hardware and software. 2. emcee management and maintenance. 3. MySQL database management. 4. Systems general operating procedures Test PlanTesting is an element of verification denoting the determination of the properties and the characteristics of equipment or components by technical means, including functional operation, and application of established test principles and procedures. System testing is the stage of implementation, which aims at ensuring that the system works accurately and efficiently before actual operation commences. No progra m or system design is perfect, communication between the user and the designer is not always complete or clear. All this can result in errors. Security PlanThe system is accessed only by enrolled students and faculty members of Asian Development Foundation College. The system will be accessed through inputting the students Id number or faculty members name and password. Access to the system by guest without the said necessary inputs will be denied. To secure the systems database, a corporate password shall be registered to the local host server. Maintenance Plan The team will conduct trainings to administrators regarding on the systems database and server maintenance. They will keep in touch in case bugs or glitches are discovered.They will also provide a users manual to give administrators better understanding of the systems functions. Screen Design Chapter VI Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations Summary of Findings Based on observations, the developers found out tha t the present Library Management System of Asian Development Foundation College still maintains its functionality but with nonstop data gathering and analysis they also found out that some obstructions are present. One is its accessibility, because the ADFC library is located at the fifth floor of the building and is exhausting going up and down.Time is also waste when students scan books never knowing what they are looking for. These current problems were the developers focus to prize and lead to development of the ADFCs Online Library Management System. Conclusion From a proper analysis of the proposed Online Library Management System, it can be safely concluded that this application is working properly and meets the users requirements. The problems, which existed in the manual system, have been reduced to a large extent. The Online Library Management System will not only improve the efficiency but will also reduce stress thereby improving human functionality.Based from the fin dings, the researchers confidently conclude the following after a thorough analysis for the present system. 1. That the present manual system will be improved through the development of the Online Library Management System that will provide a faster, easier and more reliable way of information retrieval. 2. That the proposed system will eliminate wordiness of work therefore lesser time will be wasted. 3. Students will now be convince to visit the library because of the systems improved accessibility. RecommendationsBased on the findings, and conclusions of the study, the researchers highly recommend the following 1. Access to the system should be limited only for the administrators (librarian) and users (students/instructors) of ADFC to avoid tampering or unscrupulous act that will change the integrity of the records. 2. Because the library is located on the fifth floor of ADFC, it is advisable to install the OLMS on computers at the ground floor of the building especially on the computer laboratories. 3. Since the coverage of the proposed system is limited.It is advisable that similar studies should be conducted and expanded so that it could provide better and more reliable systems for the next times of students. APPENDICES Appendix A Letter of Permission to Conduct a Study General Operating Procedures log in 1. Enter your Username. 2. Enter your Password. 3. Click the LOGIN spillage to enter OLMS. Book Management 1. Click the View button to view the book. 2. Click the Edit button to edit the book. 3. To view book management. 4. To view ebooks. 5. To register new accounts 6. To view logs. 7. To add new books. 8. To log-out the systemOnline Library 1. To download books. 2. To view books. 3. Type here to search books. gibe books 1. Enter the book title. 2. Enter the book edition. 3. Enter book quantity. 4. Enter the book author. 5. Enter the book category. 6. Click Add button to add new category. 7. Click Choose File button to select what book to upload. 8 . Save and Cancel button. pic Feedback Online Library Management System of Asian Development Foundation College getup ? Conducting Researches ? Interview ? Observation ? Questionnaires ? Analysis ? Designing ? Programming ? Debugging Testing PROCESS ? Problems encountered by the management ? Downloaded Materials ? Books ? hardware and Software INPUTS Where P=Percentage f =frequency n =no. of Respondents x =pic Where x = WeightedMean fx = sum of the product of Fr? fx = sum of the product of Frequency (f) And Weight (x) n = Number of respondents Project Identification And Selection Project Initiation and Planning Analysis Logical Design Physical Design Implementation Maintenance System Analyst Leader Programmer Researcher Encoder Legend Critical( Non-Criticalx TL = 0. 6 TE = 0. 6 ET = 0. 2 B1 A2 A1 S TL = 0. TE = 0. 4 ET = 0. 3 TL = 0. 1 TE = 0. 1 ET = 0. 1 TL = 0 TE = 0 ET = 0 TL = 2. 1 TE = 2. 1 ET = 1. 5 B2 TL = 3. 8 TE = 2. 6 ET = 2 C1 TL = 5. 1 TE = 5. 1 ET = 3 C2 D1 TL = 5. 1 TE = 3. 9 ET = 1. 3 TL = 5. 4 TE = 5. 4 ET = 0. 3 D2 TL = 7. 6 TE = 7. 6 ET = 2. 2 TL = 7. 6 TE = 7. 6 ET = 0 F D3 Legend Critical Path Non Critical Path Legend Critical path Non Critical path System Planning A 0. 4 06/19/12 06/20/12 Library Research A2 0. 3 06/20/12 06/23/12 Interview B1 0. 2 06/25/12 06/27/12 Documentation B2 1. 5 06/28/12 07/10/12 Selection of Research Topic A1 0. 1 06/19/12 06/20/12System Analysis B 2. 1 06/25/12 07/10/12 System Design C 3. 4 07/12/12 08/06/12 Interface Design C1 2 07/12/12 07/26/12 Database Design C2 1. 3 07/27/12 08/06/12 System Implementation D 4. 3 08/07/12 09/17/12 Program Coding D1 3 08/07/12 08/28/12 System Testing D2 0. 3 08/29/12 09/01/12 Activity Name Activity ID Start Finished Duration System Debugging D3 2. 2 09/02/12 09/18/12 LEGEND Non Critical Path Critical Path 1. 1 aver Username & Password Level 1 Log-in Admin 1. 3 Open System Admin 1. 2Security Database Level 2 2. 2 Select Book 2. 4Database 2. 3 Check Book 2. 1 Search AdminL evel 3 OK 3. 3 Validate 3. 2 Save? 3. 1 Add Book Admin Admin 3. 4 Save 3. 5Database Level 4 4. 4 Edit? 4. 2 Validate 4. 5 Update Admin 4. 1 Select 4. 6Database 4. 3Database Admin Admin Level 5 5. 4 Delete? 5. 2 Validate 5. 1 Select 5. 5 Delete 5. 6Database 5. 3Database Admin 1. 2Database Level 1 Log-in 1. 1 Verify Username & Password User User 1. 3 Open System 2. 2 Select Book 2. 1 Search 2. 4Database 2. 3 Open Book Level 2 User Logo Online Library Management System of ADFC eBook Management Library Management List of books Filter Logout 2 1 3 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 3 2 1 4 1 2 3 6 8 5 7
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