Saturday, June 1, 2019

Free College Admissions Essays: Most Influential Event in My Life :: College Admissions Essays

College Admissions Most Influential Event in My Life twenty-sixth of January. Republic Day of India. Bhuj, home to my aunt and the place where I have been spending my holidays for the past 10 years or so. It was 855 in the morning. Everyone was ready for breakfast except me. I was always late on the dining table and often made florists chrysanthemum angry. But that day mom didnt get angry. Wondering why ? Bhuj and neighboring places had bonny witnessed a powerful earthquake that rocked the whole of gujarat. The word earthquake always evoked something-but that something was never akin to terror. On the other hand, it was something right out of a Bollywood potboiler. But......but not this time. I thought the earth had cracked open and was slightly to swallow me. It was the well-nigh horrifying experience of my bread and butter. All of us immediately rushed out of the house. I cut all my neighbours running away. We were not just nervous, we were frightened. I saw some three , four persons dead on the way. We could not see a thing because the air was full of dust. Houses were collapsing, and at one time it was so dark, so dark.........My father described it correctly. He said it was equal a huge plane landing right on your head. First time in my life I was dragged face to face with reality, ironically the only reality of life that is death Isnt it incredible how with a tiny nudge, nature can annihilate a whole town A prospering state like Gujrat was ruthlessly kicked and trampled upon by the same affectionate mother nature that only showered bounty so far. Arent we humans really powerful enough to have complete control on the place we live? Perhaps the answer is NO. When Nature goes beserk we just make way. Mysterious are the ways how nature can Toy with us. Soon enough rumours started to spread about the aftermath of the earthquake. More scary than the tremors were the rumours about them. They told us, the sun will rise tomorrow and the beams will be so strong that everything will burn down. And the tales keep spinning. The suspense, on the quake keeps building like a poltergeist in horror movies...and the people keep waiting when it will finally come and finish everything and they could start re-building again.

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